Mature wives that like younger men?

My wife is mid 40s and has a full time boyfriend 12 years younger than she is. She looks much younger than her actual age and always attracts much younger men. In fact we joke about it. If we go out and I walk away, some young guy shows up to take a shot.
My wife is the same way. She's 47, and the majority of the guys that hit on her at a club or bar are mid to late 20s, some early 30s.
My wife is the same way. She's 47, and the majority of the guys that hit on her at a club or bar are mid to late 20s, some early 30s.

Its crazy but you can count on it like clockwork. I will tell my wife I am headed to bar to get drinks etc or in a place where you order food by going to a counter, by the time I get back at least one yound guy is there. I am told I don't really look mid 50s but I am so to these young guys they are shocked when I walk up and they realize we are together. But on the flip side her boyfriend is 20 years younger than I am so it isn't like she doesn't enjoy the attention from yoiunger men. A couple of weeks ago we had a friend of hers bring around a couple bull types she plays with and the younger of them was probably early to mid 20s and he was all about firting with my wife. I take it as a compliment.
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Its crazy but you can count on it like clockwork. I will tell my wife I am headed to bar to get drinks etc or in a place where you order food by going to a counter, by the time I get back at least one yound guy is there. I am told I don't really look mid 50s but I am so to these younf guys they are shocked when I walk up and they realize we are together. But on the flip side her boyfriend is 20 years younger than I am so it isn't like she doesn't enjoy the attention from yoiunger men. A couple of weeks ago we had a friend of hers bring around a couple bull types she plays with and the younger of them was probably early to mid 20s and he was all about firting with my wife. I take it as a compliment.
For sure. We go out of town and get a hotel room when the wife wants to play. If a guy gets her attention at a club, she'll bring them back to our hotel room.
I've loved hearing from mature couples and wives who like to chat. It helps if you have pictures on profile or if you're discreet, send me some!
Happy Browsing 😈
Hi There J Thompson- Read your post- Sound interesting - We are a mature couple living in UAE- If you like we could communicate - I am 57 and my wife is 56- If interested write me on and then we could take things from there onwards- Thanks

Do let us know where you belong to for easy accessibility- Thanks
My wife is 57 and she was watching and waiting for the younger guys that are going through the neighborhood and they would be happy to see her strip and laying out by the pool without a top or bottoms. Her ...... and nephews are always trying to get a look at her naked body before she gets up and then the boys were already in the same spot to see her and they would be masturbating outside and looking at her in the house as best as possible. She grew up in a house that was a teenager masturbating with the help of the other siblings. I told her that when I was a teenager I was just curious to see if they wanted to let them see. I have a few things that I have been able to experience that I am going to try to get the boys to see if they have any desire to.
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