Mature hot wives who like them young

Had a 21 year old for a year who all you had to do was look at him the right way and he was ready to go. Hung like a horse and unbelievable recovery time. Unfortunately started getting possessive and causing minor problems, fortunately he fell in love with another and moved on. I was 68 at the time, and have a lot of hot memories
I’m just glad that there are so many younger guys attracted to and wanting to fuck more mature women. I’ve had lots of compliments from guys that I’m a much better fuck than girls their own age. Plus they know that we’re just looking for some fun not commitment.
Lynn x
I am sure mature ladies like the young guys just like to mature guys like the young ladies but I also will admit I truly do wish that I had more experienced women when I was late teens early twenties and learning my skills I'm sure I would be in much better love her now
I’m just glad that there are so many younger guys attracted to and wanting to fuck more mature women. I’ve had lots of compliments from guys that I’m a much better fuck than girls their own age. Plus they know that we’re just looking for some fun not commitment.
Lynn x
And you most likely ARE a much better fuck. I think these guys likely feel there is not worry over commitment with and older, and preferably woman. Plus, many women look absolutely gorgeous well into their 50s. It's just a win-win for all.
Early 80s I was seeing/fucking an older happily married gal. I was 22 she was 41.
She told me she had never done this befor and I believed her. Hubby didn't know.
Was almost every Thursday after work at my place. We fuck three times then she'd be gone by 7:30. She was go9d looking with a killer body. I fucked her any way I wanted. She loved it. As she was leaving she often said she was going home to have sex with hubby. She got off on that.
When I was 19, I had a long sexual relationship with a work colleague’s 38 year old wife. He didn’t know. But those were good times for sure.
Very similar...I was 22, had an almost weekly visit with a good looking happily married with a family 42yo. Hubby had no idea.
It was always on Thursday, she'd arrive about 5:30, we'd fuck three times, she'd be gone by 7:30.
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We actually got caught once by one of her own female friends and work colleague. It taught us to lock the door.

She walked straight in. We were on the sofa and seriously in the zone. The friend just said ‘oops, sorry’ and disappeared rather quickly. We carried on. But it was sort of exciting to know that we’d been caught.
This was in 1979. I'd only had sex with girls around my own age at the time. But this was an experienced woman and I remember how fantastic sex was with her. It was such a revelation. Her pussy was so wet and she was so hot for sex whenever and wherever possible.
I’m just glad that there are so many younger guys attracted to and wanting to fuck more mature women. I’ve had lots of compliments from guys that I’m a much better fuck than girls their own age. Plus they know that we’re just looking for some fun not commitment.
Lynn x
That's what I like about you mature women is the lack of commitment we just want to have sex with you