Nude beaches

I took my pretty wife to Haulover in Miami first time,and it was a rush! I couldn’t believe she did it and we walked to the water and it was mostly guys. Her large titties were swaying when she walked and her nipples thick and dark,she had shaved the day before so everything was in plain view. Guys came up and talked,we got invited to peoples homes later,and took one man up on a massage later. She was in awe of all the different cocks she seen.! She wanted to come back the next day!
My husband and I decided to have a vacation in Grenada last year, we had been to many Caribbean islands in the past but had never been to a nudist beach before.
We arrived in Grenada spent the first couple of days in the hotel grounds and the beach in the front of the hotel.the beach was amazing, we settled down on hotel sun loungers on the beach.we noticed a lot of white women and couples with black guys sitting with them.
We are a cuckolding couple and seeing these black guys with women and couples starting to get me inquisitive. I said to my husband well I didn’t expect to see this . We decided maybe we would find a nudist beach and spend sometime there although we had never visited a nudist beach before we thought it would be a different experience.
My husband looked up for where the nearest nudist beach would be to our hotel. As he looked up where any were , he couldn’t find any , but it became clear that as all the beaches were public beaches it was illegal to even be topless and definitely no nudism allowed on any of the beaches on Grenada..
Did this horny wife get Blacked while there, that would be soo eXciting , i hope SO