A story about two different odd bed fellows if wife.
The first happened years back. We played spades pretty regular with me and wife and two of her good friends. One of the friends ended up
moving a good bit away and you just couldn't play team spades with three people. One day we were at one of her family gatherings and we
were talking about playing spades and a step brother (distant as we only saw at these gatherings) overheard our conversation and told us he
loves to play spades with us. She is one not to hurt anyone's feelings so she said sure and took his number down.
When we got home she called her friend and told her we had another spades partner and then she in turned called Michael and asked did he want
to come over and play that night. So she set everything up and we actually had a good time. After Michael left she was talking to her friend Elaine and
told her that Michael was divorced and she could set her up with him. This got a quick no from Elaine and then a if you did not notice he is ugly (this
from a lady that was not a prize at all) Well things rocked along and one night Elaine left early and she jokingly mentioned she had tried to set Elaine
up with him. He replied no thanks she is not very attractive and then added if you are going to set me up with someone then set me up with someone
that looks like you.
So again things rocked on a while and one night it was brought up that we would not be playing next week as I was going on a fishing/camping trip.
Michael started asking questions about where I went , what did I fish for, did we stay in tents. i explained we had a a cabin on a lake. This brought a
if you ever need someone else to go I would love to. Of course the wife jumped on that after he left telling me with him being divorced and no one to
hang out with I should ask does he want to go. Of course after talking to the other guys and them having no issues I asked him and he quickly took me
up on the offer. We had a good bit to drink Friday night and then fished most of Saturday. On Sunday I was paired with Michael and we ent out on the
boat and got caught in a hell of a thunderstorm so we headed back to the cabin where we could get changed. Changing in the same room I could not
help but notice that when he took his clothes off that he had the fattest cock I had ever seen.
Nothing was said and we got back home Sunday afternoon and she wanted to know all about our trip and how Michael fit in. Told her all about it and
then told her me and Michael got caught in a thunderstorm and ad to go back to change. She kind of gave me a hands up and a doesn't that happen all
the time. I replied yea but I was going to tell you about something that made this time way different. I said you know how I told you the cabin is one big
room and she replied yes. I said well me and Michael both had to change at the same time. Again she said and?/ as if asking what made it different. I said
Michael has the fattest thickest cock I have ever seen. This got a oh my god wait what were you doing looking at Michaels dick. I said we changed and it was
just kind of natural. She just shook her head and laughed.
Later that night in bed when we started messing around she said how big was Michael. I told her like I said bigger than I have ever seen. She said big and long
and I replied well I don't know about long as he was soft but he was huge. So of course she said how big. So I made a half circle with my thumb and finger and
she said no way. We went back and forth and she said do your fingers like that again and put them around you so I did and there was a lot of room. This got
another no way from her. This got a damn he has to be huge. So I quit talking and started messing with her some more but she did not want to let it go. She said
if he is that big why do you think he got a divorce from his wife. I laughed and said well it sure was not that she wasn't getting enough. Things rocked along till
the next week when we played spades and on more than once occasion I saw her checking him out. And to this point she had been very stand offish with him
but she kept touching his arm and being very nice to him. Elaine mentioned she had to head out as she had a early day and for the first time she was yea you do
probably need to get to bed girl.
So she left and the wife said lets go to the den and talk instead of sitting in here. Again she kept glancing at his crotch, I guess trying to picture it or figure it out.
So she started on the Michael have you found anyone to date yet and he replied no. She asked and what kind of woman are you looking for and Michael said like
I said the other month one like you that has the looks and then looked at me and said pardon me but one with a body like yours. She smiled and said thank you.
She was not going to leave it alone and asked was he looking for a girlfriend or just a friend with benefits. Michael said I am not sure what that is. She laughed and
said well you know what a girlfriend is so a friend with benefits is just that it is someone you can get together with to have a good time. He looked at her puzzled
and said that is kind of the same thing isn't it. She laughed and kind or roller her eyes and said Michael a friend with benefits is just someone you can go to for sex
with no commitments. He laughed and said oh I would really like one of those.
I knew she wanted to offer but was not sure how to go about it. So she said well if you could pick a friend with benefits then what type of woman would you look for
and without hesitation he said one just like you. She laughed and said so I am girlfriend material and I am friend with benefit material. He got this big smile and said
you would definitely be friend with benefit material. She was a little flustered because she did not know what to say so she said I have to get something to drink do
either of you want anything. She was gone a few minutes and while gone had went and changed from jeans and blouse to terry cloth shorts and a tank top. The shorts
were pretty short showing a little bit of the cheeks of her ass. He spoke up and said you look a whole lot better in those shorts. She again thanked him! She looked
over at me and then Michael and asked had he ever done Fireball shots. He told her yea but it has been a long time and asked did we have any. She told me to go get
I brought it back with shot glasses and we all took one. She shook her head saying that's strong. He said lets do another and she told him for me and him to do another.
I think Michael kind of knew where this was going because he looked at her and said I thought shots were done off of each other. She said that is called body shots. He
said then lets do a body shot. She was all for that and said well y'[all will have to do both off me because I am sure you don't want to do one off each other. This got a
oh hell no from both of us. So I grabbed the stuff up off of coffee table and said okay lay on the table. She laughed and said wait we have not even talked about where
we are going to do them at. I said we will do the first off your navel. She laughed and said I am not doing a shot off of y'alls hairy navel and then said plus Michael I am
sure doesn't want to do one from the same place you just licked. I replied okay I will do your navel so Michael where do you want to do yours. He got a big smile across
his face and he said I want to do mine from between her tits. She was trying to not be so enthusiastic so she said okay but I keep my bra on and then looked down her tank
top said even though it is kind of shear.
So I did mine and kind of took my time and drew it out. She then sat up and said well I guess I need to get rid of this and took her tank top off. She laid back and said okay
how do we want to do this to keep from getting it all over me. So without waiting for a answer she squeezed her tits together giving him a pocket to lick the shot out of. So
Michael poured it in the crevice of her tit sand immediately started licking it out. I mean had his tongue all over her tits. He finished and she laughed and said well I can say
I have never had anyone get every drop of the shot. She sat back up and said well I am not doing two shots so y'all decided who I do one with. I said Michael is the guest do
it with him. She stood up and said well I don't think I need to go there yet so Michael are you okay with me doing a shot through a kiss with you. He smiled and said sure.
She told him to sit on the couch and she straddled his lap and took the shot and poured it in his mouth and started kissing him and really swapping tongue with him. This
went on for a few minutes and I noticed the last little bit she was grinding down against his crotch.
She finally got up and looked down right at his crotch and smiled. Look like there was a lot going on down there. Her nipples were rock hard and pushing against the thin bra.
She then said okay guys I can not do many more shots and looked at me and asked did I want to do one. I told her no to let Michael go again. She liked my answer and said
okay Michael where do you want to do this one. I think at this point he knew he was going to fuck her so he reached up and rubbed his hand against her mound and said right
here. She had a one track mind and she wanted it to happen soon so she said okay with or without panties. He smiled and said without panties of course and you can also
take the bra off. She told me to go get a towel and when I walked back in he was sucking on her nipples. She spread the towel out and then slid the shorts and panties off and
laid down on the table. He was about to pour the shot between her legs when she stopped him and said they may burn down there so whey dont you put it on my boobs and
lick it off and then you can lick down there without a shot.
So he poured it over her nipples and spent a lot of time licking it off. He had got on his knees down beside her and she let her hand fall off to the side and I saw her reach for
him and she immediately said oh my god you are huge. he moved down her belly and started licking her and had put his hand on the inside of her thighs and was holding her where he could get as far down as he wanted. He then stood up and started undoing his jeans and took them off along with his undershorts. As soon as she got a glimpse of it
the first thing she said was holy ...... you are huge. Michael said well I am sure you already knew that and looked over at me and smiled. He then moved to the ned of the coffee table above her head and put his hands on each side of her hips and bent down and started licking her again. This put his cock right in her face and she did not hesitate on taking him in her mouth. She was struggling but got most in her mouth. But she again had a one track mind and wanted that thing inside her.
So she suggested we go to the bedroom and off we went . Michael had been through this before and told her she might want to get some lube. She said I promise you I do not
need any. So she got back up in the middle of the bed and Michael followed her up and got between her legs. She reached down and guided him in and he started slow and got inside her and then slid completely out and told her tell me what you want. She had her arms wrapped around him and kind of gave that what look to him and Michael said tell
me what you want me to do. She said Michael please fuck me. He still held back and told her you can do better than that. He said tell me in detail what you want me to do. So
she told him Michael please fuck me with that huge cock. He slid back into her and on about the third stroke he was buried in her. In all of our years I had never heard her so loud and so vocal and the words coming out of her mouth. He was not a two minute man for sure and he did a great job on her. She talked him into staying a while and he obliged her and fucked her again before he left.
In between sessions we got to talk and Michael said so are you my new friend with benefits and she said oh yea and anytime you want it. He had her hooked and he knew it so he
asked what if I get horny and hubby is not home and she said he will understand. For at least a year Michael fucked her at least once a week and sometimes more. It would not be
uncommon for him to call her and tell her on her way home from work stop by. Even a few times he went by and picked her up at lunch and they went to the park for her to give him a blow job. He finally took a job out in California and did not come back for a couple of years until his dad passed. He got intown and made the arrangements and she did not ask she told him while you are in town you are staying with us. Was kind of weird that a hour after buried his dad he was in our bed fucking my wife. He stayed a couple of days and the pretty much fucked nonstop!!
The first happened years back. We played spades pretty regular with me and wife and two of her good friends. One of the friends ended up
moving a good bit away and you just couldn't play team spades with three people. One day we were at one of her family gatherings and we
were talking about playing spades and a step brother (distant as we only saw at these gatherings) overheard our conversation and told us he
loves to play spades with us. She is one not to hurt anyone's feelings so she said sure and took his number down.
When we got home she called her friend and told her we had another spades partner and then she in turned called Michael and asked did he want
to come over and play that night. So she set everything up and we actually had a good time. After Michael left she was talking to her friend Elaine and
told her that Michael was divorced and she could set her up with him. This got a quick no from Elaine and then a if you did not notice he is ugly (this
from a lady that was not a prize at all) Well things rocked along and one night Elaine left early and she jokingly mentioned she had tried to set Elaine
up with him. He replied no thanks she is not very attractive and then added if you are going to set me up with someone then set me up with someone
that looks like you.
So again things rocked on a while and one night it was brought up that we would not be playing next week as I was going on a fishing/camping trip.
Michael started asking questions about where I went , what did I fish for, did we stay in tents. i explained we had a a cabin on a lake. This brought a
if you ever need someone else to go I would love to. Of course the wife jumped on that after he left telling me with him being divorced and no one to
hang out with I should ask does he want to go. Of course after talking to the other guys and them having no issues I asked him and he quickly took me
up on the offer. We had a good bit to drink Friday night and then fished most of Saturday. On Sunday I was paired with Michael and we ent out on the
boat and got caught in a hell of a thunderstorm so we headed back to the cabin where we could get changed. Changing in the same room I could not
help but notice that when he took his clothes off that he had the fattest cock I had ever seen.
Nothing was said and we got back home Sunday afternoon and she wanted to know all about our trip and how Michael fit in. Told her all about it and
then told her me and Michael got caught in a thunderstorm and ad to go back to change. She kind of gave me a hands up and a doesn't that happen all
the time. I replied yea but I was going to tell you about something that made this time way different. I said you know how I told you the cabin is one big
room and she replied yes. I said well me and Michael both had to change at the same time. Again she said and?/ as if asking what made it different. I said
Michael has the fattest thickest cock I have ever seen. This got a oh my god wait what were you doing looking at Michaels dick. I said we changed and it was
just kind of natural. She just shook her head and laughed.
Later that night in bed when we started messing around she said how big was Michael. I told her like I said bigger than I have ever seen. She said big and long
and I replied well I don't know about long as he was soft but he was huge. So of course she said how big. So I made a half circle with my thumb and finger and
she said no way. We went back and forth and she said do your fingers like that again and put them around you so I did and there was a lot of room. This got
another no way from her. This got a damn he has to be huge. So I quit talking and started messing with her some more but she did not want to let it go. She said
if he is that big why do you think he got a divorce from his wife. I laughed and said well it sure was not that she wasn't getting enough. Things rocked along till
the next week when we played spades and on more than once occasion I saw her checking him out. And to this point she had been very stand offish with him
but she kept touching his arm and being very nice to him. Elaine mentioned she had to head out as she had a early day and for the first time she was yea you do
probably need to get to bed girl.
So she left and the wife said lets go to the den and talk instead of sitting in here. Again she kept glancing at his crotch, I guess trying to picture it or figure it out.
So she started on the Michael have you found anyone to date yet and he replied no. She asked and what kind of woman are you looking for and Michael said like
I said the other month one like you that has the looks and then looked at me and said pardon me but one with a body like yours. She smiled and said thank you.
She was not going to leave it alone and asked was he looking for a girlfriend or just a friend with benefits. Michael said I am not sure what that is. She laughed and
said well you know what a girlfriend is so a friend with benefits is just that it is someone you can get together with to have a good time. He looked at her puzzled
and said that is kind of the same thing isn't it. She laughed and kind or roller her eyes and said Michael a friend with benefits is just someone you can go to for sex
with no commitments. He laughed and said oh I would really like one of those.
I knew she wanted to offer but was not sure how to go about it. So she said well if you could pick a friend with benefits then what type of woman would you look for
and without hesitation he said one just like you. She laughed and said so I am girlfriend material and I am friend with benefit material. He got this big smile and said
you would definitely be friend with benefit material. She was a little flustered because she did not know what to say so she said I have to get something to drink do
either of you want anything. She was gone a few minutes and while gone had went and changed from jeans and blouse to terry cloth shorts and a tank top. The shorts
were pretty short showing a little bit of the cheeks of her ass. He spoke up and said you look a whole lot better in those shorts. She again thanked him! She looked
over at me and then Michael and asked had he ever done Fireball shots. He told her yea but it has been a long time and asked did we have any. She told me to go get
I brought it back with shot glasses and we all took one. She shook her head saying that's strong. He said lets do another and she told him for me and him to do another.
I think Michael kind of knew where this was going because he looked at her and said I thought shots were done off of each other. She said that is called body shots. He
said then lets do a body shot. She was all for that and said well y'[all will have to do both off me because I am sure you don't want to do one off each other. This got a
oh hell no from both of us. So I grabbed the stuff up off of coffee table and said okay lay on the table. She laughed and said wait we have not even talked about where
we are going to do them at. I said we will do the first off your navel. She laughed and said I am not doing a shot off of y'alls hairy navel and then said plus Michael I am
sure doesn't want to do one from the same place you just licked. I replied okay I will do your navel so Michael where do you want to do yours. He got a big smile across
his face and he said I want to do mine from between her tits. She was trying to not be so enthusiastic so she said okay but I keep my bra on and then looked down her tank
top said even though it is kind of shear.
So I did mine and kind of took my time and drew it out. She then sat up and said well I guess I need to get rid of this and took her tank top off. She laid back and said okay
how do we want to do this to keep from getting it all over me. So without waiting for a answer she squeezed her tits together giving him a pocket to lick the shot out of. So
Michael poured it in the crevice of her tit sand immediately started licking it out. I mean had his tongue all over her tits. He finished and she laughed and said well I can say
I have never had anyone get every drop of the shot. She sat back up and said well I am not doing two shots so y'all decided who I do one with. I said Michael is the guest do
it with him. She stood up and said well I don't think I need to go there yet so Michael are you okay with me doing a shot through a kiss with you. He smiled and said sure.
She told him to sit on the couch and she straddled his lap and took the shot and poured it in his mouth and started kissing him and really swapping tongue with him. This
went on for a few minutes and I noticed the last little bit she was grinding down against his crotch.
She finally got up and looked down right at his crotch and smiled. Look like there was a lot going on down there. Her nipples were rock hard and pushing against the thin bra.
She then said okay guys I can not do many more shots and looked at me and asked did I want to do one. I told her no to let Michael go again. She liked my answer and said
okay Michael where do you want to do this one. I think at this point he knew he was going to fuck her so he reached up and rubbed his hand against her mound and said right
here. She had a one track mind and she wanted it to happen soon so she said okay with or without panties. He smiled and said without panties of course and you can also
take the bra off. She told me to go get a towel and when I walked back in he was sucking on her nipples. She spread the towel out and then slid the shorts and panties off and
laid down on the table. He was about to pour the shot between her legs when she stopped him and said they may burn down there so whey dont you put it on my boobs and
lick it off and then you can lick down there without a shot.
So he poured it over her nipples and spent a lot of time licking it off. He had got on his knees down beside her and she let her hand fall off to the side and I saw her reach for
him and she immediately said oh my god you are huge. he moved down her belly and started licking her and had put his hand on the inside of her thighs and was holding her where he could get as far down as he wanted. He then stood up and started undoing his jeans and took them off along with his undershorts. As soon as she got a glimpse of it
the first thing she said was holy ...... you are huge. Michael said well I am sure you already knew that and looked over at me and smiled. He then moved to the ned of the coffee table above her head and put his hands on each side of her hips and bent down and started licking her again. This put his cock right in her face and she did not hesitate on taking him in her mouth. She was struggling but got most in her mouth. But she again had a one track mind and wanted that thing inside her.
So she suggested we go to the bedroom and off we went . Michael had been through this before and told her she might want to get some lube. She said I promise you I do not
need any. So she got back up in the middle of the bed and Michael followed her up and got between her legs. She reached down and guided him in and he started slow and got inside her and then slid completely out and told her tell me what you want. She had her arms wrapped around him and kind of gave that what look to him and Michael said tell
me what you want me to do. She said Michael please fuck me. He still held back and told her you can do better than that. He said tell me in detail what you want me to do. So
she told him Michael please fuck me with that huge cock. He slid back into her and on about the third stroke he was buried in her. In all of our years I had never heard her so loud and so vocal and the words coming out of her mouth. He was not a two minute man for sure and he did a great job on her. She talked him into staying a while and he obliged her and fucked her again before he left.
In between sessions we got to talk and Michael said so are you my new friend with benefits and she said oh yea and anytime you want it. He had her hooked and he knew it so he
asked what if I get horny and hubby is not home and she said he will understand. For at least a year Michael fucked her at least once a week and sometimes more. It would not be
uncommon for him to call her and tell her on her way home from work stop by. Even a few times he went by and picked her up at lunch and they went to the park for her to give him a blow job. He finally took a job out in California and did not come back for a couple of years until his dad passed. He got intown and made the arrangements and she did not ask she told him while you are in town you are staying with us. Was kind of weird that a hour after buried his dad he was in our bed fucking my wife. He stayed a couple of days and the pretty much fucked nonstop!!