I have never been intimate with a man.
In recent years my wife has significantly limited me enjoying intercourse with her. I usually kneel between her legs and masturbate until I ejaculate onto her stomach and breasts. She allows me a moment to recover then insists that I lick all of my cum off her body. If I miss any she quickly bring where it is to my attention. Initially I was resistant to cleaning her body and she then kept me in denial until I finally agreed.
Been doing it so often that now I have actually acquired a tase for my cum and fantasize as to another man's might taste like. She has insisted a few times that I suck her cunt clean if I came inside of her. Says she enjoys seeing me eating my own cum, as it makes up for the numerous blow jobs I "demanded" of her when we dated for over 4 years. Says, I have a long way to catch up on the volume she swallowed. After we were married she never would suck me to completion again, no matter how often I suggested, begged, pleaded, as that practiced ended for her at the alter.