I'm a 22yo guy and my gf is 19. We have a great relationship and been together for about 3 years now. I know we both love each other much and we often talk about having a future together. She is much more sexually experianced than I am I was a virgin when I met her and I have a very small dick almost 7cm fully erected... I know I can't satisfy her in bed also with my little experiance and small tool so I said yes once for her to hook up with a guy she "knew from before". She goes far away to another big city to meet this guy but it doesn't happen very often only a weekend every few months. At first I didn't ask much but after their second meeting I found pregnancy tests in our trashes a few days after. And since we don't have sex without condoms I figured it was from their meeting but I didn't say anything... maybe an accident happened? But after their third meeting I carefully checked the trashes and found pregnancy tests again. I then confronted her and asked her who this guy was and straight up if she was having unprotected sex with him. She then tells me a story that breaks my heart and starts to question if I ever knew her... Apparently they met at one of her school education trips and this guy worked in a bar at their hotel. She was only 15 by then but apparently this guy who is TWELVE YEARS OLDER than her hooks her up and she sneaks out to ...... in his room every night for the coming 3 weeks. My gf then proceeds to tell me the details that he looks like a muscular hunk and has a huge dick of course "like the porn movies" and that he insisted they would fuck bareback from the 2nd day AND THAT HE MADE HER PREGNANT which is why they have unprotected sex now. As she finds me shocked she tries to play the victim for a second saying she didn't have much choice and that he was very dominant. She told me it hurt sometimes because he was "so rough" and that she had to "cry in the pillow" a few times... But still she seems to want to meet him again. Apparently this ...... face works in different bars at tourist locations as a hunk mingler or whatever and whenever he has to change flight in our country he wants my gf to travel to him and be his whore at some hotel for a weekend before he flies off... My gf seems to agree to it despite making it sound like she was half raped at some points but I'm not sure about how she lets him treat her just for sex and then the other seconds she is this "strong feminist individual". Please help me out! Is this just normal coldfeets or remorse by a cuck or should I end this?