Real Breeding - Is it possible to find a couple into it?

Back in the early to mid 1990s, my ex wife and I were trying to get pregnant. We tried and tried with no success. We had just figured that it was probably something to do with my sperm count, and so this played right into my fantasy of her having sex with another man, for her pleasure, and also to get her pregnant the ‘natural way’! We were both on the fence about using a sperm donor, and using, In Vitro. It just didn’t seem like the right thing to do, and that it should be naturally! We went to a fertility clinic and found out that it was actually her that had the problem. Her eggs were killing my sperm before they were able to do their job! I should have known right then and there that that is what she’s been doing to me personally!! Lol. Anyway, we then began to look at potential sperm donors profiles.. prior to that however, we also considered and looked into having a surrogate ...... that we would have had come live with us. Of course I was all for it as I was imagining fucking some young girl to get her pregnant! Haha. Around that time, there was a big news story about couple that payed all that money, only for the ...... to change her mind about giving up the baby afterwards. Thankfully, her best friend had offered to donate her eggs, and yes, I was initially hoping that her and I were going to have sex, but her and her husband were willing to donate and go through the fertility clinic. It was successful and I’m now blessed with 26 year old twin boys!!! But I truly believe that if it had in fact been an issue with me, I think we definitely would have looked for another man to fuck her, trying to get her pregnant!

In similar fashion, I couldn't get her pregnant, low sperm count.
We tried a few of her bfs, but she never got pregnant.
After our divorce, she had 3 more kids. (One by our choice of donor, but after our divorce)

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I some locales, there are elements of the fetish/kink community that engage in impregnation & breeding, from fantasy/role-play to fantasy/realization. Usually these small community circles have an intro and vetting process. The form these take varies. The circle I'm part of heavily vets the males that participate, including requiring fertility testing, STD/STI and genetic screening - a surprisingly large (given the demographic) contingent of female participants are married, seeking to be impregnated (or bred), carry the ...... to term, and raise the ....... Their reasons/rationale varies.

In these circles, impregnation is treated differently than breeding. The former is usually on the basis of selection, and some sort of intimate/erotic/emotional connection between the impregnator and the impregnated. The latter is perhaps more out there; breeding usually combines group sex with the impregnation target, in the form of a gangbang - the center is aiming to be impregnated by a random, unknown male, one they have no relationship with. The number of intact, fertile males participating leaves uncertainty about who fathered the ......, as opposed to the certain knowledge in the impregnation scenario.

The circle I participate in has a core of intact, fertile males - "Studs," who service the females who desire to be impregnated. There are two vasectomy-safe males (I'm one of those two) who are invited participants, based on certain skills and services they provide. It is one of the edgier kinks, and pretty rare. I don't know if your local fetish community has anything like this going. It would take an intro from a trusted participant, screening/vetting to become involved.

There is significant legal, moral, and ethical consideration in all this. Paternity suits, emotional risks, and so on... tread carefully along this road, particularly if you come across a random couple looking for another man to father their .......
As always, excellent insight.
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After cuckolding me with several men, my wife kept in private contact with one Bull and cheated on me with him, the condoms came off and she tried to have his baby behind my back, she just never got pregnant during the affair. So yes, this kind of thing exists, in my case it was her decision, and I have learned to respect her decision to have another man's baby if that's what she wants.
Oh so sure you are married to the wife and you guys were of ...... bearing age and you would be ok with her getting pregnant with some other man's ...... but NOT your's, if that was ' Her ' decision,,,,,,

So would you raise the kid?
Would you back down when ' He ' came for a visit ?
How would you actually feel when that kid started to understand things and was told You are NOT the father and the guy that comes every so often is his real father , BUT he is allowing you to raise the kid as Your own

Nahh ahhh that's a hard NO in my books , if I was in this lifestyle and she became pregnant, ok she can do whatever she wants,. But if baby is born before my name gets put on a birth certificate - a paternity test is getting done and if mine then fine , but if Not mine then ok I'm done and walk away, she can put his name and responsibility for the kid on HIM not me .

That's only fair , she had another man's kid and I will be happy for ' her ' but now is time to cut the marriage and let her and real dad enjoy their kid .

I'm not gonna enjoy any kid Not mine ,, sorry but big NO
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Oh so sure you are married to the wife and you guys were of ...... bearing age and you would be ok with her getting pregnant with some other man's ...... but NOT your's, if that was ' Her ' decision,,,,,,

So would you raise the kid?
Would you back down when ' He ' came for a visit ?
How would you actually feel when that kid started to understand things and was told You are NOT the father and the guy that comes every so often is his real father , BUT he is allowing you to raise the kid as Your own

Nahh ahhh that's a hard NO in my books , if I was in this lifestyle and she became pregnant, ok she can do whatever she wants,. But if baby is born before my name gets put on a birth certificate - a paternity test is getting done and if mine then fine , but if Not mine then ok I'm done and walk away, she can put his name and responsibility for the kid on HIM not me .

That's only fair , she had another man's kid and I will be happy for ' her ' but now is time to cut the marriage and let her and real dad enjoy their kid .

I'm not gonna enjoy any kid Not mine ,, sorry but big NO
You're right, it's not ok. What happened is a serious violation of my trust and disrespectful of me to the extreme. The thing is, I didn't have a choice, my wife chose to let this man cum inside her unprotected. It comes down to, would I leave my wife or not? In my case I would not leave her, and I would have raised the baby. I am not ok with it, but in the end it would have come down to an ultimatum and I would have accepted what happened, she chose that and so did he, it came down to do I leave my wife nor not. I agree this is a big no no.
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My wife and I know that there is a high chance she could get pregnant with both her boyfriends at some stage. We love children and will raise them as our own. We have agreed to never tell the boyfriends it’s their baby………ever. Even in the face of divorce. It is our secret. We both have no issue raising them as our own children. My wife is not looking to be pregnant by her boyfriends, but on occasion it feels too good for her and she wants them to cum inside during ovulation. Mainly because she is on heat at that time and needs sperm inside her, even if it’s not mine she tells me. My wife has told me about this primal urge and if it’s ok. I have said I’m fine with it if it feels good. Just recently her boyfriend ejaculated deep inside on a positive ovulation reading on her test kit(you can see the post) I was fine with it. I love her so much I would never abandon her. I made my promise to take care of her and the children unconditionally. I won’t break that promise to her.
My wife and I know that there is a high chance she could get pregnant with both her boyfriends at some stage. We love children and will raise them as our own. We have agreed to never tell the boyfriends it’s their baby………ever. Even in the face of divorce. It is our secret. We both have no issue raising them as our own children. My wife is not looking to be pregnant by her boyfriends, but on occasion it feels too good for her and she wants them to cum inside during ovulation. Mainly because she is on heat at that time and needs sperm inside her, even if it’s not mine she tells me. My wife has told me about this primal urge and if it’s ok. I have said I’m fine with it if it feels good. Just recently her boyfriend ejaculated deep inside on a positive ovulation reading on her test kit(you can see the post) I was fine with it. I love her so much I would never abandon her. I made my promise to take care of her and the children unconditionally. I won’t break that promise to her.
I would love to be that Bull every month.
Even if you are raising the ...... I would still like to know. I could have so much fun with that knowledge. In fact, I would cut you off during her most fertile days just so we all know who the baby daddy’s is.
In similar fashion, I couldn't get her pregnant, low sperm count.
We tried a few of her bfs, but she never got pregnant.
After our divorce, she had 3 more kids. (One by our choice of donor, but after our divorce)

Oh Wow he is So lucky to not be tied down to ...... support, since it happened after the divorce, oh boy did he dodge that bullet and his money stayed in his name , good for him for sure
My wife and I know that there is a high chance she could get pregnant with both her boyfriends at some stage. We love children and will raise them as our own. We have agreed to never tell the boyfriends it’s their baby………ever. Even in the face of divorce. It is our secret. We both have no issue raising them as our own children. My wife is not looking to be pregnant by her boyfriends, but on occasion it feels too good for her and she wants them to cum inside during ovulation. Mainly because she is on heat at that time and needs sperm inside her, even if it’s not mine she tells me. My wife has told me about this primal urge and if it’s ok. I have said I’m fine with it if it feels good. Just recently her boyfriend ejaculated deep inside on a positive ovulation reading on her test kit(you can see the post) I was fine with it. I love her so much I would never abandon her. I made my promise to take care of her and the children unconditionally. I won’t break that promise to her.
I would love to fill her to.
It is possible to find couples that are into it. my ex wife actively tried for a couple of years after she had me snipped to get pregnant to one of her lovers. Unfortunately it never happene.
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10 years ago in Port Arthur, TX I bred a 30 year old wife whose 50 year old husband was fixed. Now I use an app called Just a Baby. There are lesbian couples looking, but you have to weed out the AI only ones. There are some traditional couples and single women too.


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