this is what my wife wore to a club when on holiday

I’d also like to know how your evening went did she get a lot of attention? I’ve had a fantasy for awhile my gf and I go out to a bar her dress is button up the front type she is wearing a push up bra and stockings underneath nothing else. The top buttons are undone enough to create a nice cleavage the bottom ones are undone to mid thigh. We get the bar and sit at a small high table with high stools her stocking tops just visible as she sits and dress splits. There a group of middle age guys 4 or 5 standing around the next table having a few drinks. They all look professional wearing suits. I notice that my gf is getting a few glances from the group and mention it to her. She doesn’t believe me so to up the ante I reach over and unbutton another button on her dress exposing more stocking top. The glances increase and now she believes me. I go to the bar to get us another round and a guy from the group comes up beside me and offers to buy our drinks. I accept and ask if they want to join us. I go back with our drinks and tell my gf what I. Have done and before she can stop me I’ve undone another button now there is a glimpse skin above stocking top. They come over and there is 5 of them. Introductions Are made and we start chatting but it doesn’t take long till two of them are trying to keep me busy talking to them and the other 3 have surrounded my gf I know what’s happening but rather than getting jealous I’m getting hard. Although they are trying to block my view I can see two of them with a hand each on eith thigh rubbing and talking to her. She looks at me with a question in her eyes so I give her a wink and.nod my head. There hands are going higher about to find out what she isn’t wearing. I tell guys talking to me they are missing the fun and we should join the party. I remove my stool out of the way then move in on my gf I tell her she might be more comfortable standing and remove her stool the guys feeling her up are a bit put out but I tell my gf these guys have been very generous and believe she owes them all a kiss if they want one. They were all keen so I suggested she start with the guy next to me and work her way around back to me. She starts kissing him and I see her hands go straight to her arse and massaging it which I know gets her hot also he would have worked out her lack of underwear.. as she works her way around they all give her a long lingering kiss while rubbing her arse through the dress when she gets back to me I undo more buttons so she is now bare up to her waist and her pussy is on full display I reach down and rub my finger over her pussy and clit which is soaking wet then move her onto the next guy. We have a semi circle around so other patrons can’t see too much of what is happening. The guys are getting bolder now some pushing there fingers right up inside and giving her a good frigging. By the time she gets back to me she isn’t far off cumming and her face is very flushed. I motion for the guy next to me to get his cock out and instead of her kissing him she has to suck his cock while she is bent over doing that I lift her dress up onto her back and tell the next guy to slide his cock in from behind while I hold the dress out of the way. We close in tighter so it’s not too obvious and he starts pumping into her hard while she sucks the other guy. The guy fucking her cums filling her up with his juice and the other guy follows suit which she has to swallow considering where we are. The next two have got the idea and take there place. Before long she has another load in each hole. She comes back to me and I get her to suck me so the last one can fuck her. I know she has had multiple orgasms from the way her body has been twitching too. We all tidy up and I lead her out of the bar with cum running down her thighs.