Getting mad when I try to get my girl to cuckold me need help rekindling the fantasy or should I not ?

Well it sucks always thought I was gonna keep it a secret and never tell her but she brought it up now is all I think about
Porn and sexual fantasy is just like any other drug. It can be habit forming and destructive. There are many examples on this site. If you can't face REALITY and NORMALCY when such is required, then you have a problem. Sexual addictions whether real, imagined or lived via porn can and often do destroy relationships. If you get nothing else out of this then hopefully you've learned this. Your situation is a bit different, but you know you clearly need to change your approach, but you don't seem able. If this doesn't describe you, then I've mistaken the situation. Best of luck.
Porn and sexual fantasy is just like any other drug. It can be habit forming and destructive. There are many examples on this site. If you can't face REALITY and NORMALCY when such is required, then you have a problem. Sexual addictions whether real, imagined or lived via porn can and often do destroy relationships. If you get nothing else out of this then hopefully you've learned this. Your situation is a bit different, but you know you clearly need to change your approach, but you don't seem able. If this doesn't describe you, then I've mistaken the situation. Best of luck.
Your saying I should act normal with her ?
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Just read through this thread and you won’t like what I have to say.

I think Hwcouple702 has given you lots of great advice but you don't seem receptive to any of this. You also don't seem to respect your gf a lot - I mean this senctence (which has also been quoted by another person in this thread) says a lot about the way you see her: ” but after all that cuckold stuff she tried refusing my order to take out the trash”.

”Your order”? Seriously? That doesn’t sound like a good or equal relationship to me.

When she asked for you to put the porn on, I get the feeling that she was just trying to be nice to you and her behaviour afterwards could be interpreted as her trying to play the role as the hotwife in a cuckold relationship/FLR - you clearly wasn’t on board with that, so maybe you’re not a cuckold in the end but belong more to the stag/vixen lifestyle..?

Also your comments on how you you could just break up with her (and by the sound of it, it doesn’t seem to matter that much to you if you have to) and easily can get another girlfriend speaks volumes about how you view yourself and her and the (im-)balance of the relationship. I usually never suggest someone breaking up but in this case I think it would be for the better, especially for your gf who should find a guy who loves and respect her. You don’t seem to do that but the good news is (according to you) that you can easily replace her.
I think I will give all this cuckold stuff a rest I see your points now and HWCouple’s they were trying to tell me to stop because it will only lead to the destruction and badness in the long run, like I said before I never had any intentions of telling her but things got out of hand when she started trying to play that role for me I think she just wanted to please me, I thought I was cuckold but I can’t handle the extreme anger I feel when I actually see her lusting/liking other men and now thinking about it is making me mad how she actually let me see her get turned on by the men in the porn or more specifically black men.

Luckily things are a bit better now in the present I think she is slowly starting to forget and while we have sex I’ll even make sure to reinforce positive ideas for our relationship like now when I call her a white slut she’ll start saying stuff like only for you daddy and I’ll tell her stuff like I will never let another man fuck you and this is the only dick that will ever tame your pussy stuff like that. I admit I still am turned on at the cuckold stuff but her respect for me is more important. Y’all are right that the relationship is imbalanced but thats the only way they’ll last is if the man has all the power skewered to his side. I guess as I write this I realized why I was getting so angry even though I was getting so turned on it’s because I could feel her respect and love for me go away as I pushed her to watch other men naked. She is a very good girl always cleans cooks and buys me stuff and I admit I feel bad for being this way but it’s my way of loving to ensure that she never loses her ‘spark’ or ‘chemistry’ with me. I’ll try not being so rude and showing her some compassion to her Thanks y’all for the help
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It's def dangerous to do this stuff with a "girlfriend". No reason for a gf to stick around and she may want what she describes as a "real man". It's just odd, this whole cuckold thing, and it's a very easy way to lose a partner and to have a partner lose respect for you. You should have started way less direct and worked up to that later. As it is, she's going to eventually find black men for her sexual pleasure and you've told her you're in to that, just by your behavior. Not sure how you put this genie back in the bottle.
Well said my friends... well said!👏
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