Pictures and videso my husband has taken of me.

I hope you do because i found you a sexy naughty slut ,but important(it is for me)without loosing your selfrespect& honesty,when i read your adventures or looking at your pics&vids the first thing that goes to my mind is WAAAAW she,s so gorgeous&beautifull i just wished she was my girlfriend&or wife,i,ve been since my teenageryears a admirer off sexy girls(at that time when we were 12-18yrs)when we were searching and trying to hide(for myself)how turned on i became when my first girlfriends&motherwalking around in high heels&miniskirts(i,ve got a story to tell about this ,i post it later),and they soon found out i became obedient&submissive when they put on some nylons&miniskirts&high heels or wedges ,and later when it became more serious or in my marriage i did everything when wife was dressed slutty ,not showing her bare tits or to much make up etc,but her shoes (allways high heels min 10cm)with red painted nails,her blouse showing a bit cleavage,bit seethrough so you could see halfcup bra and hard nipples,a skirt or dress coming to midthigh and when crossing her legs you could see a bit of her thigh highs&stockingtops,she was a tease and she knew when she was being a little bit slutty men would become hers etc.To Hotwifelove you,re doing the same to me,i want to serve you,please you etc but that,s because distance just a dream,but what i secretly wish&want is that you forse me &demand me to share&tell&etc to everyone here my secret fantasies&fetishes etc about you,or what turned me on here on this fantastic website,so many sexy normal people here


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