^^^^ Very HOT !!
It seems that these days, more and more ladies are taking advantage of the freedom to have 2 guys at once. Or have a boyfriend "on the side." And why NOT??? It's not as socially scandalous as before - not that ladies are advertising / broadcasting their sexual exploits. But if they are "found out", the social fallout is not as severe compared to years past. I might be wrong, but I think that today more women are jealous of the ladies who DO have boyfriends on the side and / or have threesomes. Even if they don't admit it.
Men have been doing the "sexual wild things" for centuries with little scandalous labelling attached to them. Why should ladies be socially torn down and labelled with a demeaning name for enjoying the same sexual things men have been for so long??? Women get paid about 60 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men. Those are just 2 areas where the ladies get F-ed over. It's NOT RIGHT !!!