My wife's first time

Hi everyone!
We are a married couple from Sweden. Been together for almost 18 years and married for 15. In our 10th anniversary we had a romantic night alone in a hotel, nice dinner, great sex... Everything was great. That was a Friday and on Saturday she was meeting some friends to go out and have some drinks. I stayed home and so far we ddin't have any conversation, fantasy or anything related cuckolding or cheating. I was not jealous and trusted her mostly. She left home around 19:00 and said that probably would be late, so I shouldn't wait for her awake. However, I woke up around 4 am and she was not home. That was kind of too late, since most, if not all the bars and pubs close in our town around 2 or 3 max.
I didn't want to call to not sound jealous or suspicious, but was getting growngly nervous. Eventually she arrived at 4:40, quite ....... Went to shower straight, even before coming to the room and then lied down next to me. I asked her if she was ok and she said that she was just ...... and needed to refresh herself. She slept quickly and I decided to go through her things in the middle of the night while she was .......
First i looked into her dirty clothes that she threw to the laundry basket. Her underwear was dirty with some sticky half-dried fluid and so was a small part of her skirt. I looked then into her mobile and couldn't unlock it, but saw a couple of messages of her friend that popped in the screen asking her: Are you home already? You have to tell me everything about him tomorrow. That of course was a big red flag. I decided to wake her and confront her while she was in such bad condition with no time to react. My heart was pounding crazy. She was very drowsy and when I asked her something like: was he a good fuck? she looked at me not knowing what to say. and just managed to mumble: how do you know? That was enough to start pulling the thread and eventually she admited to have been with a younger guy that she met at the pub. They went to his place and were drinking and having sex twice. She apologized, promised that was a mixture of alcohol, the fact that she felt that somehow she was becoming old, our long relationship... nothing to do with us. Of course I asked for details and she was very reluctant, saying that it was piointless, that she regretted deeply that, and that if I could forgive her it was better for everyone to not talk about the details.
I let it pass at that moment but the next day I gave her an ultimatum to give me the details and eventually she did...
You have to be aware that her story was not straight, and required a lot of insisting in the details, and was completed in the days after, but this is more or less how it ended up being:
My wife (C.) was having dinner and afterwards some drinks with her friends, a group of 7 people of both women and men. There were 2 couples and then one man and two women including herself. In the disco/pub they were all drinking, dancing chatting, nothing out of the normal. The group started to separate, and the two couples went home around midnight, leaving herself, another woman (T.) and a man (E.). I know both of them. E. is divorced and T. is single, both around 50 years old. After a while they were all quite ......, and T. and E. started to flirt and eventually started making out.
C., left alone, was thinking about going home but stayed finishing her drink for a while, and in the meantime a guy came and talked to her. He was around 30 (my wife was in her 40's at the time), fit, good looking. He invited her to another drink and talked for a while, danced... and then he kissed her. She was hesitant (or that is hat she told me) but he insisted and eventually she gave in and kissed him back. They sat down in some sofa and made out for a while, touching each other, kissing... then he asked her to go to his place. She felt that was too much and said no but of course he insisted. She claimed to have refused several times until he "gave up" and then she said she was leaving home. He asked to at least drive her home as she was quite ...... and she accepted. In the way out she talked to her friends saying that he was driving her. They were a bit suspicious and asked her to write them when she got home. It was around 01:00
In the car he was touching C.'s legs under the skirt, massaging her thights up to her underwear. She was becoming more aroused, and he felt it: "you are weting your pants" he said. She didnt say anything and after some minutes he stoped the car in front of a house that wasn't ours. He said that he wanted to invite her to a last drink and that then he will order a taxi for her. C told me that she wasn't thinking straight and accepted. Both went in and had a couple of drinks while talking and then he started kissing her again. She said no a couple of times but wasn't probably very convinced herself about her answer. She told me that she got very aroused, feeling desired by another man that on top of that was younger and good looking. She felt reasured as a woman and that turned her on. At that point she got a call from T. asking if everything was ok, and C went to the bathroom and answer that she was in his palce, that he was not dangerous and that she wanted him to fuck her but felt bad about it. T. answered that she should take the situation as a small parentheris in her life and enjoy the moment since she was already there.
That reasured her in her thoughts but still went out and said that she was leaving. The guy grabbed her butt hard and told her something like: "We both know that you want me to fuck you. Do you want me to do it nicely or the hard way?" My wife told me that she got completely horny and answered: "you have to forse me then" but clearly teasing him, inviting him to fuck her. She made it clear to me that there was nothing "illegal" in his behaviour, and that it was consented. Then he took her by the hand to his bedroom and there lied on her, holding her hand hard against the bed, kissing her mouth, neck, face... then he asked her: will you try to scape or should I handcuff you? My wife answered that she was going to try to run as soon as she could so he tied both her hands to the bed. Then he removed her shirt, lifted her skirt and started kissing and licking her whole body. He licked her pussy until she came a couple of time and then he sat on her tits, rubbing his cock on her face. After a bit he was facefucking her, arms tied, totally submited. He came in her mouth and went to the toilet, leaving her tied there for at least 10 minutes. Then he came back and told her: "I will untie you. You are free to go or stay if you want me to use this dildo and then my cock on you" She stood up, went to the living room and got her unfinished drink and ...... it to wash up her mouth. Then came back to the room and saked: "what shuold i do?" He told her to put herself in doggy position and then fucked her with the dildo. Then he changed it with his own cock and fucked her, pulling her hair, grabbing her face and mouth, slaping her butcheeks...that went on for a while until both came.
After that the story was just that she stayed there for half an hour or so, when she found out that he was married too but the wife was on a trip. They decided to not contact each other but just to go to the same place where they met, around midnight and on a particular date about a month after that day if both wanted to repeat. Then she came home, showered and... that's the begining of the story.
You have to be aware that her story was not straight, and required a lot of insisting in the details, and was completed in the days after, but this is more or less how it ended up being:
My wife (C.) was having dinner and afterwards some drinks with her friends, a group of 7 people of both women and men. There were 2 couples and then one man and two women including herself. In the disco/pub they were all drinking, dancing chatting, nothing out of the normal. The group started to separate, and the two couples went home around midnight, leaving herself, another woman (T.) and a man (E.). I know both of them. E. is divorced and T. is single, both around 50 years old. After a while they were all quite ......, and T. and E. started to flirt and eventually started making out.
C., left alone, was thinking about going home but stayed finishing her drink for a while, and in the meantime a guy came and talked to her. He was around 30 (my wife was in her 40's at the time), fit, good looking. He invited her to another drink and talked for a while, danced... and then he kissed her. She was hesitant (or that is hat she told me) but he insisted and eventually she gave in and kissed him back. They sat down in some sofa and made out for a while, touching each other, kissing... then he asked her to go to his place. She felt that was too much and said no but of course he insisted. She claimed to have refused several times until he "gave up" and then she said she was leaving home. He asked to at least drive her home as she was quite ...... and she accepted. In the way out she talked to her friends saying that he was driving her. They were a bit suspicious and asked her to write them when she got home. It was around 01:00
In the car he was touching C.'s legs under the skirt, massaging her thights up to her underwear. She was becoming more aroused, and he felt it: "you are weting your pants" he said. She didnt say anything and after some minutes he stoped the car in front of a house that wasn't ours. He said that he wanted to invite her to a last drink and that then he will order a taxi for her. C told me that she wasn't thinking straight and accepted. Both went in and had a couple of drinks while talking and then he started kissing her again. She said no a couple of times but wasn't probably very convinced herself about her answer. She told me that she got very aroused, feeling desired by another man that on top of that was younger and good looking. She felt reasured as a woman and that turned her on. At that point she got a call from T. asking if everything was ok, and C went to the bathroom and answer that she was in his palce, that he was not dangerous and that she wanted him to fuck her but felt bad about it. T. answered that she should take the situation as a small parentheris in her life and enjoy the moment since she was already there.
That reasured her in her thoughts but still went out and said that she was leaving. The guy grabbed her butt hard and told her something like: "We both know that you want me to fuck you. Do you want me to do it nicely or the hard way?" My wife told me that she got completely horny and answered: "you have to forse me then" but clearly teasing him, inviting him to fuck her. She made it clear to me that there was nothing "illegal" in his behaviour, and that it was consented. Then he took her by the hand to his bedroom and there lied on her, holding her hand hard against the bed, kissing her mouth, neck, face... then he asked her: will you try to scape or should I handcuff you? My wife answered that she was going to try to run as soon as she could so he tied both her hands to the bed. Then he removed her shirt, lifted her skirt and started kissing and licking her whole body. He licked her pussy until she came a couple of time and then he sat on her tits, rubbing his cock on her face. After a bit he was facefucking her, arms tied, totally submited. He came in her mouth and went to the toilet, leaving her tied there for at least 10 minutes. Then he came back and told her: "I will untie you. You are free to go or stay if you want me to use this dildo and then my cock on you" She stood up, went to the living room and got her unfinished drink and ...... it to wash up her mouth. Then came back to the room and saked: "what shuold i do?" He told her to put herself in doggy position and then fucked her with the dildo. Then he changed it with his own cock and fucked her, pulling her hair, grabbing her face and mouth, slaping her butcheeks...that went on for a while until both came.
After that the story was just that she stayed there for half an hour or so, when she found out that he was married too but the wife was on a trip. They decided to not contact each other but just to go to the same place where they met, around midnight and on a particular date about a month after that day if both wanted to repeat. Then she came home, showered and... that's the begining of the story.
i like it. good for her.
J has arranged to spend every one of our wedding anniversaries out of town for "business". WE have never had sex on any anniversary or even on our honeymoon, but SHE has!! When we got married (I didn't find this out until well after we were married) she was leaking sperm down her thighs from her then Boss/Lover. She got his cold, gave it to me when we kissed after getting married, and we were both too sick for anything but laying around the room and pool. And every wedding anniversary, she has been out of town and most of them had sex with someone from work. CW
J has arranged to spend every one of our wedding anniversaries out of town for "business". WE have never had sex on any anniversary or even on our honeymoon, but SHE has!! When we got married (I didn't find this out until well after we were married) she was leaking sperm down her thighs from her then Boss/Lover. She got his cold, gave it to me when we kissed after getting married, and we were both too sick for anything but laying around the room and pool. And every wedding anniversary, she has been out of town and most of them had sex with someone from work. CW
My wife is a hotwife and enjoys her hotwife lifeste outside of our narriage but anniversary are special and wexare togerher sometimes she plays a day before or a day after a hiliday and will.spend anover night but anniversary nights we are togerther She does celebrate the day that they first fucked as a hotwife anniversary and that sometimes is usually a whole weekend. Even.your honeymoon to each his iwn but i could never accept that
J has arranged to spend every one of our wedding anniversaries out of town for "business". WE have never had sex on any anniversary or even on our honeymoon, but SHE has!! When we got married (I didn't find this out until well after we were married) she was leaking sperm down her thighs from her then Boss/Lover. She got his cold, gave it to me when we kissed after getting married, and we were both too sick for anything but laying around the room and pool. And every wedding anniversary, she has been out of town and most of them had sex with someone from work. CW
Whu would you not have sex on your Anniversary we do something similar but our annim is for us she fucks another guy before 12 am on our anniversary or after 12 am.the next day we call it ouf anniversary gift anotherbut i do fuck.her sometime on our anniversary
You have to be aware that her story was not straight, and required a lot of insisting in the details, and was completed in the days after, but this is more or less how it ended up being:
My wife (C.) was having dinner and afterwards some drinks with her friends, a group of 7 people of both women and men. There were 2 couples and then one man and two women including herself. In the disco/pub they were all drinking, dancing chatting, nothing out of the normal. The group started to separate, and the two couples went home around midnight, leaving herself, another woman (T.) and a man (E.). I know both of them. E. is divorced and T. is single, both around 50 years old. After a while they were all quite ......, and T. and E. started to flirt and eventually started making out.
C., left alone, was thinking about going home but stayed finishing her drink for a while, and in the meantime a guy came and talked to her. He was around 30 (my wife was in her 40's at the time), fit, good looking. He invited her to another drink and talked for a while, danced... and then he kissed her. She was hesitant (or that is hat she told me) but he insisted and eventually she gave in and kissed him back. They sat down in some sofa and made out for a while, touching each other, kissing... then he asked her to go to his place. She felt that was too much and said no but of course he insisted. She claimed to have refused several times until he "gave up" and then she said she was leaving home. He asked to at least drive her home as she was quite ...... and she accepted. In the way out she talked to her friends saying that he was driving her. They were a bit suspicious and asked her to write them when she got home. It was around 01:00
In the car he was touching C.'s legs under the skirt, massaging her thights up to her underwear. She was becoming more aroused, and he felt it: "you are weting your pants" he said. She didnt say anything and after some minutes he stoped the car in front of a house that wasn't ours. He said that he wanted to invite her to a last drink and that then he will order a taxi for her. C told me that she wasn't thinking straight and accepted. Both went in and had a couple of drinks while talking and then he started kissing her again. She said no a couple of times but wasn't probably very convinced herself about her answer. She told me that she got very aroused, feeling desired by another man that on top of that was younger and good looking. She felt reasured as a woman and that turned her on. At that point she got a call from T. asking if everything was ok, and C went to the bathroom and answer that she was in his palce, that he was not dangerous and that she wanted him to fuck her but felt bad about it. T. answered that she should take the situation as a small parentheris in her life and enjoy the moment since she was already there.
That reasured her in her thoughts but still went out and said that she was leaving. The guy grabbed her butt hard and told her something like: "We both know that you want me to fuck you. Do you want me to do it nicely or the hard way?" My wife told me that she got completely horny and answered: "you have to forse me then" but clearly teasing him, inviting him to fuck her. She made it clear to me that there was nothing "illegal" in his behaviour, and that it was consented. Then he took her by the hand to his bedroom and there lied on her, holding her hand hard against the bed, kissing her mouth, neck, face... then he asked her: will you try to scape or should I handcuff you? My wife answered that she was going to try to run as soon as she could so he tied both her hands to the bed. Then he removed her shirt, lifted her skirt and started kissing and licking her whole body. He licked her pussy until she came a couple of time and then he sat on her tits, rubbing his cock on her face. After a bit he was facefucking her, arms tied, totally submited. He came in her mouth and went to the toilet, leaving her tied there for at least 10 minutes. Then he came back and told her: "I will untie you. You are free to go or stay if you want me to use this dildo and then my cock on you" She stood up, went to the living room and got her unfinished drink and ...... it to wash up her mouth. Then came back to the room and saked: "what shuold i do?" He told her to put herself in doggy position and then fucked her with the dildo. Then he changed it with his own cock and fucked her, pulling her hair, grabbing her face and mouth, slaping her butcheeks...that went on for a while until both came.
After that the story was just that she stayed there for half an hour or so, when she found out that he was married too but the wife was on a trip. They decided to not contact each other but just to go to the same place where they met, around midnight and on a particular date about a month after that day if both wanted to repeat. Then she came home, showered and... that's the begining of the story.
was this her first such endeavor, or are there more?
You have to be aware that her story was not straight, and required a lot of insisting in the details, and was completed in the days after, but this is more or less how it ended up being:
My wife (C.) was having dinner and afterwards some drinks with her friends, a group of 7 people of both women and men. There were 2 couples and then one man and two women including herself. In the disco/pub they were all drinking, dancing chatting, nothing out of the normal. The group started to separate, and the two couples went home around midnight, leaving herself, another woman (T.) and a man (E.). I know both of them. E. is divorced and T. is single, both around 50 years old. After a while they were all quite ......, and T. and E. started to flirt and eventually started making out.
C., left alone, was thinking about going home but stayed finishing her drink for a while, and in the meantime a guy came and talked to her. He was around 30 (my wife was in her 40's at the time), fit, good looking. He invited her to another drink and talked for a while, danced... and then he kissed her. She was hesitant (or that is hat she told me) but he insisted and eventually she gave in and kissed him back. They sat down in some sofa and made out for a while, touching each other, kissing... then he asked her to go to his place. She felt that was too much and said no but of course he insisted. She claimed to have refused several times until he "gave up" and then she said she was leaving home. He asked to at least drive her home as she was quite ...... and she accepted. In the way out she talked to her friends saying that he was driving her. They were a bit suspicious and asked her to write them when she got home. It was around 01:00
In the car he was touching C.'s legs under the skirt, massaging her thights up to her underwear. She was becoming more aroused, and he felt it: "you are weting your pants" he said. She didnt say anything and after some minutes he stoped the car in front of a house that wasn't ours. He said that he wanted to invite her to a last drink and that then he will order a taxi for her. C told me that she wasn't thinking straight and accepted. Both went in and had a couple of drinks while talking and then he started kissing her again. She said no a couple of times but wasn't probably very convinced herself about her answer. She told me that she got very aroused, feeling desired by another man that on top of that was younger and good looking. She felt reasured as a woman and that turned her on. At that point she got a call from T. asking if everything was ok, and C went to the bathroom and answer that she was in his palce, that he was not dangerous and that she wanted him to fuck her but felt bad about it. T. answered that she should take the situation as a small parentheris in her life and enjoy the moment since she was already there.
That reasured her in her thoughts but still went out and said that she was leaving. The guy grabbed her butt hard and told her something like: "We both know that you want me to fuck you. Do you want me to do it nicely or the hard way?" My wife told me that she got completely horny and answered: "you have to forse me then" but clearly teasing him, inviting him to fuck her. She made it clear to me that there was nothing "illegal" in his behaviour, and that it was consented. Then he took her by the hand to his bedroom and there lied on her, holding her hand hard against the bed, kissing her mouth, neck, face... then he asked her: will you try to scape or should I handcuff you? My wife answered that she was going to try to run as soon as she could so he tied both her hands to the bed. Then he removed her shirt, lifted her skirt and started kissing and licking her whole body. He licked her pussy until she came a couple of time and then he sat on her tits, rubbing his cock on her face. After a bit he was facefucking her, arms tied, totally submited. He came in her mouth and went to the toilet, leaving her tied there for at least 10 minutes. Then he came back and told her: "I will untie you. You are free to go or stay if you want me to use this dildo and then my cock on you" She stood up, went to the living room and got her unfinished drink and ...... it to wash up her mouth. Then came back to the room and saked: "what shuold i do?" He told her to put herself in doggy position and then fucked her with the dildo. Then he changed it with his own cock and fucked her, pulling her hair, grabbing her face and mouth, slaping her butcheeks...that went on for a while until both came.
After that the story was just that she stayed there for half an hour or so, when she found out that he was married too but the wife was on a trip. They decided to not contact each other but just to go to the same place where they met, around midnight and on a particular date about a month after that day if both wanted to repeat. Then she came home, showered and... that's the begining of the story.
I think we'd all enjoy hearing more of the story 🙂
Hi everyone!
We are a married couple from Sweden. Been together for almost 18 years and married for 15. In our 10th anniversary we had a romantic night alone in a hotel, nice dinner, great sex... Everything was great. That was a Friday and on Saturday she was meeting some friends to go out and have some drinks. I stayed home and so far we ddin't have any conversation, fantasy or anything related cuckolding or cheating. I was not jealous and trusted her mostly. She left home around 19:00 and said that probably would be late, so I shouldn't wait for her awake. However, I woke up around 4 am and she was not home. That was kind of too late, since most, if not all the bars and pubs close in our town around 2 or 3 max.
I didn't want to call to not sound jealous or suspicious, but was getting growngly nervous. Eventually she arrived at 4:40, quite ....... Went to shower straight, even before coming to the room and then lied down next to me. I asked her if she was ok and she said that she was just ...... and needed to refresh herself. She slept quickly and I decided to go through her things in the middle of the night while she was .......
First i looked into her dirty clothes that she threw to the laundry basket. Her underwear was dirty with some sticky half-dried fluid and so was a small part of her skirt. I looked then into her mobile and couldn't unlock it, but saw a couple of messages of her friend that popped in the screen asking her: Are you home already? You have to tell me everything about him tomorrow. That of course was a big red flag. I decided to wake her and confront her while she was in such bad condition with no time to react. My heart was pounding crazy. She was very drowsy and when I asked her something like: was he a good fuck? she looked at me not knowing what to say. and just managed to mumble: how do you know? That was enough to start pulling the thread and eventually she admited to have been with a younger guy that she met at the pub. They went to his place and were drinking and having sex twice. She apologized, promised that was a mixture of alcohol, the fact that she felt that somehow she was becoming old, our long relationship... nothing to do with us. Of course I asked for details and she was very reluctant, saying that it was piointless, that she regretted deeply that, and that if I could forgive her it was better for everyone to not talk about the details.
I let it pass at that moment but the next day I gave her an ultimatum to give me the details and eventually she did...
Sometimes getting details is like giving a cat a bath. But remember its just sex and she did come home. Not only that you have a good story to share.
  • Love
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You have to be aware that her story was not straight, and required a lot of insisting in the details, and was completed in the days after, but this is more or less how it ended up being:
My wife (C.) was having dinner and afterwards some drinks with her friends, a group of 7 people of both women and men. There were 2 couples and then one man and two women including herself. In the disco/pub they were all drinking, dancing chatting, nothing out of the normal. The group started to separate, and the two couples went home around midnight, leaving herself, another woman (T.) and a man (E.). I know both of them. E. is divorced and T. is single, both around 50 years old. After a while they were all quite ......, and T. and E. started to flirt and eventually started making out.
C., left alone, was thinking about going home but stayed finishing her drink for a while, and in the meantime a guy came and talked to her. He was around 30 (my wife was in her 40's at the time), fit, good looking. He invited her to another drink and talked for a while, danced... and then he kissed her. She was hesitant (or that is hat she told me) but he insisted and eventually she gave in and kissed him back. They sat down in some sofa and made out for a while, touching each other, kissing... then he asked her to go to his place. She felt that was too much and said no but of course he insisted. She claimed to have refused several times until he "gave up" and then she said she was leaving home. He asked to at least drive her home as she was quite ...... and she accepted. In the way out she talked to her friends saying that he was driving her. They were a bit suspicious and asked her to write them when she got home. It was around 01:00
In the car he was touching C.'s legs under the skirt, massaging her thights up to her underwear. She was becoming more aroused, and he felt it: "you are weting your pants" he said. She didnt say anything and after some minutes he stoped the car in front of a house that wasn't ours. He said that he wanted to invite her to a last drink and that then he will order a taxi for her. C told me that she wasn't thinking straight and accepted. Both went in and had a couple of drinks while talking and then he started kissing her again. She said no a couple of times but wasn't probably very convinced herself about her answer. She told me that she got very aroused, feeling desired by another man that on top of that was younger and good looking. She felt reasured as a woman and that turned her on. At that point she got a call from T. asking if everything was ok, and C went to the bathroom and answer that she was in his palce, that he was not dangerous and that she wanted him to fuck her but felt bad about it. T. answered that she should take the situation as a small parentheris in her life and enjoy the moment since she was already there.
That reasured her in her thoughts but still went out and said that she was leaving. The guy grabbed her butt hard and told her something like: "We both know that you want me to fuck you. Do you want me to do it nicely or the hard way?" My wife told me that she got completely horny and answered: "you have to forse me then" but clearly teasing him, inviting him to fuck her. She made it clear to me that there was nothing "illegal" in his behaviour, and that it was consented. Then he took her by the hand to his bedroom and there lied on her, holding her hand hard against the bed, kissing her mouth, neck, face... then he asked her: will you try to scape or should I handcuff you? My wife answered that she was going to try to run as soon as she could so he tied both her hands to the bed. Then he removed her shirt, lifted her skirt and started kissing and licking her whole body. He licked her pussy until she came a couple of time and then he sat on her tits, rubbing his cock on her face. After a bit he was facefucking her, arms tied, totally submited. He came in her mouth and went to the toilet, leaving her tied there for at least 10 minutes. Then he came back and told her: "I will untie you. You are free to go or stay if you want me to use this dildo and then my cock on you" She stood up, went to the living room and got her unfinished drink and ...... it to wash up her mouth. Then came back to the room and saked: "what shuold i do?" He told her to put herself in doggy position and then fucked her with the dildo. Then he changed it with his own cock and fucked her, pulling her hair, grabbing her face and mouth, slaping her butcheeks...that went on for a while until both came.
After that the story was just that she stayed there for half an hour or so, when she found out that he was married too but the wife was on a trip. They decided to not contact each other but just to go to the same place where they met, around midnight and on a particular date about a month after that day if both wanted to repeat. Then she came home, showered and... that's the begining of the story.
There has to be more to this story, 😜👍
My wife is a hotwife and enjoys her hotwife lifeste outside of our narriage but anniversary are special and wexare togerher sometimes she plays a day before or a day after a hiliday and will.spend anover night but anniversary nights we are togerther She does celebrate the day that they first fucked as a hotwife anniversary and that sometimes is usually a whole weekend. Even.your honeymoon to each his iwn but i could never accept that
My wife's brother is an idiot. He mades over two million dollars a year in the media industry. His wife makes $400,000. A year working for a private school. Before they got together. He had a beautiful, cultured GF, from a respected political family. He had dated her previously, she dumped him, got knocked up by a Dominican ...... dealer, then flew across the country begging him to take her and the kid on. He did. His GF said choose her or me. He chose the fat ex! She goes on vacations by herself for weeks and breeds her dealer buddy.
  • Wow
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