Massage Masturbation, or was it?


For those that have seen my other posts and threads, you will know that I love the idea of femdom masturbation scenarios, and being made to masturbate for women, this one is different. Moreover, it is true.

I started to get interested in Asian massage after reading a bit online, so I felt brave in going to a place in a large UK city. I had no idea what to expect, or whether the 'extras' mentioned online were fact or fiction. More importantly, I was a bit nervous and unsure, so the stress led to a suppressed sexual tension.

I walked in, asked for a one hour massage, and was led to a simple room and told to undress, put on some weird paper pants and lie face down. The lady went out, and some time later a different lady came in. She sounded older and was quite strict in a way. She explained that they did not do extras, the management did not allow it, so don't ask, but that tipping at the end was allowed. I said I understood, and settled back for a plain vanilla massage.

Except, it wasn't. She started with my back, doing a very professional job at teasing out some knots in my shoulder muscles and warming up my lower back. It was when she did my legs that things started. She ran her hands up to the top of my thighs, and innocently brushing against my cock and balls. She made nothing of it, and so I accepted that it was bound to happen. She told me that the paper pants were in her way, so removed them, with my permission. My right leg was done, and then my left was even more of an issue as I was lying with my cock over that side. The accidental nudges and bumps continued.

She told me to turn over, put the towel over my middle and started on my legs again. Up and down, up and down, light nudges at every move. I was embarassed, my cock was getting hard, and I could see it under the towel, but she seemed completely oblivious of it. The not knowing, and the anticipation of the next nudge was pretty powerful, and I started to try and think of other things.

She started on my chest, standing behind me and reaching over. She did the top of my chest and then lower down, running her hands under the towel to either side of my cock, but not purposely touching it, although the nudges continued and some were making my foreskin move across the head. I was feeling so good by now, and so horny. She then did my lower belly, under my cock, telling me not to be so tense, and to relax. By this time the towel was pressing my cock down on the back of her hands, and I could feel my foreskin just gently rippling back and forth. She said that she could feel one point resisting, and put a hand on the towel. The extra pressure felt amazing, and as she rubbed my belly I blew a massive load. She just carried on, saying not to worry, it had happened before.

I gave her a good tip, and then reflected after on how she had never really masturbated me, and yet it was one of the most emptying experiences of my life. My cock did not feel overly stimulated, but a feeling of calm and sleepiness just washed over me.

It was slow, almost hypnotic, and utterly amazing. I always asked for her after that....