Threesome porn suggestions


So my girlfriend just bluntly said the other day, that if we weren't having any she would try out a MFM threesome.
This triggered my inner cuck to proceed further with this fantasy: I would like to watch porn with her.

The problem is that she don't like the hard stuff.
She likes classy, elegant productions.

Where it gets really challenging, that it would be nice if there could be some interracial aspect of it - for my benefit.
I used to show her my porn gifs I was masturbating to - to no surprise it was overwhelmingly BBC oriented.
Well this just worsened over the years, but she wasn't really into the black and big aspect of it. Well, I am not sure, so it is time to test the waters again.

I was thinking, and the perfect porn would be some classy MFM with a white girl, a white boy (preferable not her boyfriend) and a black man. Would be nice to visually see the stamina and size differences - while both of them fucking her, the BBC giving her way better satisfaction.
Can be a bit rough, but no 10min long gagging in some BBC. She is not there yet.
If you only have MFM with two black guys but it is still classy I can live with it.

Help the cause. Thanks
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Do you communicate with her about each others sexual desires/what you both like and don't like? We have always done so long before we started to play and I think it helps a lot. Get her talking first. It may or may not lead to MFM but at minimum it will lead to communication about your current sex.
We do communicate a lot, that is not the problem.
Also, she explicitly expressed her interest of having sex with others already, I was the one who got cold feet. See my previous post I am coward.

Now with her latest remarks I would like to warm this topic up a bit.
She is generally open to watch porn, but it feels artificial for her, so that is why I am looking for suggestions.
The IR aspect is all me, but she knows me in and my interest.
I see. There are ways of testing things without crossing the line. For instance we used a dildo instead of another man until it became appropriate. If you are uncomfortable then this may be best you can do, at least for now. If things change maybe go out together but you wander off for a bit and see if men her approach her. See how you both feel about that happening. Talk abut it after. If both are comfortable or does it not feel right. You can move slowly. You could also give her permission to have sex without you there at first and then join after. Only you know your comfort level.
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Thanks, but I am not 100% sure where the assumption that we don't communicate is coming from.
We do. She asked me to look for less intense porn material, this is what I am doing.

Regarding the BBC part of it it is just who I am, and she knows it. It's only porn, while we were discussion more serious topic like relationship, commitment and sexuality.
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