So who else knows you're a cuckold?

My wife's ...... from her first marriage has known for some time. She happened to meet her ...... and her bull in a completely different city as lovers. My wife then told her everything. She has a boyfriend herself, but I know from the past that sometimes there were several at the same time. So I don't like the fact that my wife has taken her ...... twice to meet her bull lately. Last time, she even lent her ...... a vinyl coat to go to the cinema with the Bull. My wife also wore a vinyl raincoat. This is exactly what the Bull likes to see women wear. I also know that her ...... is attracted to men who could be her father. Something's going on that's not really good.
several of my wife's friends know, including one friend she promised me she would never tell. They know about the cuckolding, but turns out they also knew she was cheating with this one man trying to get pregnant from him behind my back. It was hard humiliation and it's tough to face these women knowing they understand what a total wimp I am having to almost face raising another man's baby. It's a walk of shame I can never escape.
Our ...... knows and probably my MIL, both by mistake. My best friend is aware having laid between my wifes legs in a threesome years since.

We have never knowing told anyone else.
A childhood friend of my wife is always running around on her husband, getting caught, and her marriage is in constant turmoil. One time she was asking my wife how she should handle getting caught fucking another man - yet again. After giving her some advice, she told her of our 'lifestyle', embellishing it a bit, lol. She told her friend that I didn't involve myself, would just accompany her, or drive her to meet ups with men and would just watch and video the fun. She even shared a couple videos I had taken as "proof". lol. So, she knows.
Upon further conversation with my wife, she said she told her sister in law. Got no idea who she's confided in. lol.
Starting to get a few for me!

- My ex
- my ex MIL
- current wife
- current MIL (shes an absolute gossip so i dont doubt 5 other family members know)
- my Grandmother
- my Grandmother's wife
- one of my grandmothers close friends
- 2 of my wife's work friends
- all the guys both current and ex wife fucked and so on
My closest male friend, and his wife know about our lifestyle, because I told them about it, and we often chat on the topic.

Two of my sisters-in-law know; in one case, we 'caught one another' in the act of cheating, we fucked (her idea), and I disclosed it to her, in the other case I used it as part of seducing her.

I have two long-term affair partners, both of whom know of my situation, again because I disclosed the details.

My wife's best female friend knows all the details as well.