I think according to Hoyle the official answer is too big for the attic yet small enough to go in the garage....
Wifey, as it seems every girl on the planet has had, well... backing up on that the largest were both 9. Both were very thick. Of course going on down the scale probably ticking a box on most of those.
The first 9, the guy was as big as a ball player. Maybe 6ft 4. He lived in a sea of condos and we were about to give up as we had looked for a parking spot for almost an hour. Finally found one, called his phone and he buzzed us in. Really nice guy, well spoken, well dressed. This was maybe 8 years ago when we still tended to have a "normal" conversation for maybe 15-20 minutes. Turns out he actually did at least a couple of porn flicks. I forget the titles something like "My friend's hot mom" but there's at least a couple of studios with series with similar titles. I think he said he'd done two. Probably just because he could and to pick up some extra cash. He wasn't too long out of college at that time, I think an engineer. I don't remember him being more specific and you don't really care about that. We met him on CL I think he responded to our ad
Here's what surprised me and it seemed counterintuitive, bear in mind while I'm not always a judge this guy looks like a catalog model. You can't help but wonder and I asked him something like (checking off all the positives) "well, you must get a lot of play" and I forget how he put it exactly but he said that no, he really didn't that we'd be surprised how difficult it was .
The only explanation I can offer is we're in Texas, and while we do have sex, ...... and rock&roll you never know what twists it can take until you're knee deep in it. I've learned a lot about extremely attractive people of both sexes. While we feel like we've been maybe way out of our league a few times no one has ever made us feel unwelcome in the slightest. Yes, that should be a good thing it just that it can fuck with your world view.
But to the brass tacks then it turned out she said iyt was a bit uncomfortable it worked out though, he wen't easy and she had a blast.
We did some switching ends, spitroasting. He sort of insisted I join in, I think he felt I might feel left out but I will step back to let "whatever" run it's due course. I get her all the time, sometimes when I'm worn slap out and this stuff isn't about me and I do enjoy her having fun. People seem to be surprised at that. We stayed mabe three hours but not that long doing the nasty.
Now the other really hung guy was actually (and I hope you don't take this wrong if you see it but you did say) a sort of short, toad -looking guy. I wouldn't exactly confirm that but he was a bit self conscious/ But the first thing he asked when we got out of the car was "We're good, right, everything's OK?"(several times, really) Super nice guy.
I was sort of tired out for some reason so when they got started I was leaning back with my eyes shut and listening ... everyone's likely heard the cliche' about "she made sounds I'd never heard her make before." Well there you go, guess that's not BS after all.. LOL They fucked literally for about three hours straight other than short breaks, bathroom, water, he had some bud, Wifey and I were spun.
The whole time he's trying to get me involved and I'm trying to explain that yes, I really am having fun listening. I really can't add anything to all those that have said it before other than to repeat that this really is "a thing" and it's both interesting and surreal to find yourself witnessing something you thought was exaggeration at best.
More personal when it's your wife, but it could have been anyone else, really and I think I'd have been equally transfixed. I'm getting flashbacks even now, LOL.
I'd forgotten we'd discussed some bi stuff, me being distracted but with them both nagging me to get in there I gave in which in this case meant me laying on my back hard as can be but still tired. (I swear I'm not a stick in the mud,LOL when I join in, I go whole hog. It just shook out that way. I don't overthink these things as a negative but I can get distracted maybe better descries as reveling in the moment.
Anyway, Wifey's impaled herself riding on top of him cowgirl style bends over and goes to sucking my cock. I'd already made apologies for "being so worn out but OK, if y'all are fine with it then I; just lay here and be selfish 'cause Im just not worth a damn for some reason right now"
These days I can have a hard time getting there, even with being especially turned on I can get stuck at it ain't happening and I've had a hard time getting off when I'm getting head, some of that was finfing out how much fun the lemon squeezer is if you can learn to kick back, relax and just go with it. But the same GF I got that going with years ago would also gag like I was spraying battery acid if I should cum in her mouth, so I'm sort of warped in that when I want to cum from head I have to fight that mental block, that and being spun, I have a trifecta going I'm thinking it'll be as usual. No big deal It's a lot of fun getting it later.
Wifey goes at it a little bit then he says something like "my turn" takes my cock and does "slurp, slurp slurp.... and holy ......, I'm about to blast. This would have been disturbing at all and maybe with the planets lined up I would have considered it great.... but I did point out that I' m a bit warped that way, hack hack, battery acid and all. Women have been able to make it happen for me just not that quick and with assurances they they really do like it. But the only one that could do it that qirl I dated years ago that really loved to suck (actually heard an interesting story about her later). Both of these times I'm caught way off guard. With her it was I didn't know it could be that good not that fast and it was all I could do to hold off because it's not fun to have your date run away screaming (I said warped, later that night I mentioned it and she said, "Oh, you should have . That's what I wanted") But with the guy it was especially mind bending given my history, which in these situations I can rehash mentally I guess all at once. there's more to it, deeper. Not bad, just unusual. But again, I may have slain you with a wall of text. But I really, really love sex and it's my fault (and delight) that Wifey's insatiable, so don't think I'm looking to cry on anyone's shoulder, LOL
But if you managed to read this far and to stay awake then you should know that trher's no way I could ever look at someone else with a judgemental eye or malice (I save that for mean people)
But I might get turned on.....