Pussy free

I am pussyfree, past March the 14th It was 13 years that I am pussyfree! In the beginning it was beacause I was denied by my grirlfriend, then it was because I agreed to be in chastity and it stayed that way because my penis did not get hard anymore. But in that proces I started to accept it and even like it. In my opinion as long as you fuck your girlfriend/wife while she is fucking other men there is always a kind of competition, jealousy. Once you are pussyfree because you agree to it or because you are not able to fuck her anymore or not good enough in satisfying her through PIV it is important that you find a way to accept this mentally. Once you can this and that you get satisfied in an other way sexually, what is important because otherwise you get frustrated what will end up in ruining your relationship with her. The best thing to me is that being pussyfree takes out the stress to perform and the responsability to have ti satisfy her sexually.
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I was pussy free and chastitied although the regression was stimulating: equal sharing with her boytoy, condom while he was bareback, pussy free but oral, pussy free but hand jobbed, pussy free and I had to stimulate myself
How many here are pussy free? Are you happy about it? What's the best thing about being pussy free?
I’ve been pussy free in the past (I fractured my spine when I was younger and sometimes I’m unable to have sex) we’ve made it part of our sex life. My inability to have sex for periods of time was, if I’m being totally honest, was one of my main reasons why I wanted to open up our relationship. When I’m unable to have sex knowing my wife is still having an amazing sex life is incredible and I get so much pleasure in her pleasure. I’m able to have sex more often now, but that hasn’t changed anything in our relationship/sex life. I will always get so much pleasure knowing my wife is able to fulfil all her sexual desires, that doesn’t change whether or not I’m able to have a sex life.
I’ve been pussy free in the past (I fractured my spine when I was younger and sometimes I’m unable to have sex) we’ve made it part of our sex life. My inability to have sex for periods of time was, if I’m being totally honest, was one of my main reasons why I wanted to open up our relationship. When I’m unable to have sex knowing my wife is still having an amazing sex life is incredible and I get so much pleasure in her pleasure. I’m able to have sex more often now, but that hasn’t changed anything in our relationship/sex life. I will always get so much pleasure knowing my wife is able to fulfil all her sexual desires, that doesn’t change whether or not I’m able to have a sex life.
I completely understand if you have a true physical disability or condition that precludes you from providing the sexual satisfaction that you can't give her. In cases like yours, it has to be extremely disheartening to YOU that YOU can't provide that for her. I have serious doubts that if you did not have physical issues that you happily would accept being "pussy free".

Wanting her to be sexually satisfied is often seen here as a noble. Witnessing your partner being unfulfilled is depressing especially if you blame yourself for it. Naturally people that truly love each other want their partner to be happy and satisfied. Having a condition or physical disability doesn't mean that you no longer have sexual desires and no longer want some sort of sexual satisfaction for yourself. I'm in a monogamous relationship with my wife and I know that we will probably never move into a non-monogamous lifestyle. That doesn't mean I don't still want it.

On this site being "pussy free" is most often a pseudo form of torment/restriction for someone that is fully capable. Sure, they maybe physically under endowed or lack stamina but that doesn't mean that they don't want sex too (in whatever form that is). Coming to the realization that you are incapable of giving your spouse what they need is not one that is arrived at with joy and happiness. No one says, "I'm so glad I can't make her happy!"

Likewise, wives that TRULY love their spouses can't just say, "I'm so glad he realized he can't get the job done! Now I can seek my own satisfaction and focus on just me." They know that saying something like that will be perceived as being self centered and selfish. It's much more acceptable to blame it on someone else and their condition. Whether it's the wife or the husband there is no joy in being incapable. Far too often this feels like kicking a man when he's down, piling on, adding insult to injury.

No one seems to want to say anything about carrying the mental burden associated with the inadequacy. Instead it's much more easy to replace that inadequacy with an alternative. That does nothing for the anguish and crushed sexual hopes that a spouse STILL carries. Replacing the inadequacy and neglecting the anguish and crushed sexual hopes seems insensitive and not characteristic of a REAL loving relationship.

If a husband truly enjoys being "pussy free" then that is something he WANTS! If that's what he wants it then is he truly being denied? If he REALLY does want sex with his wife then he's in denial about his denial. For the men that are into this kink I always imagine men saying, "There's nothing like the nothing I get from my wife!"