Thoughts on wife being impregnated by another man

When me and my wife first got together she was seeing someone else, she continued to see him even after we got engaged. Shortly after that she got pregnant by him. This was a long time before we opened up our relationship. I knew she was seeing him, but she didn’t know I knew. I never said anything because even then it turned me on. She had several affairs in the first few years of our marriage right upto the point she got pregnant by me. After that she stopped and I never mentioned it.
When we first started talking about opening up our relationship she admitted her past, and I admit that I knew about most of them. I’ve never loved our oldest any less and she is mine. She’s an incredible young woman and I’m so proud to be her dad.
I sometimes here about pregnancy risks etc in the lifestyle and it's like a bad over the top fantasy. But this is a proper loving relationship with not just a "cuck" but a man who really loves his wife and will make her happy and step up to the plate in a time like getting pregnant etc. Well done sir
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