Meet my Filipina wife


Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.


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Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
She needs bbc
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Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
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I am also married to a Filipina and the way I got my wife to play was by simply asking her to do it for me. I also have an ex Filipina gf and when I asked her to have sex with other men she jumped at the chance. Filipinas will do anything to please their man. If you PM me I will show you the photos I have which will explain
Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
hi sir maam. masarap. maybe get her massaged
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Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
I can fuck her .I m a professional playboy bull and breeder for Ladies and can take her at me for erotic body massage or take her holiday travel at India. Where I give her nude body massage with licking and eat her pussy .So maybe she will be ready for fuck.i can fuck her hardest and deepest full night in all way


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  • Wow
Reactions: Desejo de corno
Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
Try my Indian dick for her dude .I can fuck her harder deeper till her orgasm again and again and again. Check my profile and get in touch with me if interested
Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
I want to fuck her with this


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Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
You need to get prescribed testosterone..I’m being serious, you didn’t finish puberty..i was a bull for a couple years ago and he had the same body type and everything as put him on test and the dude got delayed puberty in his late 30’s.

If you still want dudes to fuck your wife that’s cool and I’m all for it..but get yourself good too brother
Hey everyone, this is my wife, she is Filipina. I always think about her being fucked by someone else because I can't satisfy her due to my tiny cock(photo included). How can I convince her to see other men, any suggestions? I would gladly appreciate if you comment about her looks (even dirty). Thanks.
Your scrumptious wife is totally yummy...
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