Superrior baby

Wife is 12 weeks pregnant, and we haven’t had sex in over a year. She’s been with 14 different black men since we stopped having sex. The night we guess that she conceived, she had was in a gangbang with 3 other black men… we are in a bit of a crazy situation right now! We are super excited to have the baby, but don’t want anyone to be upset that it’s not theirs. Her tits are getting huge! I’m so glad she is having a mixed baby, she is definitely built to raise strong black children.


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I have to ask, it doesn't appear that you are normally overweight and yet at roughly 8 weeks you look like you are halfway through your second trimester which would put you at about 18 weeks. Are you sure about that date, and if not are you sure who the father is?
Does seem to be a tad past 1 month..........J (the wife)
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