Pregnant wife fucking with another male

Wife and I did talk about bringing another guy in to fuck her while she was pregnant with both of our kids. Pregnancy sent her sex drive through the roof, and I could barely keep up, lol. She wanted to be fucked everyday. When I got serious about getting another guy, she got cold feet and backed out.
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Minha esposa e eu conversamos sobre trazer outro cara para transar com ela enquanto ela estava grávida do nascimento dos nossos filhos. A gravidez fez seu desejo sexual disparar, e eu mal conseguia acompanhar. Ela queria ser fodida todos os dias. Quando comecei a levar a sério a ideia de ficar com outro cara, ela ficou com medo e desistiu.

Wife and I did talk about bringing another guy in to fuck her while she was pregnant with birth of our kids. Pregnancy sent her sex drive through the roof, and I could barely keep up. She wanted to be fucked everyday. When I got serious about getting another guy, she got cold feet and backed out.
Aconteceu-me algo parecido da minha segunda filha. A minha mulher ficou cheia de tesão e todos os dias fodiamos! Não cheguei a propor outro homem, mas pensei nisso.
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Wife and I did talk about bringing another guy in to fuck her while she was pregnant with both of our kids. Pregnancy sent her sex drive through the roof, and I could barely keep up, lol. She wanted to be fucked everyday. When I got serious about getting another guy, she got cold feet and backed out.