Great idea for a novice hotwife who craves the good sex with a better / different fucker but doesn't necessarily want to show her face / remember his 😉
I'm thinking of suggesting that to my wife should we reach a point where that aspects fits the discussion
Great idea for a novice hotwife who craves the good sex with a better / different fucker but doesn't necessarily want to show her face / remember his 😉
I'm thinking of suggesting that to my wife should we reach a point where that aspects fits the discussion
It really worked for us. Sometimes she asked to have the mask removed, sometimes she asked to keep it on when I was about to remove it, sensations were definitely heightened for her. Sometimes she had earphones in playing sexy music so everything was a surprise. One time it had a command track that I typed and fed into a simulated voice, so I could do the real world arranging etc. while a guest enacted his own elaborate fantasy with her, one that fit with her kinks.
There's some true hot women in this thread. I'm afraid I'm starting a little more conservative here. But I love the hint of nipple and the grippable hips