"Ladies as a Hotwife how do you handle rejection from men?
Men who promise you all and the chats go good and then the meet, the sex is amazing and after he is done he just slowly disappears never to be heard from again?
Men how do you build up your Wife’s confidence once something like this has happened>
Please note I am talking about personal experience and my wife has Major Self-conscious Body issues"
That's not a bad situation. They both get laid and he goes away. Perfect. If he was particularly great then she may want to see him a bit more regularly, but one and done is probably the norm. That's way better than a guy who gets clingy or weird. Chalk it up to either a good or great sexual experience or sometimes even a not very satisfying sexual experience. However you do it, if "rejection" is an issue, the hotwife lifestyle def isn't for you.
If she has "body issues" then fucking other men is not going to make those issues disappear. She MUST begin working on fixing her issues through an appropriate fitness, diet or mental health program. It takes tons of work but that's how those issues are fixed. Starting with small steps and continuing relentlessly until she has the body and mindset that no longer gives her "issures". There are all types of bodies in the lifestyle and everybody finds somebody they enjoy playing with. Many times body confidence issues are found among even those most would consider to be the ideal body.
Bottom line, either find a way to be comfortable where you are or do whatever it takes to transform yourself into something closer to what you envision being. There is no substitute for hard work and attention to all things which affect your body. You get to decide what you want and then how hard you want to work in order to alter whatever it is you are uncomfortable with. But body issues are no way to go through life and finding a way to be happy and confident with your body issues is a solid course of action.