
Any couples in Europe who're interested in getting to know and potenially host an Iranian refugee can send me messages.

I'm fluent in English. Hablo Espanol.

I'm not a needy refugee. I believe the men you find at a refugee center will have such stress in their lives that it negatively affects their health and sexual performance. I however am a well-equipped sex machine who has everything it takes to put the lady in deep communication with her inner-woman and bring all of her natural charming and serving nature to the surface.

I'm not into sex chat. The goal of our communication should be to earn trust and respect towards something ongoing. If you are a slow or terse communicator, I will stop responding. I'm not interested in US couples, but I'm open to other locations.
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reposted from a previous thread as i thought it may be relevant and of interest to some on here here

about 5 years ago she confessed to taunting the migrants down at the local car wash and when they saw her dressed in cutoff shorts and a vest they would start blathering among themselves and nudge and stare at her

so she would bend over or kneel on the seat as if she was reaching for some unseen item and loved to arch her back and push it out so her bum and pussy are presented to them to their best advantage almost begging for a slapped arse and attention from their fingers and cocks

and if i rebuked her for being so irresponsible she would indignantly proclaim
"well they shouldn't be looking "

"they are paid to wash cars not gawp at women customers"

but if she was to receive the cum upance she deserved from them for teasing those cunt hungry guys

shed soon change her tune and would try to cover it all with her plausible deniability

ie " i couldn't help it they made me do it"

"they for sed me to let them and made me do as i was told "

"id get in trouble if i didn't do as they said"

and then the thought of her at the disadvantage of a couple of brown guys who after being caught out flaunting herself and her rude behavior towards would put her in her place and take her down a peg or two and teach her how to behave around brown guys
knowing these guys culturally have a different attitude towards women and how they should behave and how to treat them if they don't behave would wet her pussy and prompt her teasing

and for her to imagine being outnumbered by them and in their control and her having to surrender her white married bum and pussy to some guys who have her at a disadvantage and are intent on bringing her down a peg or two
the humiliation she would feel submitting and surrendering her pampered spoiled white bottom and pussy in these circumstances and this situation to those two she considered "socially incompatible " brown men would be overwhelming and very arousing for her

and with the potential for them to record her humiliation and send it around their circle and for her to be marked for future treatment by them having and viewing the recording of her humiliation would keep her in a state of uncertainty and arousal when seeing a brown guy
she would be thinking

did he or didn't he see her recordings did he know what she surrendered her self to and her sexual sub of her white married arse and pussy in their brown hands and to their brown cocks

is he one of those who saw her recordings and did he watch them subject her to a humiliating bare bottom spanking and then take advantage of her sub and enjoy her white wet married pussy

would this guy then act on it and teach her a lesson and bare her white married bottom across his knee and turn it rosy red
and then take advantage of her wet pussy lol

she often came home with wet panties from teasing them but sadly no slapped arse with their red handprints across it to remind
her whos the boss and how to behave
yeah for my wife the excitement and arousal of theses situations comes from her enjoyment and craving to surrender herself to a dominant person but with her upbringing and prejudices telling her that these type of men and these sorts of behaviors are wrong

so she falls back on the plausible deniability of "i have no choice " and "i have to let them" and "i have to do as im told" or else

which in turn plays into her love of the non consensual aspect of taboo behaviors

and the scenario of different cultures ,customs and behaviors make it feel all the more non consensual and arousing to her to imagine being made to surrender her bare bottom and pussy to them

sort of like a cake lover who enjoys cake

but want to feel like they are fo rced into eating it so they are not too blame lol

my wife bending over in her panties which show a bit more bum cheek than her cutoffs she was wearing when teasing but show the opportunity for accidental exposure of her pussy lol IMG20221014235848.jpg
the opportunity for accidental exposure of her pussy lol IMG20221014235848.jpgIMG20221014235910.jpgIMG20221007235230.jpg