Preference for older or younger males /bulls

For the couples out there, do you generally prefer men that are older than you or younger than you when you are looking for someone to join ? and to provide context to your answer what age range are you both?

Wife prefers older.

We talked about that already, and wife says she always felt more confortable and attracted to people older than hers. Our own age difference is + 10, and wife became acquainted to please and be satisfied by more mature men.
For the couples out there, do you generally prefer men that are older than you or younger than you when you are looking for someone to join ? and to provide context to your answer what age range are you both?
I am 46, my wife is 50. She absolutely loves a younger athletic guy, early/mid 20s. but I prefer an older man to fuck her, older than me fatter than me. But I can’t blame her for preferring a young stud
I prefer quite young all the way to ???? As long as he's got a heartbeat. Actually there's not a lot of older than us out there but they would be more than welcome. My experience is that the very young get so excited that they often cum so quick that it embarrasses them. They need to understand that, at least to me, is just fine. Getting you ready for another round is something I love. The middle age guys can have an ego and feel that he's the best cock I've ever had. Not likely. 🙄 The ones that don't are usually great at pleasing a lady. The older guys usually take their time, are very gentle and loving wanting to make sure I'm pleased. They make me melt.

OK, who am I trying to kid. I love them all. Each age group can be unique and are more than welcome. 🥰
When Lynn was young, she preferred older, often much older men - so she tells me. I wasn’t around at the time but I’ve no reason to doubt her. Now she’s older 67), she’s happy to fuck men of any age though most by preference tend to be a lot younger than us (30-50s). Older than that, she’s still willing if they can still perform.