So, here is a little story, told from the perspective of a lady consultant. It is pretty self explanatory.
'Hi ladies, I am Linda, and I thank you for coming after work to this little seminar. We are having to use your social club, but the management asked me to start these sessions urgently. Apparently, the last employee survey was really bad and there is a problem in your company with male harassment. I am holding these sessions, just for the ladies, on female empowerment and how to rise above the intimidation and banter. The management does not want your male colleagues to know about our sessions, to make sure that they do not react. This is all about you, the ladies, making a difference.
Now, the reason for that is obvious to me. Men are obsessed with their dicks and that causes bad behaviour. You will be familiar with the big brain and little brain analogy. Well, their dick is no brain, but the nerves reach deep into the real brain and when the dick is fired up then it basically takes over the rest of the brain function, like a virus. It starts at a very young age, boys feel the tickle and become slaves to it. They go through the teenage wet dreams, and gradually learn to control it, but it never goes away. The men that annoy you at work will be sitting at home later, masturbating over porn or the memories of what you were wearing at work and whether they saw a peek of bra.
Now.......wait, I am sorry, I thought I saw movement at the window. I am talking quietly because I am sure that we are being watched. When I call for a 5 minute toilet break, can 2 of you come with me out the fire exit, and we will circle around and just check that all is ok.
So, let us have a toilet break. You 2 come with me.'
5 minutes later.
'OK mate, just stay there, I have you on video on my phone and it is obvious that you are peeking at the ladies in their training. Oh dear, what is the world coming to, and you are in a heap of trouble. Once your bosses see this then I do not expect that you will be working here for much longer.
Compromise? Let you go? Oh no, that is not really sufficient for this Peeping Tom behaviour. I think that you need to come inside, to help with the session.'
'So ladies, I believe that this is Jim, one of your colleagues and a guy that loves to make suggestive comments and disappear for long toilet breaks. Jim made an error this evening, and tried to peek at us in here, but he has volunteered to assist us with our session.
Oh dear Jim, you are sat there looking very smug, and we all know that tonight is all about female empowerment. We cannot have you all brave and smug, no, that would not do at all. Tell you what, let us play a little game of pool, there is a table over there. Except, you are going to lie on the table, and we are going to use the curtain tiebacks to tie your wrists and ankles to the corner pockets. No, don't think of answering back, I have the video and your agreement to accept my punishment rather than a sacking in the morning.
So, ladies, do we like Jim tied up like this? No, oh, he still looks comfy, well let us fix that. Sorry Jim, you made us do this, now off with his clothes girls.
There, naked Jim looks far more compliant. So, ladies, let us continue with our session, and we now have a model to help us. So, instead of focusing on the work, perhaps I can teach you some lessons to test on your husbands and boyfriends.
With my pen, I am lifting up the offending article. As you can see, Jim is a natural boy with an uncut penis. A rather small one, but you cannot have everything. Here, I am pointing at the shaft, it is mildly sensitive. The head here, often called a helmet or bell end, is covered with a small section of skin called a foreskin. As usual, the skin is quite tight, but it protects the bell end, which stays very sensitive as a result.
Actually ladies, just wait, I wonder if there is anything in the cleaning cupboard that I can use, as I really don't want to touch that dirty thing. Will just be a minute...
....isn't it amazing what you can find. So,with a latex glove on I can lift the penis and show you how the foreskin works. Hush now Jim, or I will have you gagged. Now, slowly pulling back the skin makes it look so red and thin, but it is so tight. However, if I have a firm grip and pull like this. Oh Jim, did you really go ow like a baby? Shame on you. So, ladies, his skin is right back and we can see the whole bell end.
Now, pass me those other cleaning gloves, the ones that are like exfoliating ones. They are a bit scratchy Jim, but I need them for a sensitivity test. So, I rub the shaft like this, and Jim is not really complaining, but drag a finger across the bell end and, oh dear, they will have heard that scream in town. I think that we had better gag the poor dear, he has such a low pain threshold.
So ladies, this is an important point, pleasure and pain are both valuable tools when dealing with a man. So now we have a different lesson. Please, each put on one latex glove and one scratchy one, form a circle around Jim. We can ask him simple yes/no questions so he can nod or shake his head as an answer. A correct answer gets a latex stroke, and a false answer gets a bell end caress with a scratchy glove. Right, ask away ladies.'
'Jim, are you a wanker?' Head shake, 'do we believe him? Scratchy, it is'
'Jim, do you wank in the bathroom at work?' He nods 'yes, of course he does, stroke his cock, and look how it grows'
'OK, that was fun, we have done a complete circuit and after 15 questions, Jim's cock has grown, reduced, grown and reduced a few times. This is another lesson, keep a man guessing, the uncertainty scares them and makes them weak. Also, we have been doing something called edging, because Jim really wants to ejaculate, and we are getting him near and them denying him. In real life you should do this over a long period and their balls will go a bit blue. After that you can let them be, any ejaculation will feel like fire in their balls and cock. It is a good punishment technique, but there are others.
Well Jim, we are nearly out of time, and have been unfair. I am going to untie your right hand, here let me go to his right side, and we will watch you wank. We want to see how you do it, so do it well and we will enjoy your embarassment of being forced to do such a private thing for all your female colleagues. There, your hand is free, and look how eagerly he sets to it. Notice that the first thing he did was to put the foreskin back over the end, and that it is little movement of the skin that is stimulating him. Watch his eyes, they will tell you when he is near, and watch the tube under his cock which will expand when he starts to cum.
See, he is very close, the breathing is shallow and he is going to pump.....
And there, I have pulled his hand away. There was a minor escape of fluid on to his chest, and he is whimpering. That is a ruined orgasm, made better because he honestly believed that he was going to have a full orgasm. His body is now in turmoil, he think he came, but his balls are full, his cock is going limp and he will be stressed and crazy. This state will last for hours, until he can cum properly, so this is the second punishment for a man that I will teach you tonight. Tie his hand down again, there, all safe now Jim.
Now, one of you grab that spray from the cleaning box. It says it kills 99.9% of germs, so spray it over the liquid that came out of Jim. Like all human fluid expelled from the body, it is useless waste, so we treat it like a germ and ...... the bugs. There, all gone Jim, semen genocide in action.
Now, for the third punishment, put on the latex gloves, get some of that moisturiser from my bag, it is watery based and far too good for Jim. However, put a drop on the palm of my hand. Now, Jim's cock is very, very sensitive right now and we should really let it rest. But we do not, first I pull back the skin, doing it fast and carelessly. Palm of my hand over the ******** hole and small circles. Slowly, at first, and then faster. The moisturiser starts to warm and evaporate and watch Jim's eyes. Oh dear, are you crying dear? Who else wants to try this? It is called post orgasm ......, guys hate it. Who really hates Jim? No need for the moisturiser with you then, just grind away at the end. Well done, his body is so confused that it is getting hard again. Well, you can stop. I am going to try harsh wanking him now, see if we can make him cum again. Lube on my right hand this time, tight grip on the shaft, see how I use a reverse grip and am literally pulling the bell end off the shaft. He likes it but it is agony, his brain is mush by now, but if I keep going.....
....well done Jim, you came into my left hand. I have your precious sperm, but nowhere to put it. Open your mouth, do it, there all dripped in. Swallow, good boy.
Now, time is nearly up, the security guy said he would be round at 8, and it is 5 to. So, we are leaving now Jim. I will untie one hand, ah, you are right handed, so let us untie the left one. You have 5 minutes to untie yourself, get dressed and get out before security catches you.
Thanks ladies, so let us walk to the gate and see if Jim makes it out. Remember the punishments for a man, Jim will, he will not be able to wank for a week at least. Practice on your husbands, girl power rules.