Our wannabe adventure

So, what do you think? Is this a good idea? Do you have thoughts about the psychological and emotional approach here? Any suggestions about how to fine-tune or adapt this structure? I hope to hear your ideas!!
This was a great time, and I could tell from D’s reaction that she was aroused as well. The next day, I asked if she had a good time, and she said, “Yes.” And “I liked seeing the look of excitement and desire in your eyes.” Over the next few days, we re-visited this experience, and the basic summary is that she had a good time, enjoyed it, but still would have preferred to spend the evening with me alone. That stung a bit, because I had always hoped that she would do this for her own pleasure as well as mine. But at least she did enjoy it!

Over the next few months, we visited a few more sex clubs, and had some interesting times, but nothing to compare with the night with Dean. And then, disaster! Many months later, D finally admitted to me: she did not want a repeat of that night and, in fact, felt acutely conflicted emotionally. Feeling his hard cock pressing into her, she knew this was real, and felt threatened and a range of other emotions – desire, excitement, pleasure at seeing my arousal, but also fear and anxiety, and these negative emotions overpowered the positive ones.

Wow, this set us back a fair bit! I was angry and hurt that she had not been honest about her feelings, for one thing. And of course I was also upset that it looked like my dreams of watching her be pleased by another man were at an end. This caused quite a rift in our relationship, as we sorted things out over the next few months. First, re-connecting on the importance of emotional honesty, and then on my hotwife dreams, and that proved to be quite a tough nut. Eventually, through a lot of conversation, and some roleplay, D and I realized that, at least at first, it is not helpful for her to converse with another man (things we had done to help her to feel comfortable interacting with a stranger), or even search for someone she found "hot." Instead, this might only work if she is totally unaware of who the person is who is pleasuring her. So we decided, blindfold, headphones, and start with a massage, with me responsible for her lower half, and the stranger responsible for her upper half – then, when she feels relaxed and starting to enjoy herself, and only when she feels comfortable, she will decide to roll over, exposing her awesome breasts and allowing him to caress her.

I am currently making plans for a stranger willing to please her under these circumstances, as the two of us make our way in baby steps toward a heightened and magical sexual experience. Here's hoping this will work!
for her sake and complete sexual freedom, I sure Hope this works All the way to her getting a new bare naked cock that thrills her so much that she cums as he deep seeds her yearning hot treasured pussy..
So, what do you think? Is this a good idea? Do you have thoughts about the psychological and emotional approach here? Any suggestions about how to fine-tune or adapt this structure? I hope to hear your ideas!!
I think ur thinking wrong, you need to do lots of social events, include entertaining at home , always have ur buddies over, pick a buddy that's a studly guy that you know she likes, tell him she confessed she desires to fuck him, that will put a fire in him, tell her that he has bravely told you that if he ever get the chance he was going to explore All her bedroom talents, and he means to be skin2skin and balls deep when he blast his seeds up inside her yearning hot treasured pussy.. Play this all the way until this life changing event happens....Good Luck.
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you need to do lots of social events
Good thinking, toolman, and at this point she is only barely willing to confess that she finds another man attractive -- social interactions, especially, e.g., flirting, are uncomfortable. She has, on occasion, especially at a sex club, been willing to engage men in conversation, and truthfully I think she liked the power she felt. The conversations are usually to the point -- e.g., "here's what I am willing to consider doing with you." But flirting is pretty much out of the question (and she likes erotic dance for me, and is OK with others watching, but doesn't like to dance for other men). And then as to sexual contact itself, she shies away because of the fear of emotional conflict. For the moment she likes some fantasy play, and is at least willing to try the anonymous route so I'm pleased as can be about that!

Additional photos may take some time . . .
Oh, it's all in one evening, with the "days" really unfolding in her imagination to a few hours. We haven't tried this yet, but I plan to soon -- will let you know how it goes!
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Oh, it's all in one evening, with the "days" really unfolding in her imagination to a few hours. We haven't tried this yet, but I plan to soon -- will let you know how it goes!
I think it vould really work.out take it dloe but keep.encouraging her tease blindfold
edge.her toys etc sooner or later.she will submit and it will be very rewarding. Bob
Understand how exciting and yet frustrating situation you are in. Similar here, at first..we are both professionals, and like you, I talked my lovely into going to an off premises swing club just once so she could experience it..with me..no obligation to do anything other than be with me and observe. She too is tall, very long hair , about 118 lbs with long legs. I had suggested some clothes and she did not object to a short skirt, heels, white almost see thru top, and white thong. The place we went to was clean, but like yours, a bit on the shady side. They did have a DJ, about 30people there. We danced a few times, she had a drink which loosend her up..When we danced, I would caress her ass gently, hiking her flimsy skirt up a bit in back.
She started getting more comfortable and when two younger, very sexy girls, got up to dance on the stage I encouraged her to join them. Right beside the stage was a large fan which when she went up on stage blew her skirt up, which embarassed her, but excited me. The three danced and the other two would pull their skirts up showing complete nakedness except for their thongs...It didnt take long and my wife was doing the same thing. You can understand how excited I was, and a bit uncomfortable...at first. She came back to sit with me at which time I suggested she give me her thong..Hesitant at first, she then slid it off, put it in her purse, and we went to dance..again, I hiked her skirt up so all the people could see she was commando...she then went over by the fan, letting it blow her skirt up giving everyone a nice view.
Right after that we noticed a young black man at a table by himself..nice looking, well dressed..SHE mentioned he looked lonely and wanted to invite him to our table...he had been looking at her so she smiled, got up, and soon he was sitting with us. Very nice, good conversationalist, and handsome. In about 30 minutes we told him we needed to go, and he asked if he could escort us out. Wife agreed and when we got to the parking lot he asked Ashley if she would join him in his truck to talk..with me being there, she felt ok and when he opened the door for her she got in, me standing outside. It was a warm night in the South USA, so windows done..he was touching her leg and bent over to kiss her..no problem for her..he massaged one breast and she reached for his slacks and found a very hard very long cock which she took out and stroked it and licked it. They exchanged phone numbers..he was married, and told us he loved white married women as they dont cause any issues. They talked on the phone a few times when we decided to meet again..I got a room for them..he didnt want me there, but Ashley told me he was a very good lover..we met him again and they went to dinner, and back to our room.
Hate to write so much, but just wanted to wish both of you luck and a happy wonderful time, not matter what you end up doing..patience is a virtue, and it took me sometime to convince my wife that love is love..sex is sex..
Understand how exciting and yet frustrating situation you are in. Similar here, at first..we are both professionals, and like you, I talked my lovely into going to an off premises swing club just once so she could experience it..with me..no obligation to do anything other than be with me and observe. She too is tall, very long hair , about 118 lbs with long legs. I had suggested some clothes and she did not object to a short skirt, heels, white almost see thru top, and white thong. The place we went to was clean, but like yours, a bit on the shady side. They did have a DJ, about 30people there. We danced a few times, she had a drink which loosend her up..When we danced, I would caress her ass gently, hiking her flimsy skirt up a bit in back.
She started getting more comfortable and when two younger, very sexy girls, got up to dance on the stage I encouraged her to join them. Right beside the stage was a large fan which when she went up on stage blew her skirt up, which embarassed her, but excited me. The three danced and the other two would pull their skirts up showing complete nakedness except for their thongs...It didnt take long and my wife was doing the same thing. You can understand how excited I was, and a bit uncomfortable...at first. She came back to sit with me at which time I suggested she give me her thong..Hesitant at first, she then slid it off, put it in her purse, and we went to dance..again, I hiked her skirt up so all the people could see she was commando...she then went over by the fan, letting it blow her skirt up giving everyone a nice view.
Right after that we noticed a young black man at a table by himself..nice looking, well dressed..SHE mentioned he looked lonely and wanted to invite him to our table...he had been looking at her so she smiled, got up, and soon he was sitting with us. Very nice, good conversationalist, and handsome. In about 30 minutes we told him we needed to go, and he asked if he could escort us out. Wife agreed and when we got to the parking lot he asked Ashley if she would join him in his truck to talk..with me being there, she felt ok and when he opened the door for her she got in, me standing outside. It was a warm night in the South USA, so windows done..he was touching her leg and bent over to kiss her..no problem for her..he massaged one breast and she reached for his slacks and found a very hard very long cock which she took out and stroked it and licked it. They exchanged phone numbers..he was married, and told us he loved white married women as they dont cause any issues. They talked on the phone a few times when we decided to meet again..I got a room for them..he didnt want me there, but Ashley told me he was a very good lover..we met him again and they went to dinner, and back to our room.
Hate to write so much, but just wanted to wish both of you luck and a happy wonderful time, not matter what you end up doing..patience is a virtue, and it took me sometime to convince my wife that love is love..sex is sex..
well done.
Yes that’s what I keep hoping. It started a dozen years ago when I could perform more often and it just didn’t matter how often she was always up for it and enjoyed it, even though she didn’t always come. It just seemed that she somehow wanted more but couldn’t find a way to tell me.
I'm 62 with a 46yo not shared sexy wife of 20yrs, I can relate j
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Understand how exciting and yet frustrating situation you are in. Similar here, at first..we are both professionals, and like you, I talked my lovely into going to an off premises swing club just once so she could experience it..with me..no obligation to do anything other than be with me and observe. She too is tall, very long hair , about 118 lbs with long legs. I had suggested some clothes and she did not object to a short skirt, heels, white almost see thru top, and white thong. The place we went to was clean, but like yours, a bit on the shady side. They did have a DJ, about 30people there. We danced a few times, she had a drink which loosend her up..When we danced, I would caress her ass gently, hiking her flimsy skirt up a bit in back.
Oooh, this is so exciting, memories, thanks for sharing! D has become comfortable with dancing and revealing her body in sex clubs, especially where at least one or two other women are dancing. She tells me she likes dancing for me and she likes how excited she can make me. She has not gotten to the point where she will touch another man, or permit him to touch her in a sexual way (though she is willing to try this in certain controlled circumstances). I hope we get to the place where you were in this incident -- inspiring!
amazing! amazing! amazing!!!
A fost un moment grozav și mi-am putut da seama din reacția lui D că și ea a fost trezită. A doua zi, am întrebat-o dacă s-a distrat bine și a spus: „Da”. Și „Mi-a plăcut să văd expresia de entuziasm și dorință din ochii tăi.” În următoarele câteva zile, am re-vizitat această experiență, iar rezumatul de bază este că ea s-a distrat bine, i-a plăcut, dar totuși ar fi preferat să petreacă seara singură cu mine. Asta m-a usturat puțin, pentru că am sperat întotdeauna că va face asta atât pentru plăcerea ei, cât și pentru a mea. Dar măcar ea i-a plăcut!

În următoarele câteva luni, am mai vizitat câteva cluburi de sex și am avut momente interesante, dar nimic de comparat cu noaptea cu Dean. Și apoi, dezastru! Multe luni mai târziu, D mi-a recunoscut în sfârșit: nu dorea să se repete acea noapte și, de fapt, se simțea extrem de conflictuală emoțional. Simțindu-și penisul tare apăsând asupra ei, ea știa că asta era real și s-a simțit amenințată și o serie de alte emoții - dorință, entuziasm, plăcere de a-mi vedea excitarea, dar și frica și anxietatea, iar aceste emoții negative le-au învins pe cele pozitive.

Wow, asta ne-a dat puțin înapoi! Eram supărat și rănit că nu fusese sinceră cu privire la sentimentele ei, mai întâi de toate. Și, bineînțeles, am fost de asemenea supărat că părea că visele mele de a o vedea mulțumită de un alt bărbat s-au încheiat. Acest lucru a provocat o ruptură în relația noastră, pe măsură ce am rezolvat lucrurile în următoarele câteva luni. În primul rând, reconectarea la importanța onestității emoționale și apoi la visele mele de soț, iar asta s-a dovedit a fi destul de greu. În cele din urmă, printr-o mulțime de conversații și niște jocuri de rol, D și cu mine ne-am dat seama că, cel puțin la început, nu este de ajutor pentru ea să converseze cu un alt bărbat (lucruri pe care le făcusem pentru a o ajuta să se simtă confortabil să interacționeze cu un străin) , sau chiar să caute pe cineva pe care l-a găsit „fierbinte”. În schimb, acest lucru s-ar putea să funcționeze numai dacă ea nu știe total cine este persoana care îi face plăcere. Așa că ne-am hotărât să legăm la ochi, căștile și să începem cu un masaj, cu mine responsabil pentru jumătatea ei inferioară și străinul responsabil pentru jumătatea ei superioară - apoi, când se simte relaxată și începe să se distreze și numai când se simte confortabil, ea va decide să se răstoarne, expunându-și sânii minunați și permițându-i să o mângâie.

În prezent, îmi fac planuri pentru o străină dispusă să o facă pe plac în aceste circumstanțe, în timp ce noi doi ne facem drum cu pași mici către o experiență sexuală intensă și magică. Iată, sperăm că acest lucru va funcționa!
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