MISSED OPPORTUNITY!...Wife was willing!

So my wife and I just got back from Vegas. The 1st night we got totally ...... and at one point she let me show some guys a nude pic of her on my phone. This already was way out of the norm for her and totally turned me on.

Then later, one of those guys found us and said he wanted to have a threesome. The wife said no and we moved on. I didn’t push because I thought there was no way she would EVER. Then the next day my wife said she kinda wished we did it and she MIGHT be open this one time in Vegas.

But we didn’t find anyone else that last day, we’re now back home and I cant stop thinking about such a blown opportunity! If I had only pushed that night I could have furfilled my LONG fantasy of seeing her with another guy!!!! Argh!!!

My wife is actually way prude and only opens up very rarely. Thinking of checking out some swinging siteS that might look tame enough for her to even consider at this point. Any suggestions would be VERY appreciated.
Might even reward with the pic I showed those guys ; ) ……and yes, my wifes hot!...haha
Mine had her first opportunity when we were in our early 20’S. She didn’t take it. By 39 she had her first. The guy was in HIS early 20’s. Then she did 2 more guys right after that. Don’t give up hope.
you might try only bringing it up when she is extremely turned on .or comments on how handsome another gentleman may be.point out some gentleman that you think may be her type .that will help reassure her that you are not the jealous type and you are fine with her taking a look .whatever you do don't get in a hurry and put too much pressure on her it mite backfire on you .after all chances are she still thinks of that night in Vegas almost as much as you [Almost that is ]when the time is right let her know the only thing you can't do for her or in this case be for her is somebody new and fresh in the bedroom . but you don't mind if she wont's to have a new boy toy every now and again .she already knows all marriages can get a little stale and may need a little shot of variety and new every now and again . like they say she can have her cake and eat it too.But be careful what you wish fore .surely you don't think you are the only man that knows how to satisfy your woman the other guy has that new thing that new sex toy thing going in his favor .make dam sure your marriage and trust between you and her is solid .............communication is the key ..............i wish you all the luck in the world
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