Need help and tips on how to convince my wife during our vacation

I'm going on a holiday soon to a nice 5-star resort in Tenerife in the Canaries with my wife. My wife's 41, blond, normal body, good looking and quite flirty. She's not down for bars or night clubs or things like that, but loves to hang around the pool, beach, etc. and enjoy the sun, the atmosphere and in general the environment of a very nice resort.

I have shared with her my fanatasy about seeing her with another guy. Unfortunately she's been reluctant until now and the topic is lingering for quite some time now. Sometimes she'll refer back to it. Joke about it. Or in conversation with friends even reference about the fact that I'm not jealous and would be okey if she want to ...... with someone else...

She's just not very confident about her body and looks; which is rediculous to be honest. She just struggles with the fact she's not in her twenties any more, but most people would estimate her to be younger than me (and I'm 36).

So I'm looking for some things that could set the stage and maybe open her eyes a bit more, get her to thinking, or perhaps just go with it if the moment feels right. Especially guys hitting on her and making clear she's good looking would help a lot, as she's a flirt by nature.

I'm looking for pointers, ideas, suggestions and tips from you guys, especially if you've been here before and have experienced the same things. She's not prone to dress particularly sexy or engage in play like not wearing underwear, and going to bars/clubs is also not something she would do that quickly. I'm looking for more daytime tips, more things that originate from the vanilla lifestyle...
Things that come to mind:

1. Perhaps organise a massage in the hotel... but then these guys are usually pro's or female. How to set the stage right?

2. Perhaps go chat with some good looking guys or pool-employees at the hotel and see if they're willing to hit on her and see what happens, without her knowing I set it up?

3. A few months back a friend for fun one night made a tinder profile of her. Got 100+ hits in like 10 mins that really boosted her self esteem a bit... perhaps suggest to do the same, but this time without her fear that people in the neighbourhood that know us, or other dads from our kids school, would recognize her and start looking at her funnily.

Any suggestions on how to approach the above? Or other ideas?
Hi Anthony, for me it’s not quite clear why she’s reluctant to make your fantasy come true. She’s not confident about het looks or she’s not sure about the idea of being shared? What about her erotic fantasies and preferences for men.
Talking about sex while making love could help you to find out what she likes and what makes her horny. I’ve the thought that she’s a decent woman and perhaps a little afraid to be called a slut or hotwife. That’s the way you want her to be.
Watching porn and using a dildo during you love games could make her familiar with the idea of being share. A tactic that often used is that you talk to a unknown man, she doesn’t know, that meets her preferences. Ask him to make pass to her when you’re not around. Organize a coincidental meeting with the three of you and act if you don’t know the person. Tell herlater the you think, he’s a nice guy and her for her thoughts. Perhaps it will work out.
Hi Anthony, for me it’s not quite clear why she’s reluctant to make your fantasy come true. She’s not confident about het looks or she’s not sure about the idea of being shared? What about her erotic fantasies and preferences for men.
Talking about sex while making love could help you to find out what she likes and what makes her horny. I’ve the thought that she’s a decent woman and perhaps a little afraid to be called a slut or hotwife. That’s the way you want her to be.
Watching porn and using a dildo during you love games could make her familiar with the idea of being share. A tactic that often used is that you talk to a unknown man, she doesn’t know, that meets her preferences. Ask him to make pass to her when you’re not around. Organize a coincidental meeting with the three of you and act if you don’t know the person. Tell herlater the you think, he’s a nice guy and her for her thoughts. Perhaps it will work out.
I think.that you dhould ask.her to.dress up.nice tske her out let her sit by her self with you close by but not obvious see if she get noticed and matbe a guy comes by ti talk ti het that would build her confidence thst shed still attractive to.others and maybe she more open and confident about herself

This is what worked for me but it was not an overnight thing
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There are a number of swingers clubs. google Tenerife swingers. I think all allow single men to attend so that the wives can be well looked after. Will mean a lot of cock for the wife and some good views for you.


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I'm going on a holiday soon to a nice 5-star resort in Tenerife in the Canaries with my wife. My wife's 41, blond, normal body, good looking and quite flirty. She's not down for bars or night clubs or things like that, but loves to hang around the pool, beach, etc. and enjoy the sun, the atmosphere and in general the environment of a very nice resort.

I have shared with her my fanatasy about seeing her with another guy. Unfortunately she's been reluctant until now and the topic is lingering for quite some time now. Sometimes she'll refer back to it. Joke about it. Or in conversation with friends even reference about the fact that I'm not jealous and would be okey if she want to ...... with someone else...

She's just not very confident about her body and looks; which is rediculous to be honest. She just struggles with the fact she's not in her twenties any more, but most people would estimate her to be younger than me (and I'm 36).

So I'm looking for some things that could set the stage and maybe open her eyes a bit more, get her to thinking, or perhaps just go with it if the moment feels right. Especially guys hitting on her and making clear she's good looking would help a lot, as she's a flirt by nature.

I'm looking for pointers, ideas, suggestions and tips from you guys, especially if you've been here before and have experienced the same things. She's not prone to dress particularly sexy or engage in play like not wearing underwear, and going to bars/clubs is also not something she would do that quickly. I'm looking for more daytime tips, more things that originate from the vanilla lifestyle...
Things that come to mind:

1. Perhaps organise a massage in the hotel... but then these guys are usually pro's or female. How to set the stage right?

2. Perhaps go chat with some good looking guys or pool-employees at the hotel and see if they're willing to hit on her and see what happens, without her knowing I set it up?

3. A few months back a friend for fun one night made a tinder profile of her. Got 100+ hits in like 10 mins that really boosted her self esteem a bit... perhaps suggest to do the same, but this time without her fear that people in the neighbourhood that know us, or other dads from our kids school, would recognize her and start looking at her funnily.

Any suggestions on how to approach the above? Or other ideas?
Hoi Anton. Heb je bericht gelezen. Het eerste begin is altijd het probleem. Vrouwen begrijpen niet dat je haar wil delen of (vol-)cuck zou willen worden. Het heeft te maken met de scheiding in affectie tussen mannen en vrouwen. Wellicht denkt ze in termen van ontrouw. Maar ik heb je bericht gezien en vertel maar Anton...