Is bottomless in public ok?? This was on a dare from some European tourist guys (they were fighter pilots on a couple of days off from training at our local Air forse base) we met at the trail head and who we hiked with and had lunch with. She's such a good sport! It became clear that they kept giving her "those" looks and she was just her normal flirty self. She's always said that somehow guys sense that she's a slut and she has no idea kind of always has seemed true though. She worries about European guys and STD's and we weren't prepared with condoms. They asked me if "we" would like to join them in their van for a "beer" (a real beer instead of our weak American stuff they joked) and although I was not wanting to do this, I told them it was up to her if she wanted to "have a beer" with them....this time she said no for some reason....too dehydrated to drink or something like that. I think she was intimidated by 4 of them, but she still had flirty fun with them....obviously! In those days she wasn't quite ready for a random 4 guy gangbang in a van she said. I'm still dout highly she would do that today...although she did let 2 guys pick her up at a country music concert and take her to a quiet spot in the desert for fun about a year ago.
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