On my way again...can't wait

Hi everyone, new to the forum! I'm so happy this forum exists. It's been my dream and (might be my future life long ambition) to convince my gf to become my Hotwife. It's my intent to share my progress with everyone as i take this journey. Also, to share the pitfalls and setbacks, and obtain the advice needed to achieve this dream.

Little background. Girlfriend and i have been together for 6 years. Me 46, she's 35. For all intent and purpose we are essentially married - been living common law for a year now. So it's more appropriate to call her my wifey.

I've been working to convince her to ...... with other guys for pretty much the last 2 years. It's taken me 10 years before that to understand this fetish, this desire that is within me. Probably like many on this forum, for many years I have kept the fantasy to myself thinking that it was such a perversion that it was best kept as fantasy only. Now, thanks to the internet, and this forum, it's nice to know how it's become more mainstream. I can only hope that it will be the norm soon.

Our sex life is pretty active. She has always been very sexual and has participated with dirty talk and fantasy in the bedroom. She doesn't have a lot of sex experience (or at least so she says). Although she's lived in a large city on her own in her own place for 10 years (for 4 years before me). I do know she had short lived relationships in the past - nothing serious, partly because she has very conservative parents. She has told me about one short term boyfriend that apparently has a big dick - from our short discussion, mostly my prying, it sounded like it was at least 7-8 inches, as he told her "a guy should have a dick that requires two hands to hold onto, and a little left over", which apparently he did. I'm looking to explore that relationship with her more down the road.

Last year on my 45 birthday we visited a sex club when we were vacationing in the south. Her idea! I thought that i was well on my way! That turned out to be a positive experience, although nothing happened with other people. We got naked, had fun together, watched others and went home. As i said a good experience. It was new to us both so i was happy with the fact that she suggested and participated.

Here is one of the setbacks i spoke of above. After the sex club visit I guess i became a little too ambitious as i really increased the dirty talk in the bedroom with the fantasy, and intent, of finding a real life bull for her. I took it a little too far as she became visibly upset with the idea as i pushed more and more.

Over the last 6 months or so our sex life has been subdued as i became unhappy and frustrated knowing this was never going to happen.

I think we went about almost a month this past july-august without sex. Anyway, long story short, i have renewed hope from hot sex sessions we've had the last few days. While i have pretty much stopped the sex talk, she was the one to re-initiate. Her fantasy? To go back to another sex club. She's an exhibitionist for sure and she has no problem removing her cloths in public. So I've been playing it cool and encouraging this fantasy of hers. One scenario is to have others in the sex club use her vibrator to get her off and then for me to fuck her. So, i'm going slow and hopefully, very slowly, i can somehow use her fantasy as a gate way to her enjoying another man's cock.

You'd think this would be so much easier!!!

All for now. More to come to be sure....
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Thanks. Looking forward to it....and if anyone has any advice (guys that have been in similar situations, or hot wives that have been shy or reluctant to take the plunge) it's all welcome if it'll help speed things up.....
Welcome. Hopefully your journey goes all the way to where you want it. A couple of trips to a sex club and maybe she will start letting others touch her a bit. Taking your time and letting her work it out will probably be the best way to have a great experience when it happens.

Good luck.
Thanks BizSC for the advice. That's exactly what I'm hoping. I was actually a little floored tonight - she's looking at trips to New York City this fall. I wasn't sure if it was something she was saying in the heat of the moment, but she's already looking! It's so weird how things can change so fast. My optimism has been restored in the last 48 hours!I I have to not let myself get carried away and move to fast - but it's hard to contain my excitement. But this is a huge step forward - I have to let it play out according to her design.

Maybe it's wishful thinking on my part, and perhaps the hotwives on this forum can advise, but i can't help but think if she has the fantasy of a complete stranger getting her off with a vibrator (and is willing to act on that fantasy, although she did't elaborate on what sex, and we'll have to wait to see what actually transpires in NYC) then warming her up to the idea of a MFM who she's comfortable with and finds sexy shouldn't be a huge leap? No? Or do i just not understand the female psyche?

Anyone know of any good clubs in NYC?