1) guys who call themselves bulls, usually don’t have a clue about a couple’s dynamic, they just want to get laid.
2) finding actual quality guys who will do what they say, understand the couple dynamic, and actually stick around for long term play, is harder to do then actually taking the step to get into this lifestyle.
What things have surprised you the most?
In regards to number 1 - add to 'bulls', 'dom', and 'alpha'. Just our experience. As far as having a clue - many (most?) don't care about the couple, just want to get laid. #2 - it is hard to find a suitable regular. My wife prefers to 'get to know, and be comfortable' with a potential play partner. As she puts it - "he has to know how to play the game". If he does, she will fuck him silly. (many times) If not, well....
And for us, If I want fun to happen, I really need to read her clues, cause if she ain't into him, it ain't gonna happen.
Combined, this makes it a bit hard to find males. But, when it does happen. Fun.