Ways to get wife hot in the club .

we called it date night. wife would wear a dress and no bra or panties. just knowing was a turn on. Sometimes I would go to the restroom and scoot to another end of the bar or room. just to see if guys would hit on her or ask her to dance. If she danced with them ,i would go back to my seat and watch her. most times she would be out there with the guy for 2 or 3 songs. and more often than not a slow song would come up and the guy would keep her on the dance floor. Some guys would take full advantage of the slow song. hands all over. knee in the crotch and the bolder guys would go for a kiss at the end. some times she would give a peck, sometimes back away, and some rare times she would go all out with tongue. She would let them know she was married after that and say thanks and come back and sit with me. if she dragged the guy back to join us. if everything went good he was probably going to get laid. Aggessive guys never worked out. We enjoyed guys that you could tell really couldn't tell what was going on. When they finally did, they would be so carefull not to fuck up the opportunity.
I remember one night we were out at a dance club. We really didn't plan on any hanky panky. we danced a few dances together and we were standing at the bar and the husband of a couple that had seats at the bar offered my wife his seat. she excepted and the 4 of us started talking about nothing. he and I talked about muscle cars and his wife asked my wife to join her on the dance floor. So as he and I talked we watched them dance. out of no where he asked if my wife was wearing panties ( she had a long dress on) When both ladies danced in front of a ligh you could see through the dress. Not good enough to see if they had panties or not. He said his wife was not wearing any. my wife was wearing panties. Well a few more drinks and some small talk nothing sexual. A slow song comes on and The guy asks my wife to dance. So I asked his and out we went. once again it stayed pretty calm. After the song we went back to the bar. my wife said she was going to the ladies room and would be right back. when she came back he asked if i minded if they danced again and said its up to her and away the went. they sort of got into it and his wife said that her husband thought my wife hot. I said, I can tell. Then she said, did you see what she gave him? I said no? She handed him her panties. he asked her was wearing panties when they danced the first dance. Told her it would be much sexier if she didn't have any on. When we left to go home She told me she gave him her panties. As we drove down the highway I made her pull her dress up so I could see and made her expose her tits. I asked her to stay that way as we past a semi and turned on the inside lights. drove next to the truck for awhile so He got a good look. Ten went home and screwed like crazy
Well... back in the day (70s, 80s, 90s) there used to be a lot of actual dance clubs and around us, there used to be a few "adult" dance clubs. Not that they were "adult" because of swingers or such but because they were know to be more for the older crowd. But it was more in those clubs where we could go and locate someone.
Okay. I was wondering reading all this stuff and I thought the same thing you mentioned …
We all have fantasies about women in the club , wearing a dress no panties or bra . What are somethings you did to get her horny at the club ? Ways to see her spread eagle for you an a friend at the hotel ?
We have been out and after a few drinks I tease her about hot hot and sexy she is and I've dared her to take her panties off right at our table...she has and spread her legs for other guys to see..had a few even dance with her...really hot to watch them put their hands on her bare ass as they raise her skirt .
We all have fantasies about women in the club , wearing a dress no panties or bra . What are somethings you did to get her horny at the club ? Ways to see her spread eagle for you an a friend at the hotel ?
I love the way you think, enjoy anything I see u post, I'm older 62 with a much younger str8 laced 46yo petite redhead. and a new found desire 2c her split wide n deep by a bigger cock that deep seeds her yearning got treasure.,
My wife never wears panties when we go to bars and clubs on holiday. Always encourge her to dance with anyone that asks, and as other have mentioned, it is lump in throat stuff to see how men will try their luck and grope her when dancing. Often they start by 'exploring' her body and confirming what they already thought, that she is without panties or bra. Then some will get braver and cup her tits or cunt (Trump style). We have let the guys take her outside on some warm summers evenings so that more can happen. If she has had a few drinks she will normally let things roll if the lads or men are complimentry and nice with her. The attached pic is a real time when i managed to sneak a few pics while lads were dirty dancing her. They had no idea I was her husband!


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