Ok this is a precautionary tale to all would be cucks - sorry it’s so long - bit of background - my wife has supposedly had a few partners but all it seems were to a man vanilla sex people - each to there own , I have had less partners but mines have been more adventurous , dirty/ kinky - whatever - I have had a 3 some with a married couple ( I was single ) and tried swinging with my last partner of then 6 years - was a disaster and lasted a full 3 minutes if that but we had an ad etc so sort of knew the ropes so to speak - both of these events have always been a sore point with my wife - doing a married woman etc , - fast forward and we were having missionary sex , I caught my wife sort of smirking and she laughingly said she couldn’t feel me in her ? ( all of my partners said I had a good cock - think I have a pic of it on here ) I should have been mad at her but instead thought of ways to satisfy her - first was a cock extension - ok but didn’t quite do it for her - FUCK UP NO 1 - I said to maybe advertise for a hung guy - thinking of her - she seemed keen and went along with the ad etc , asking me about it and what age of guy etc - she then said she was going along with it all merely to see how far I would go , I was disgusting - it was disgusting , getting someone else to fuck your wife etc , somehow managed to get over it and now 3 years later it has happened again - in between times my wife with a bit of coaxing was sexing herself up a bit - or changing her ways to please me as she put it to include wearing stockings , heels and her favourite using vibrators while I watched her - all good u say but I had previously been told no one used vibrators / sex toys , wore heels / lingerie etc FUCK UP NO 2 - during our vibe sessions she sort of heard me saying to myself how good would she look with spunk coming out of her , she said it was ok and to speak up - so over another good few sessions I said dirtier stuff and when I mentioned an ex work colleagues name she physically reacted to it , her legs opened , nipples hardened and she rubbed harder etc , also during this and after being advised by other members to reassure her I didn’t want to mess around with women - she said but that’s not Fair u not getting any pussy etc . SO I looked at a swinging site and I innocently sided to her about it - her reply was Mmmmmm sounds good we will need to look at it then - happy days I thought . That night in bed - no sex involved - she asked me all about it and what I knew of it etc - what do you do / talk about etc - after telling her TRAP NO 2 was sprung - her telling me you want your wife to get fucked next to you while u are fucking someone else etc - looks like our marriage is now over and I foolishly again acted on information she told me , seemingly she was faking the physical urge with the co worker as well . Both times was well and truly trapped , now I’m a piece of ...... on her shoe etc - she has googled cuckold etc but I noticed taken screenshots of people on the internet all saying stuff like - he wanted me to fuck other men and I was appalled etc - you know only negative ones to reinforce her view / opinion of it - she had changed her ways for me and still want more etc , I love her and know I did wrong but my motives were purely for her which I haven’t a chance in hell of making her see that , think she was really devious , cold and calculating to seem really keen both times so I would step in the noose only for her to pull it tight TWICE . She says I know people swing and share ( that alone makes me wonder why she knew it was called that - makes my mind work overtime which I found to be fatal ) but she doesn’t want to be with someone who thinks that way etc as none of that is for her -