Punishments your domme wife or gf has done to you

I enjoy caging a cock and then giving viagra, ruined orgasms, and post orgasm ......
You can do all.these things to.a submissive cuck tease torment make him si missive etc but even with that you should not degrade a person man or women taking away hir smdrivers license taking away his golf clubs do all.the submissive play youbwant but you dont degrade a person ..whats next step.in dog ...... and make him.lick the soles of your shoes you and your bull.wouldnt be walking
You can do all.these things to.a submissive cuck tease torment make him si missive etc but even with that you should not degrade a person man or women taking away hir smdrivers license taking away his golf clubs do all.the submissive play youbwant but you dont degrade a person ..whats next step.in dog ...... and make him.lick the soles of your shoes you and your bull.wouldnt be walking
Eating dog ...... would not be healthy or even close to desireable. In training me to become what she wants me to be she striped me of my manhood. When we got married I became her property and gave up my previous lifestyle to accept my new life as her servant.She made me aware that I could not make it as a real man. My dick is so small I cant even penetrate a vagina. Also I'm short,thin,weak and effeminate.Before we got married I was in denial and thought I could be like other men. So I took up sports, got a Harley and tried to be one of the guys. My wife who was my gf at the time knew I was really a sissy who could never be like the men she fucked regular at the time. She humored me and went along with my attempt to show her I had some manhood. She even arranged to have one of her girlfriends date me and allow me to try and fuck her. The girlfriend didn't know how small my penis was. I got my little stiffie and the condom was only one quarter unrolled to cover my little dicklet and so loose it wouldn't stay on. The girl couldn't stop laughing and realized what my gf ment when she told her there would be a suprise. He tried to push that tiny dicklet in me but it couldn't even get past my labia then he ejculated immediately. He didn't even make enough cum to fill a thimble. I felt bad but couldn't stop laughing and I ended the date. She did this to show me what I truely am. I felt really embarassed and mortified by the experience and she told me I needed to come to terms with myself.I needed to stop fighting with what I am and accept it. She promised I would be happier but I needed to enjoy humiliation and to forget about being a man. I don't know how she knew but she was right. I still put up a lot of resistance and continued to pursue my goal. When I tried to fuck her she played along but didn't take me seriously. I really loved giving her oral and would tell her how good she tasted and how juicey. She later told me I was eating cum from other guys she was fucking. She said that was proof I was ment to be a sissy not a man. I was in time, made to realize she was right and began to submit to her. She told me if we were to marry that I would submit to her and accept her having men. I couldn't argue given my lack of manhood but I became happier every day with my new roll. She made me start wearing girls jeans and pantyhose and feminine tops. I had to dress like that when I played golf but strangely I learned to enjoy it. We agreed that after marriage I would have a new life, one which I would enjoy totally stripped of any silly attempt to be manly. We had a tag sale and all my sport stuff was put out for sale. She made me work the tag sale dressed like a girl to the amusement of everyone. I loved it. One of the people to come to the sale was that girl I tried to fuck. She had a big smile and I knew she was remembering my pathetic date with her.She said at least you are dressed appropiately now. I got really turned on by that thanks to my wifes training and helping me find my place as a sissy where I could be truely happy.
Omg. Yes. Lick away. Make him watch a real dick fuck us
Awesome picture
Eating dog ...... would not be healthy or even close to desireable. In training me to become what she wants me to be she striped me of my manhood. When we got married I became her property and gave up my previous lifestyle to accept my new life as her servant.She made me aware that I could not make it as a real man. My dick is so small I cant even penetrate a vagina. Also I'm short,thin,weak and effeminate.Before we got married I was in denial and thought I could be like other men. So I took up sports, got a Harley and tried to be one of the guys. My wife who was my gf at the time knew I was really a sissy who could never be like the men she fucked regular at the time. She humored me and went along with my attempt to show her I had some manhood. She even arranged to have one of her girlfriends date me and allow me to try and fuck her. The girlfriend didn't know how small my penis was. I got my little stiffie and the condom was only one quarter unrolled to cover my little dicklet and so loose it wouldn't stay on. The girl couldn't stop laughing and realized what my gf ment when she told her there would be a suprise. He tried to push that tiny dicklet in me but it couldn't even get past my labia then he ejculated immediately. He didn't even make enough cum to fill a thimble. I felt bad but couldn't stop laughing and I ended the date. She did this to show me what I truely am. I felt really embarassed and mortified by the experience and she told me I needed to come to terms with myself.I needed to stop fighting with what I am and accept it. She promised I would be happier but I needed to enjoy humiliation and to forget about being a man. I don't know how she knew but she was right. I still put up a lot of resistance and continued to pursue my goal. When I tried to fuck her she played along but didn't take me seriously. I really loved giving her oral and would tell her how good she tasted and how juicey. She later told me I was eating cum from other guys she was fucking. She said that was proof I was ment to be a sissy not a man. I was in time, made to realize she was right and began to submit to her. She told me if we were to marry that I would submit to her and accept her having men. I couldn't argue given my lack of manhood but I became happier every day with my new roll. She made me start wearing girls jeans and pantyhose and feminine tops. I had to dress like that when I played golf but strangely I learned to enjoy it. We agreed that after marriage I would have a new life, one which I would enjoy totally stripped of any silly attempt to be manly. We had a tag sale and all my sport stuff was put out for sale. She made me work the tag sale dressed like a girl to the amusement of everyone. I loved it. One of the people to come to the sale was that girl I tried to fuck. She had a big smile and I knew she was remembering my pathetic date with her.She said at least you are dressed appropiately now. I got really turned on by that thanks to my wifes training and helping me find my place as a sissy where I could be truely happy.
Do you go to work dressedxas a wonan .?
Just because a man has asmall.du k doesnt mean ANY WOMAN HAS THE RIGJT TO DO THIS PUBLICLY.SHE CAN TREAT YOU that way at home and have any agreement that the two of you want at home BUT NO ONE MAN OR WOMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO.PUBLICLY DEMEAN OR DEGRADE ANY ONE FUCKING PERIOD SHE NEEDSA GOOX BITCH SLAPPING
Show us pics of you dressed and on a date or sucking his bbc

Awesome picture

Do you go to work dressedxas a wonan .?
Just because a man has asmall.du k doesnt mean ANY WOMAN HAS THE RIGJT TO DO THIS PUBLICLY.SHE CAN TREAT YOU that way at home and have any agreement that the two of you want at home BUT NO ONE MAN OR WOMAN HAS THE RIGHT TO.PUBLICLY DEMEAN OR DEGRADE ANY ONE FUCKING PERIOD SHE NEEDSA GOOX BITCH SLAPPING
I work in a place with 30 other women as a seamstress. I dress the way I want to dress which happens to be the way my wife requires.I enjoy being feminine at home and in public thanks to my wife who showed me my true nature. My wife is friends with the owner where I work and with a lot of the other ladies who I work with. We are all friends and I'm considered one of the girls and they use female pronouns when addressing me. They all know my wife is in charge and that I'm obedient to her. Some even know that she cuckolds me and it comes as no supprise to them that she needs a real man in her bed. Every saturday morning she drops me off at the food store for me to do the weekly groceries while her and her boyfriend work out and play tennis at their health club. At the store I'm required to wear flower print leggins and a lacey blouse or a skirt and top with heels or sometimes a dress. I carry a hand bag and can easily pass as a girl.Even though my wife requires this I prefer to dress this way. It's my new identity. I'm a sissy and love being a sissy. My wife enjoys me as a sissy because she has a strong man by her side to take care of her sexual needs while I take care of all the womans domestic work.She enjoys controlling me and humiliating me and I enjoy it to.It's not just about me having a small dick. So don't say ...... about what should be done to my wife. Didn't you read my wifes post to you. You seem to have trouble understanding certain things I'm trying to tell you. Its difficult for me to explain complex ideas to you while trying to stay within your 50 word vocabulary range.
I work in a place with 30 other women as a seamstress. I dress the way I want to dress which happens to be the way my wife requires.I enjoy being feminine at home and in public thanks to my wife who showed me my true nature. My wife is friends with the owner where I work and with a lot of the other ladies who I work with. We are all friends and I'm considered one of the girls and they use female pronouns when addressing me. They all know my wife is in charge and that I'm obedient to her. Some even know that she cuckolds me and it comes as no supprise to them that she needs a real man in her bed. Every saturday morning she drops me off at the food store for me to do the weekly groceries while her and her boyfriend work out and play tennis at their health club. At the store I'm required to wear flower print leggins and a lacey blouse or a skirt and top with heels or sometimes a dress. I carry a hand bag and can easily pass as a girl.Even though my wife requires this I prefer to dress this way. It's my new identity. I'm a sissy and love being a sissy. My wife enjoys me as a sissy because she has a strong man by her side to take care of her sexual needs while I take care of all the womans domestic work.She enjoys controlling me and humiliating me and I enjoy it to.It's not just about me having a small dick. So don't say ...... about what should be done to my wife. Didn't you read my wifes post to you. You seem to have trouble understanding certain things I'm trying to tell you. Its difficult for me to explain complex ideas to you while trying to stay within your 50 word vocabulary range.
I have a very large Vocabulary im a const manager for a very.large Const firm ..i undwrstand people more than ykj think.my wife is a hotwife .She enjoys sex outside of our marriage. She teases me .she visually and verbally torments me when shes going out to fuck..Shd cages me for. Few days efore she goes out and sometimes a day or two after she returns.I have to make hotel.and dinner reservations for her. I hVe to buy her clothes and sometimes dress her. I'm not allowed to.kiss her touch her or imply sex before she goes out and sometimes a dY or two after she comes home. Im submissive to her needs to make sure she has a good time when she goex out to fuck. I had to.get her an AMEX PLATINUM CARD for her playtime sexy clothes , her tattoos. Piecerings.which the card is hers o ly and i have to pay for it out of my money..She does control.me i. Ref to her sex life going out. She doesnt humiliate me but she will.tell.me he was. Great fuck or he is so big. He really k ows how to satisfy and give ne the fucking i need..She never tries to destroy me.She is dominate but with cari g she gets the fu king she wants needs and deserves.She makes submit to her in alot of ways but never to degrade me in any way at home or in publuc the most she will.do is when shes dressed to go out she will say .I know you want to fuck.me but you cant because your caged . I need to get fucked and since you cant do it i will.just have to go out and find me a stud tonigjt so that is going to fuck my brains out and fill.my pussy witb his hot cum
I have a very large Vocabulary im a const manager for a very.large Const firm ..i undwrstand people more than ykj think.my wife is a hotwife .She enjoys sex outside of our marriage. She teases me .she visually and verbally torments me when shes going out to fuck..Shd cages me for. Few days efore she goes out and sometimes a day or two after she returns.I have to make hotel.and dinner reservations for her. I hVe to buy her clothes and sometimes dress her. I'm not allowed to.kiss her touch her or imply sex before she goes out and sometimes a dY or two after she comes home. Im submissive to her needs to make sure she has a good time when she goex out to fuck. I had to.get her an AMEX PLATINUM CARD for her playtime sexy clothes , her tattoos. Piecerings.which the card is hers o ly and i have to pay for it out of my money..She does control.me i. Ref to her sex life going out. She doesnt humiliate me but she will.tell.me he was. Great fuck or he is so big. He really k ows how to satisfy and give ne the fucking i need..She never tries to destroy me.She is dominate but with cari g she gets the fu king she wants needs and deserves.She makes submit to her in alot of ways but never to degrade me in any way at home or in publuc the most she will.do is when shes dressed to go out she will say .I know you want to fuck.me but you cant because your caged . I need to get fucked and since you cant do it i will.just have to go out and find me a stud tonigjt so that is going to fuck my brains out and fill.my pussy witb his hot cum
When she comes home from her date with her pussy filled with cum do you lick her clean?
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Correct but if you are a little bitch you will much happier if you accept it
Im not a little bit h my hotwife enjoys sex outside of our marriage we both enjoy it .She teases torments me but not ...... cock teasing a Little enhanced cock totture chasity device with numbs a little pain shock cages but not over the top or degrading humiliation
Eating dog ...... would not be healthy or even close to desireable. In training me to become what she wants me to be she striped me of my manhood. When we got married I became her property and gave up my previous lifestyle to accept my new life as her servant.She made me aware that I could not make it as a real man. My dick is so small I cant even penetrate a vagina. Also I'm short,thin,weak and effeminate.Before we got married I was in denial and thought I could be like other men. So I took up sports, got a Harley and tried to be one of the guys. My wife who was my gf at the time knew I was really a sissy who could never be like the men she fucked regular at the time. She humored me and went along with my attempt to show her I had some manhood. She even arranged to have one of her girlfriends date me and allow me to try and fuck her. The girlfriend didn't know how small my penis was. I got my little stiffie and the condom was only one quarter unrolled to cover my little dicklet and so loose it wouldn't stay on. The girl couldn't stop laughing and realized what my gf ment when she told her there would be a suprise. He tried to push that tiny dicklet in me but it couldn't even get past my labia then he ejculated immediately. He didn't even make enough cum to fill a thimble. I felt bad but couldn't stop laughing and I ended the date. She did this to show me what I truely am. I felt really embarassed and mortified by the experience and she told me I needed to come to terms with myself.I needed to stop fighting with what I am and accept it. She promised I would be happier but I needed to enjoy humiliation and to forget about being a man. I don't know how she knew but she was right. I still put up a lot of resistance and continued to pursue my goal. When I tried to fuck her she played along but didn't take me seriously. I really loved giving her oral and would tell her how good she tasted and how juicey. She later told me I was eating cum from other guys she was fucking. She said that was proof I was ment to be a sissy not a man. I was in time, made to realize she was right and began to submit to her. She told me if we were to marry that I would submit to her and accept her having men. I couldn't argue given my lack of manhood but I became happier every day with my new roll. She made me start wearing girls jeans and pantyhose and feminine tops. I had to dress like that when I played golf but strangely I learned to enjoy it. We agreed that after marriage I would have a new life, one which I would enjoy totally stripped of any silly attempt to be manly. We had a tag sale and all my sport stuff was put out for sale. She made me work the tag sale dressed like a girl to the amusement of everyone. I loved it. One of the people to come to the sale was that girl I tried to fuck. She had a big smile and I knew she was remembering my pathetic date with her.She said at least you are dressed appropiately now. I got really turned on by that thanks to my wifes training and helping me find my place as a sissy where I could be truely happy.
Talking about eating dog ...... did you ever see Devine eat dog ...... in the movie Pink Flamingos (a John Waters movie ) it’s the the most horrible thing ever saw in a movie
Im not a little bit h my hotwife enjoys sex outside of our marriage we both enjoy it .She teases torments me but not ...... cock teasing a Little enhanced cock totture chasity device with numbs a little pain shock cages but not over the top or degrading humiliation
My point is humiliation is ok. I'm not abused. I never use that word. ...... is when something is done against your will. If you wanted out of your cage because of a medical reason and went to your wife to get the key to remove it and she refused and destroyed the key, that would be .......
I clean my wife but don't fuck her cuz I'm to small and in her eyes I'm not a man. But what you call degrading and humiliating a lot of us call kink. Being humiliated to me is pleasent.
There is a big difference between humiliation and out right degrading and exposing it to public people and family to m e thats not kink.or play that is diwm right degrading and
Talking about eating dog ...... did you ever see Devine eat dog ...... in the movie Pink Flamingos (a John Waters movie ) it’s the the most horrible thing ever saw in a movie
I dont watch stupid movies
My point is humiliation is ok. I'm not abused. I never use that word. ...... is when something is done against your will. If you wanted out of your cage because of a medical reason and went to your wife to get the key to remove it and she refused and destroyed the key, that would be .......
She would never do that ...... can be physical as well.as mental. How can you not say doimg things that shame cause mental stres etc not be ......
There is a big difference between humiliation and out right degrading and exposing it to public people and family to m e thats not kink.or play that is diwm right degrading and

I dont watch stupid movies

She would never do that ...... can be physical as well.as mental. How can you not say doimg things that shame cause mental stres etc not be ......
Because if you payed attention to and understood my last five or so posts you wouldn't have to ask this question. Shame causes mental stress in some people like you but it doesn't to a sissy. A sissy loves it. It's all relative. You said earlier that your wife puts you in an electric shock cage.If you asked 100 avg men what they thought of that,what do you think the response would be? Yet for you and your wife it's just play. Your wife fucks other men and teases you about it and doesn't let you touch her. How many men in the vanilla world would be ok with that? The people on this forum are a very small percentage of the pouplation. Like I said its all relative and all kink. My kink just happens to be more extreme than yours so you mistakenly think I'm abused or degraded or emotionally stressed. Not true.
I love what she does to you. I'm going to check into shocking his cock
J thexshock cock.csn be very stimulating up to extreme as tgere is varied kevels as well.as variable times delays between shicke etc there is too many.to.describ they cN even be done thrunyou telephone a long distance away ..imagine hes at work. And away from.him.and you shick him.woth long bursts or short bursts as well.as mild to extreme with his cick locked up

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