Oh wow! Does she like entertaining people? I’d love to hire her as entertainment for a poker night. Maybe she can serve drinks in a thong and let the boys feel her up
That would be so excitedly awesome!! I have told this story before but I couldn’t remember exactly everything that happened, but I do now! When we first started talking to each other, her and her BFF were invited to attend a bachelor party of a guy friend of theirs being held in a large suite with an adjoining room to go and hang out. She told her about it and I remember at the time thinking it was kinda weird to not only getting invited, but that her and her girlfriend were going to go. They had hired a couple of girls to be topless while serving drinks to all the guys as they played poker and what not. However only one girl ended up showing up. I can’t recall but I think they also hired a professional dancer for later on. But I remember her telling me that the topless girl was free to do whatever she wanted. As the early part of the night went on, Robin had ended up drinking and doing shots and before long was feeling no pain. Now when she gets like that, she gets very friendly, uninhibited and loves to attract attention! My understanding is that she started going around the table to each guy and would sit on their laps for a little bit. Then it was decided that whichever guy won the hand each round, she would sit on the winner and give him a bump and grind lap dance. Now the important part here is that she could give a lap dance better than any professional ever could!! She never failed to make a guy get a hard on, and in most cases, would make them cum in their pants!!! I can’t even begin to tell you how many endless times I’ve won a bet because of her!! She started making some big tips and the more she drank, the more wild she got! She was easily convinced by the lure of money and even more by the satisfaction she was getting from the guys that she started flashing her tits to the winner too!! She had basically worked the whole room into a sexual frenzy all on her own while her girlfriend continued to give her drinks and to talk her into doing this, or that!! Her BF Carrie was always a really bad influence on her, or depending on how you look at it, a really good influence!! The other girl was already taking her game to another level and was giving guys on the couch blowjobs!! Naturally they were all trying their absolute best to convince Robin to do the same, but she refused. When it was finally time, a chair was brought out for the groom to sit in and everyone gathered round. Because he knew Robin and had always wanted her, he requested and pleaded for her to give him a lap dance, making a plea to her that this was his last chance before he was married. She was doing her best at standing her ground. She also had the pressure from her girlfriend and the best man, another guy she knew. He kept offering her more and more money and she eventually agreed to give him a lap dance while only being topless. She had a cassette tape of her favorite music to dance to. When they started playing the music, she opened the door from the adjoining room and walked into the main room very slowly and sexy! The room went crazy as most of them, if not all of them, didn’t know she was still there and that she was going to dance!! She was fully dressed and walked around the chair in a sexy manner and began moving her hips sensually in a back and forth movement. When she was standing in front of the groom, she slowly turned away with her back to him and then slowly bent forward with her perfect heart shaped ass right in front of him! If I remember correctly, his hands had been tied behind him so he wasn’t able to reach out and grab it. She slowly, giving the guys a great view of her cleavage while she did it, began raising up until she was standing upright and facing all the guys. She started slowly unbuttoning her black laced top until her black laced bra became visible. She was really into teasing them as she would act like she was going to show more, or do more, before she stopped. She turned and faced the groom and was doing the same thing to him only this time she moved closer and dropped her top and started undoing her bra!! As her bra straps released, the guys went crazy again! She still held her bra and her hands up to cover her tits at first, I think it was just a natural reflex thing. Next she straddled his lap with her legs on the outside of each his legs. Now she was up nice and close and feeling like was out of view from the others, she pulled her bra open directly in his face! Robin has extremely sensitive nipples, especially her right nipple! She can actually cum just from playing with her right nipple alone!! When she revealed her tits to him, he did the natural thing and leaned slightly forward and started sucking on her right nipple! She was caught totally off guard and she felt this jolt go immediately from her nipple straight to her pussy, and then directly to her head!! It felt so good and happened so fast, she didn’t have time to process the information! All she knew was that she was instantly wet and very horny!! Once she regained her composure, she quickly pulled back to get her nipple out of his mouth, all she knew was she had to keep his mouth away from her nipple! Without giving it any thought whatsoever, she raised up and off his lap and decided to give him the kind of dance she knows she’s best at. Once standing, she turns around, and she about jumped out of her skin when suddenly and loudly, all the guys are hooting and hollering!! She looks at them, with a deer in the headlights look, and that’s when she realized that jolt she got was so powerful, she hadn’t noticed that her top and bra were both missing and that she’s now topless in front of the entire room full of guys!! Although she had already taken her top off earlier at the poker table, she didn’t feel as comfortable knowing every single guy at the party was now looking solely at her, and that a lot more guys had showed up since then. Well every guy with the exception of 2 or 3 that were getting a blowjob from the original girl anyway. After a shot or two that quickly appeared in front of her, most likely from her girlfriend, Carrie, she had to make a quick decision, and not being able to simply ignore how wet and excited she already was, and the more turned on she was getting as she too found herself feeding off the intense and overwhelming sexual energy that filled the room!! The unmistakable feeling of being wanted and desired so badly, it made her feel so sexy and so powerful, but in her current state, she is extremely vulnerable and is easily swayed, usually with very little, to no resistance at all, to suggestions, ideas, actions and dares!! This is just part of her everyday natural characteristic, but especially under these kind of conditions, she also enjoys being the center of attention and does her very best to make everyone happy!!! Anyway she slams down the shots and without missing a beat, she shakes her tits to the room receiving the typical applause and comments. She then backs up to him and sits in his lap and starts to bump and grind on him. She’s halfway through her music and she can feel his cock getting hard, so she says she needs a little break. Stops the music and goes into the adjoining room with her friend Carrie. She needed to ******** and then her and Carrie drank some more. There’s a knock on the front door of the adjoining room. Perplexed as to who it could possibly be, they open it and it’s the best man. He comes into the room with a wad of cash and waves it in front of them, well mostly at Robin, but also at Carrie knowing she can pretty much talk Robin into anything! He tells them that the guys don’t really like the original girl and that they would much rather pay extra to Robin for her to dance. I don’t remember how much he had in his hand but it was a lot, and that didn’t include any and all the tip money she could make and it’s all hers to keep. Even in her present condition, she made it clear that she wasn’t going to give anyone a blowjob!! He told her she didn’t have to do anything she didn’t want to do. She would be expected to dance and end up nude, at the very least, but that anything else was completely up to her and if thought the price was right. Carrie, of course, is giving her shot after shot during the talk. Personally I’ve always thought that Carrie was in on the whole thing from the beginning.. He leaves and says he’ll be back in ??? amount of time. Carrie is now doing her very best to talk Robin to do it!! Robin was struggling financially and could definitely use the money. Carrie kept reminding her that she would only have to get naked at the very end, and that all she had to do was what she had already been doing, just in sexier clothes, but clothes she’s already worn out at the clubs! I don’t remember the exact reason she had that other outfit with her that particular night. I don’t remember if I had possibly mentioned to her that she should take it, just in case! Lol! I do remember her calling me that night while she was at the party. I remember her asking me about, what did I think about something, and I remember what ever it was that she should go for it and have fun! I mean we had just recently met and were just talking on the phone, and I had already made up my mind that she was definitely a slut so I didn’t give a fuck what she did, my only hope was to hear about it the next day!! Lol!! I remember like it was yesterday, when she told me about her and her girlfriend going to a bachelor party... I remember thinking that the ONLY reason she would even consider going, is because she’s part of the entertainment!! Anyway she decided, or maybe I helped talk her into it, idk, but she changed into one of her sexiest and sluttiest outfits! I loved her when she wore that!! I remember this time she went to the suites main door and after knocking, she entered the room after a big introduction of some kind. I’m trying to remember if maybe she had a wig on or maybe a mask, but I really want to say it was a wig!! I don’t remember all the details or the order in which they happened, but I’ll finish this up soon.