Playing with dildos

Wife and I were playing at the weekend after having a couple of bottles of bubbly. I asked her if she was up for finally pegging me with the training toy. She said go get it then. She didn’t actually wear the strap on but she used the trainer cock and pushed it into my ass. She didn’t hold back and was rough handed, it was a bit sore. After that I was licking her pussy and she had a small bullet vibrator at my ass and pushing it in. After finishing tonguing her, I stood up and could feel vibrations from my ass, she had pushed the little bullet all the way in. I had to crouch/squat and push it b ack out with my ass muscles. Serves me right as I had ‘accidentally’ stuck her black rabbit vibrator into her ass during our session. Boy did she scream. I videoed the whole thing but would never share it. Still enjoyed her pushing the toys up my ass through. Hopefully more to come in that respect. 😎
Watch what you stick up there, I occasionally see actual videos of people going to the hospital to have objects removed, one even involved surgery.