This past week we spent at the beach, had a fun time.
We went to the "Nude area" got naked and sat/laid in the sun. Car driving by would slow down and gawk. One truck pulled up and ask if he could join us, we said yes and he parked got out wearing a G-string which he removed when he sat down. We visited for about and hour when this Constable pulls up and motioned me over. Although when I got to his window he was facing me but he had his eyes on CC the whole time he was talking to me., said we needed to put out bottoms on, women can go topless. This is what he was looking at.
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We stayed for about another hour, right after the cop left the man walks up to us wearing a G-string also and said after the cop passed him he tried to warn us that he was coming bot we did not see him. After we left CC said she liked his body and wished he had gotten naked with us so she could see his whole body.
Here are a few pics from that day.
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She said I had to post one of me also. Sorry it is blurred, CC says she can't take pics worth a ....... LOL
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Well it is the start of the summer so there will be many more beach days to come. We only travel to PINS once a year, but we go to the local beach to a part of the beach where most don't travel, very few families, mainly trucks of fishermen passing. Of course they all slow down to look at CC.