Try to stop the fantasies or just let it happen?


So I’ve been with my gf for 3ish years now. I only heard about cuckolding through a tv programme.
Ever since I’ve become obsessed, I’m not sure how I’d feel if I went through with it, I haven’t even told her so of course she might not be down.
She has admitted to wanting an MMF when she was drunk recently, though.
I guess that could be a good place to start.
She is genuinely gorgeous and I’d hate to ruin what we have but wow… Even writing this out gets me thinking bad things haha.
I’m M 24 she’s 26
UK based
So I’ve been with my gf for 3ish years now. I only heard about cuckolding through a tv programme.
Ever since I’ve become obsessed, I’m not sure how I’d feel if I went through with it, I haven’t even told her so of course she might not be down.
She has admitted to wanting an MMF when she was drunk recently, though.
I guess that could be a good place to start.
She is genuinely gorgeous and I’d hate to ruin what we have but wow… Even writing this out gets me thinking bad things haha.
I’m M 24 she’s 26
UK based
Cool post !!!
Take your time don’t be in a rush. Your still young and women open up as they age.

Unless she is talking about all the time i would not say a thing. If she jokes about whole not being drunk you can move forwards.

One thing you could do is a sex questionaire like The great thing about this test is reveals what you both like. It should reveal a lot more then if she wants to be just a hot wife.

Keep in mind for this to work tou can’t just spring it on her. You need her in the correct mood and she needs to be serious about taking it. If not it she may treat is a joke.
You should ease in to this by attending a lifesyle club or party where she will be noticed and approached. There's never any obligation to play at these places and no means no. You should sit back and watch guys flirt with her and watch her flirt back. Watch her touch them slightly, hug, dance and perhaps kiss or even "make out" a bit. Slowly. These situations will tell you if you should continue or not. You WILL become jealous but how you channel that jealousy is the key. How she feels after such an evening will also be key.
You should ease in to this by attending a lifesyle club or party where she will be noticed and approached. There's never any obligation to play at these places and no means no. You should sit back and watch guys flirt with her and watch her flirt back. Watch her touch them slightly, hug, dance and perhaps kiss or even "make out" a bit. Slowly. These situations will tell you if you should continue or not. You WILL become jealous but how you channel that jealousy is the key. How she feels after such an evening will also be key.
Jealousy can be an incredible turn on if channeled the right way.
This worked for us.
I was what would call a very vanilla wife, and my hubby was a bit more curious so when he brought this HW thing up I wasn't too surprised but not ready to go that far.
We found this HotWivesWantToPlay forum here and someone on here recommended a book that got things going. The book is called The Faithful Hotwife and is an easy way to tip your toe into the HW lifestyle to see if your fantasies run in that direction.
The book gives all the sociological reasons people fantasize about sharing their wives, but it also gives hotwife challenges to perform which makes this journey of exploration more of a fun kinky game.
I liked it because there was no pressure for me to cheat on my hubby, but the challenges led us into some fun hotwife and cuckold situations.
Anyway we're loving it and hope it works for you too.