My photos

Thanks for your response. I joined this forum to punish my husband.
I don't have any male friends now, because of his jealousy. I used to feel guilty when having male friends, because he'd make me feel guilty. He never said "You can't be friends with them", but his constant questions ruined these friendships ("So you probably secretly dream about Mike", "Maybe you'd been at Mike's place last night?", "Why are you hanging out with Mike so much?" (when hanging out like once in two weeks)). I'm not allowed to have any guy friends. My husband doesn't allow me to talk to other guys but he talk to other women.

He knows my FB password.

He logs into my FB profile. I let him read my messages - the deal is not to enter conversations with my friends .

He reads my phone messages. He just takes it in front of me 'because he is bored', scrolls through my galleries, plays some mobile games, and ends up reading my messages "because he is bored". His argument is 'So you have something to hide?' if I ask him why he's doing it.

The sex part is the worst. He always tries his best to make me orgasm, but sometimes I just don't orgasm (it depends on my mood), and he makes a big deal about it, and thinks I may be cheating/thinking of someone else/etc.

If I want to go out with my friends, he gets upset. His argument is "But I never go Friday nights with my friends, why are you going with your friends? You aren't even going with your friends. You are probably going with some guy. You used to not go out before. What has changed? Do you not love me anymore? Is there someone else now?"

He isn't really the manipulatuve/abusive type. He always gives me compliments, supports me through everything, listens to me, etc. He is a super fun person and I am never bored when with him. He doesn't have anger issues.

I love him, but I don't know how to deal with his jealousy.
I could not bear this. My husband ignores me for sex but this is worse. I think you do the right thing giving him something to be jealous for. Like your husband mine is kind in other ways so I stay but I think your husband is manipulative and ...... in different way. I am not sure I would stay.
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