Taken by my Brother-in-Law after a late night out "hotwifing". I had to wake Mr HW up to let me in the door because I Ubered to the event and left my keys at home. Mr HW let me in, actually took a video of me doing the "slut walk" and then went back to bed. This was 3:30 am and my BIL was visiting for business from back east (as he does quite often), so it was a normal time for him to be awake. Fun time. He had just been sitting down in the dark, in the family room as I was in full view, making tea in the kitchen and I didn't know he was up. That was the night I had "the talk" with him. By this time though, he had gotten to the point where he would see me naked often(I leave the bedroom door open and invite him down while I'm changing clothes in bed or nude in general). He watches me shower as we talk and get caught up and he takes "racy" pics for me. He has stopped being so "sheepish" around me now and he's VERY religious. I've worn him down. I have a couple of great stories and you've read a few of the "developing" situation stories. Things have "progressed" lol.
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Another taken by my Brother In Law
View attachment 741591pm me