Pictures of wife

Hello again,

Well, the fantasy of sharing my wife with another male still hits and turns me on thinking about it, however my wife dosent know it yet, but she is very anti for this matter. However I would like to have a private conversation with people from forum, couples, males, women, and I would like to share some of my wife pictures (she dosent know it but she might turned on when I will show her your reactions)
thank you
You're going to show your wife's photos to people behind her back without her consent knowing she doesn't want you to? You're not very bright are you? When she shows your photos with a dildo stuck up your ass to your family members and she cuts you off from all forms of sex remember you had it coming she will never trust you again...
Are you a hubby with a hot Arab wife? I played with hotwife from Toronto in Dubai...
I don't fuck with Arabs, Muslims are far too unpredictable. They ...... their daughters, wives and sisters for minor infractions. Stone her to death and cut your head off then go drink some camel ********... I have a friend who is in the Royal Family from Afghanistan he came to the United States when he was 18.. He married a Muslim wife.. He taught his ...... to drive bought her a car and put her through medical school. She is an American and none Muslim and so is he. The family he talks to every week are honor bound to ...... him on sight. He can never go back home.. His wife lives in his house and refuses to speak to him or their ........ He spends his spare time chasing every woman that will have him other than sex or spending time with his ...... he's completely miserable. When his father was dying of cancer with a few months to live he couldn't see him or even met him in a western country to say goodbye. His father was duty bond to cut his head off.. He said Clint Eastwood movies is what made him become an American.. I'm staying as far away from their women and culture as possible...