Post a new pic of your wife/gf.....and in return...

View attachment 23916 Since this is the wife/gf pic posting section and most of us have saw them.....I'd like everyone to post a NEW.....FULL SIZE(no thumbnails)......pic of their wife/gf......and in return I will inbox you a pic of my wife...should be interesting and fun........Go!!!!!!!!
I love your breasts. I love that they are so round, full and natural. I love that you know how sexy you are when you hold them out to me . . . . beautiful gifts from the gods. I want to worship them. . . pay homage. . . blow kisses on them. I want to trace them with my fingers and gently spiral to the nipples at their center. . . Draw circles. Hear you sigh. Feel you push them warm against me. Your nips swell. Little bumps rise all around your areola. Your nipples beckon me. You push out your breasts in invitation and I must comply with kisses. . . . little sucks . . . . and tender bites. You feed my sex with your sex. You are the ...... of sexy beauty. mmmmm . . . . I think I smell your arousal . . . . lovely . . . more to kiss. Spread for me. . . I'm still so thirsty for you. . . all of you . . . . mmmmm so very wet . . . . I hope you don't mind but this will take awhile . . . . tastes so so good . . . . ;-) - - - - max
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