Pussy free

I am pussyfree, past March the 14th It was 13 years that I am pussyfree! In the beginning it was beacause I was denied by my grirlfriend, then it was because I agreed to be in chastity and it stayed that way because my penis did not get hard anymore. But in that proces I started to accept it and even like it. In my opinion as long as you fuck your girlfriend/wife while she is fucking other men there is always a kind of competition, jealousy. Once you are pussyfree because you agree to it or because you are not able to fuck her anymore or not good enough in satisfying her through PIV it is important that you find a way to accept this mentally. Once you can this and that you get satisfied in an other way sexually, what is important because otherwise you get frustrated what will end up in ruining your relationship with her. The best thing to me is that being pussyfree takes out the stress to perform and the responsability to have ti satisfy her sexually.
I agree with this.