Pimping out your wives pussy

gah, I'd love to do this with my girl at some dive biker's bar or similar
it caan be risky. Things can get out of control and she might get gang raped and you could not stop things. Better in normal bar but where people are ...... and you can extract her if needs be. Mine when v ...... in v v crowded club ended up getting bent over and fucked in centre of dancefloor while a groupe of young boys gathered around to make sure bounccers could see the action. She was shocked even though v ...... and i could not get close enough to stop the action until 2 boys had already had a go on her
I don’t pimp out my wife, I’m more than happy to share her with anyone but ultimately it’s up to her who she fucks. But her bull pimps her out to paying clients - then she has no choice who she fucks. It’s part of her sub to him and began at her request (she had a long standing fantasy of being whored out but it took till she was on her 60s to fulfil it). His friends get her for free.
I don’t pimp out my wife, I’m more than happy to share her with anyone but ultimately it’s up to her who she fucks. But her bull pimps her out to paying clients - then she has no choice who she fucks. It’s part of her sub to him and began at her request (she had a long standing fantasy of being whored out but it took till she was on her 60s to fulfil it). His friends get her for free.
Did you at least get to see some photos/videos?
Bob has friends that know me but don't know everything about me. 🙄 Sometimes he will let one or more of them know more and ask if they would like to. Come on.....a guy say no??? He calls me and asks if it's OK if he brings 'so and so' home to be with me. I rarely say no. There's been times when it's more than one guy.
for my wife it is not only about money but a control fantasy doing what makes the customer happy.