Karen goes to a bachelor party


Well you guys and girls thanks for the awesome comments you leave. I almost forgot about this story till my husband reminded me of it. I helped my best friend Lynn sometimes as she sells My Cherie lingerie and toys at home parties and I model some of the outfits for her. Friends have told me I have a great figure, not a runway model or anything like that. I keep I good shape and have a great pair of boobs. I probably done 6 or 7 parties with Lynn and she gives me a cut on what she sells. Sometimes I get to keep a discontinued item which hubby likes.

This one night a few years ago Lynn asked me to help with this big couples party which I've never done before. Most of the time just women at these things. Some of the outfits are very revealing. I'm not shy by any means and Lynn knows this. Of course I'll help you might be fun. I told my hubby what I'll be doing Friday night and he had no problem with it. I did my regular thing bathed makeup and hair. I just wore blouse and jeans and heels as I change into lots of items there. Lynn picked me up at 7:00 and drove to the house. It was a beautiful place in the hills and some fancy cars in the driveway. Lynn and I looked at each other knowing these people had money and it might be a good night. We entered the house and the hostess was Barbara and she took us the livingroom. There was 7 couples there. Lynn introduced us and she past out catalogs of the products.

I just sat and had a stiff gin and tonic waiting for Lynn to Finish her thing. She would let me know what to model. Also if we had the item and someone wanted to see it I would put it on. We started out with some cute babydoll styles, they really just showed my cleavage and legs. I would walk around the room and stood in front of each couple. They all had order sheets in front of them with colors available. Then I put on 2 longer gowns 1 in white 1 in red color. The white one you could see my tits through the material and when I modeled it in front of the men I really had their attention. Barbara's husband really didn't take his eyes of me for long. The expensive gowns seemed to be even more revealing, if the light hits right you could see right through them.

Barbara's husband Jack asked to see one of them. Lynn got it out and I went to change into it. I couldn't wear panties as they didn't match the outfit. I came out and the group really liked it. Lynn said it came in 3 colors and she only had the red one. Of course the guys loved seeing my tit and ass through it. Later after a few more drinks I did bra and panties and stockings in different lines. Lynn and I must if been there over 21/2 hrs. My last outfit was modeled and I went to change into street clothes. I was totally naked when the bedroom door opened it was Jack thanking me for the evening. I just grabbed a sheet to cover up. He was blushing and apologized for not knocking, right I'm sure I thought to myself all he wanted was to check me out. I sat and waited for Lynn to wrap things up with the party. One guy brought me a drink and asked what he thought his wife would like. I said the types sell the best and these are bedroom favorites. I couldn't believe he checked 4 of them off and said thanks.

They all thanked us for a great show and we left. In the car Lynn couldn't help herself she gave me a big hug and kiss. She had never sold so much at one of these parties. The next day Lynn came over and gave me $200 bucks as my cut of the profits. Lynn said it might get higher as Barbara has ordered yet. Some of the outfits were $150.00 each. Later in the week Lynn phoned and said she owed me another $100 . That's awesome I told her. She said she'll drop by the next day and wanted to talk to me .

Lynn came over to pay me and said Barbara's husband Jack wondered if I would like to dance at his ......'s batchelor party his friend was putting on. I would be with a professional stripper and he thought I might do it. I asked Lynn what she thought and she said all I have to do it show some tits and ass for some strangers. I show almost as much modeling with her. The party paid $500 plus all the tips I get from the guys. I said how much time do I have to answer, Lynn said a week to let her know. Well my husband came home and I told him of the offer I got. He was shocked at first but asked me if I could dance half naked in front of strangers. I said I've done simular with guys I picked up just not a room full. I said it might be fun and the money is good for our holidays. He said okay do it should he ...... me I said no it would be fine I think. I phoned Lynn and agreed to do it next Saturday night.

Thursday the other stripper Candy phoned me and gave the load down on what to bring and some outfit ideas. I told her I never done this before and am a little nervous. She said if I'm not shy I'll be fine and we could make some good money from these rich people. I was to meet Candy at a bar and we would go together. Well Saturday came and I was really nervous about what going to happen. I got ready and wore a nice cocktail dress. I packed nylons and a pleated skirt that is easy to get out of easily. Couple of bra's and panties. 2 blouses and a black leather zipper front top. I looked hot and my husband gave me a big kiss goodnight and said have fun honey. I met Candy and she told me what to expect while dancing for them. We had to dance 2 sets with 2 songs each. I said I didn't bring music with me, she said she had lots. She said first dance don't show much and the second show some boob and a little ass for them. I said I could do that. The second set Candy would start and said she would be topless after 1st dance and probably naked except for nylons on the second. She said nylons and g-string is for collecting money the more you do the bigger the tips. I told her I hope I can do it, but wasn't sure. Candy said I'll be fine and we had another drink and left.

Jack had rented a nice hall just outside of town for the party. When we arrived there was about 20 guys there all drinking of course. Jack greeted us and told us the best man was Tim and his ...... was Carl. The back of the stage had a small dressing room for us. Candy set up her music and mic. Jack got in stage and introduced us the the guys and said Candy was a professional stripper and I was a wife and model. We went backstage to get ready. I was first to go on and put on my red nylons and heels red bra and g-string and panties over them, my skirt and white blouse. I gulped down a drink and Candy started with a fast song first.

I came out from the room and started to dance around the stage looking at all the men staring at me. I move pretty good in heels and I kept checking out what they look like. Most of them were 18 to 24 I would guess, with a few older like Jack and his other friend that was at the lingerie party that asked me what his wife would like. Just before the sound ended I had a few buttons on my blouse undone. The second song was a slow one and I got into it. I undid all the buttons and slowly removed it and let it fall to the floor. I danced close to the side of the stage to give them a good look at me. I reached around and undid my skirt and let it drop. Just in bra and panties I got on my knees at the edge of the stage letting the guys holding money put in my panties and stockings. The song almost to end I let 1 tit fall out of my bra. I was so close to them drooling ar me and got turned on a bit.

Candy started next and i was watching her every move while having a drink. She was awesome. I had bigger boobs than her but she could really move her ass. I could tell see knew how to turn them on. Her second song her top and shorts were off fast. She wanted to collect the tips fast so near the end of the song removed her bra. Showing her full set to them. We had a 1/2hr break to mingle with them. I was in a black nylon cover up and walked around chatting with a few. Met the groom who will be the guest on the stage Candy told me. There was a cute guy at the end of the stage i think was barely legal and was really shy. I tried to talk to him and he was nervous i guess his name i think was Tim. Well then we were back on stage. While getting dressed Candy asked what i think of the groom, I said he was cute and why. She said his dad wanted him to get special treatment on stage and would give us money for it. I told her I'm not screwing him if that what he wants. No Candy said just play with him a little, we would both tease him at the same time. I said I could do that. So Candy called him up to the stage and the guys cheered him on. I was in my black leather top and another black skirt. All black bra panties and stockings. Candy wore similar clothes. Carl was sitting in the middle of stage on a chair and Candy asked for the lights to be dimmed and started the music. I was a great slow dance. We both danced around him touching his hair and shoulders Candy had her top off so I did the same. I sat on Carl's lap and let him touch my tits I whispered to him to kiss them if he wants so blushing he did. The guys just kept clapping for him. Candy had a big sheet and put it on the floor. Told Carl to lay down and she danced on top of him then layed right on top of him. She was grinding him a bit and I knelt down letting my tits touch his lips.Candy un did his pants and started to play with his hard cock. The guys really couldn't see much because she hide it from them. She licked it a little and put it back in his shorts not to embarrass him. The music stopped and we let him get back to his buddies. We took a short break and then Candy was next to dance. We were both topless and I was watching her. Her skirt dropped fast and she was only in a g-string and nylons. Then she layed on the edge of the stage and removed it exposing her bare pussy she played with herself in front of all them cheering her on. There was money lying on the stage and her. Her second song she jumped off stage to dance around them. They kept putting money in her stockings and she let them grab her ass and some tried to finger her.

Then it was my turn how could i top that. I had to admit I was really getting turned on by this. I started to dance topless and was very suggestive as I moved around the floor lying on my back I also removed my panties. Have have a trimmed Bush and I'm sure my pussy was glistening and wet. The quiet kid at the end was my attention I spread my leggs wide for him and rolled over and stuck my ass out at him. I also got off the stage and collected money from the cheering guys. I started with the shy kid Tim sitting on his lap and he put $10 in my stockings I gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a kiss mark for him. The rest were great also I few were a little rough with their hands but I handled it okay. The both if us got propositions from them but we shrugged it off. We both went back to get dressed and count our tips wow I thought to myself how do the guys find the money to throw around. Candy made $650 I made $540 I asked her is it always like this she said no sometimes parties are cheap and you don't make much. We said goodnight after another drink. Jack thanked me for doing this and said he wanted to see me naked after the lingerie show I did. He gave us each an envelope with our pay, I just put it in my purse and said goodnight.

In the parking lot going to Candys car Tim was standing beside his. I walked over to him to make sure he wasn't ....... He said he only had 1 beer all night so I said good. He thanked me a asked if I need a ride home. Candy said that would be better for her she lives at the other end of the city. I said sure you can if you don't mind. I told him were I was parked when I met Candy. He knew were it was so I got in his suv. All the time he never said much to me but in the car he chatted up a storm. Told me he broke up with his girlfriend last week and really didn't want to go to the party. I asked if he liked my dancing and he said I looked awesome and really liked my perfume. I told him I never did this before tonight and I was 35. He said I did great he was 18. I kept looking at him on our long drive back. I noticed he was looking at my leggs as I opened my jacket when I got in the car. I let my skirt ride up when he was looking forward showing nearly all my leg. I said if he minded stopping at a store I needed some cigarettes as I ran out earlier in the night. He stopped at the first one we came too. I asked if he needed anything and went in. I stood outside the store and had to smoke one so I sat at a table beside the store. Tim joined me and kept talking to me,asking how I felt dancing and modeling lingerie. I said it was fun and I enjoy dancing laughing well maybe not naked for 20 guys all the time. He laughed also and we left and made it to were my car was parked. I don't know why but I felt attracted to this kid all night. I didn't know what he would say but I said I would like to have sex with him. Tim never said nothing so I learned over to kiss him and had a hand on his leg. Tim let his tongue meet mine and I felt his cock getting harder. So you game I asked again and he nodded yes. Let's get in the back seat and we started to kiss and Tim asked if he could get us a motel room. I said no I had to get home soon. His hand was at my pussy as I has no panties on after I got dressed. My coat was open and I unzipped my leather shirt for him to play with my tits. He loved sucking them I had his cock out and pushed his pants down. He was a nice size and I took him in my mouth he had some precum at first and them I strattled him kissing as I eased his cock In me. He felt good and I came pretty fast but I kept riding him my tits were bouncing in his face. He asked if he should pull out I said no come in me I like that. He let out a moan and I felt his hands squeeze my ass. I said pull your pants up so not to get cum on his seats and I rolled off him dripping his cum on his pants. I kissed him and said it was fun he asked for my number and I said I was married but he didn't care. Okay got a pen and I gave it to him.

Well I hope you liked this true story and some if the names are changed but the event was real. And yes Tim did call but that is another story. Please vote for me and read my other adventure. Lol Karen


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This us really part 2 of the bachelor party. After the party I hooked up with a young guy from the part that gave me a ride to my car. I found him quiet and cute so I was horny after dancing and gave him a treat of an older women. It was short and sweet in back of his suv. I couldn't believe I gave him my number but I did. When i got home my husband asked how it went so i explained the best i could. He asked if I got totally naked and i said yes just my nylons on the catch my tips. I went to my purse and said I got over $500 in tips. My asked if I fucked anyone there i said no. But a nice young guy drove me to my car i found cute. Then i remembered i had an envelope from Jack with my pay for dancing. It was $800 i was supposed to get $500 i note said you did great for a housewife and first time. Call him if i was interested in making money again and left his phone #. Hubby was really surprised at the amount i got for couple hours of dancing.

My husband been working long hours on a new industrial project he is designing. We don't really need the money but he likes when i get out of the house. I can only garden and clean so much. I know he watches some of my adventures when I'm not home because he gets really horny when i get home. I love my husband and i like he let's me play because he gets off watching me perform i guess. I do have a strong sex drive and have fantasies of different situations. I get out with my best friend Lynn and do modeling for her for a few dollars. I love suntaning in the park and sometimes meet people to chat with.

Well a week after the bachelor party I wanted to try again so I phoned Jack. He wasn't surprised I called, I said why. He said I looked like I was haven't a real fun time and was not shy at all with nudity. I told him we've been to Hedonism in Jamaica and are full naked most of the day. Plus I model lingerie with my friend. I asked if he knew anything and he said yes his buddy is the owner of a strip joint were Candy works sometimes. He could put in a good word for me at there amateur night. I said great and let me know if he finds out. Just an hour later Jack called back and said Wednesday night at 8:00 and ask for Kenny at the bar. I said thanks a bunch it's not the money it's fun doing it.

Well I went to a store that has different costumes to get ideas of what to wear stripping. I found a witches Cape that would go together with stuff I allready have. I have all kinds of lingerie from doing parties. Just have to do some alteration on some with snaps can be pulled apart easy. I have a closet full of high heels of different colors and styles. Hubby was gone to Toronto for 4 days on business so I was alone. My ...... was visiting his grandparents at the lake. I phoned Lynn and asked if she wanted to come with me but she was busy also.

Well Wednesday came and I got ready to go out. I was sitting in the tube soaking and thought of calling Tim the young guy that drove me to my car and asked him to come there. He never answered his phone so I didn't bother again. Well I got all fixed up in a spring dress that really showed my cleavage and left for the club. It was about 1/2 hr drive and I kept thinking what it would be like at a real strip joint.

I went in and the door man said Kenny was behind the bar. The place was 1/2 full right then. I introduced myself to Kenny and asked what I should do as an amateur. Kenny said amateur hour starts at 9:00 that's when I go on. He poured me a cocktail and said I hear you did a bachelor party and was pretty good. I blushed and said thanks it was my first time and I was clumsy and nervous. Kenny said most of the amateur dancers are also., mostly college girls and housewives do it. I sat at the bar and guys bought me drinks. I had to slow down and not get ....... Kenny said after my dance I could use the royal room if a member wants a private dance with me. Rules are touching allowed but no intercourse allowed. I said I'm not into that stuff but would dance and tease.

There was more guys coming and going all the time and some really beautiful dancers on stage. I noticed 1 young guy I had fun with last year he was a peeping tom kid next door. Just before I went backstage another guy said hi to me it was Bob the pizza delivery boy I met one night. God small world I chatted and said I'm going to dance tonight cheer me on okay. I went to girls dressing room and there was 4 other amateurs entered tonight. I was the oldest if the group so I went last on stage. The first 2 girls were okay they were very shy and didn't show much at all they stripped to bra and thong panties. You had to do 2 songs each. They had a few dollars put in the panties each and had a few cheers from the crowd. The 1 before me was good a nice body and new how to handle the pole on the stage. She got some good cheers when her bra came off. She was a good teaser also rolling around the dance floor and getting close to the stage to get tips. Then my turn I picked 1fast and one slow song. I wore black leather skirt and my zipper front top. Black bra and panties with g-string under them. I came out and got a few cheers right away. I was having fun twirling around the center pole and slowly unzipped my top and let it fall too the floor. I moved close to the front to show off my cleavage to the men out there. The second song I unzipped the back off my skirt and let it fall to the floor. At that moment I say Jack sitting at a table on the second row and Tim was sitting with him. I got on my knees and moved to center front of the stage. I reached around and undid my bra slowly removing it while holding my tits in my hands. I lifted them out showing everyone a nice pair. Boy the clapping got louder then. I moved around the front so guys could put money in my nylons. I layed on my back and put both leggs straight up and removed my panties. All I had on was nylons and a g-string. I sqermed around the floor like a snake the popped up on my knees letting my tits swing free. Guys were holding money so 1 by 1 I went to them. Money was attached to my g-string. I was going to take it of but decided not to. Then the music stopped and I gathered my clothes and went backstage.

I put my skirt and top back on and went out for a drink and see what happens next. Jack called me over to sit with them. He went to get me a cocktail and I quickly asked what Tim was doing there. He told me Jack was his dad and he asked me to come because you were dancing. I said did you tell about us and he said no our secret is safe with him. I had to go for a cigarette and said I'll be right back. Bob was outside smoking to and said he couldn't believe it was me on stage and completely loved the show. I said join me in a little while for a drink, he said sure will. Jack got my drink and said he would like a private dance later if I'm game, I said maybe I will. Kenny got on stage and started to get who won the amateur dance contest. He had a cheer meter setup. Called us girls up on stage and put his hand over our heads and the cheers loudest would win the $250. Both younger girls got some cheers, the 3rd got lots of cheers and I got the loudest and longest cheer. Kenny gave me a envelope and said your not an amateur any more .

I went back to the table to join the guys. I was asked to give 2 lap dances before I sat down. You get $40 for each lap dance and $75 for private dance. I told them maybe in awhile. Jack said okay my turn Karen and led me to the private room and locked the door. It was darker with lots of red lights and a red sofa like chair in the middle. I started the music and danced real sexy for him. I said is this okay and he said can I get totally naked for him. Just stockings and heels on. I stripped off everything and started dancing again. I put one knee between his legs so he could suck on my tits. He was moaning a little and I could see he was hard. Jack was about 15 yrs older than me but good shape. I felt his cock though his pants rubbing it a bit. I kept breathing heavy in his ear and slide my hand down his pants to see what he had. He had I nice stuff cock I think by the feel it was uncircumcised which I have never had one. I then placed my pussy against his bulge in his pants and started grinding with great rythem to the music. Faster and faster I went grinding him. I think if I was allowed I would of fucked him right there. So I knew he was close and I didn't stop he came in load moan and I slowly stopped and got off him. I let him relax for a minute and said you okay he just nodded yes. Let's get back I said and he said could I give Tim a dance like this. I said I think he's to young knowing I had fun with him. So we joined the table and Bob was sitting with Tim. On our way back Jack asked if I would like to come over 1 evening for drinks with his wife Barbara and him. I said I can call him maybe.

Jack had to leave and said goodnight so I sat down and had a drink with the 2 boys. I also did a couple of lap dances only topless ones. Tim and Bob said you sure are a popular lady. Thanks I said and I need a cigarette so Bob wanted one also. Outside I asked how is college going he said fine spring break right now for him. On our way back to our table William the peeping tom I met was at the bar so I went over to see how he was. He loved my dancing and I think he had to much to drink. I went back to the boys and had a drink. I said can you help me get William my neighbor's kid home for me. They said sure and Tim followed me in his car and Bob came with me. William was asleep in the back seat. We got to my place and Tim and Bob carried him in for me and put him on the couch. I asked if they wanted a beer and they said sure so we went down to the bar. I sat on the couch and the boys sat at the bar. It was only around 11:00 and they asked me to put some music on. I got over to the cd player and put some tunes on. Then sat back down and took off my heels. Bob asked if that felt better after dancing with them on stage I said you bet. Tim said you can change clothes if your more comfortable, so said you mean naked and he said no he meant sweat pants of what makes me comfortable. I said oh okay so went up and changed into a white nightie. Nothing else under it that's how I'm comfortable in.

The boy's kept joking on how running into me at a strip bar on amateur night. Then I said well I've slept with both you guys so you have seen most of me allready and laughed. Both guys looked at each other when I said that. I asked them how they met me and some stuff we did and I just listened to their story. Bob was a pizza delivery guy, Tim at a bachelor party and I said William was a peeping tom at my window. I had a couple of tequila shots and sat back down. Listen to these 2 young guy's talk about me and it was turning me on a bit. I left for the washroom and returned with a bottle of lavender massage oil and I asked who wants to rub some on me. Both guys said me and led them to the bedroom stripped off my nightie and laid down on my belly. Bob sprayed it all over me I love the smell of lavender and they started massaging me. God it felt good to relax, Tim rubbed my back and Bob my legs both did my ass. I asked for them to rub a little harder and I felt a finger tickling my clit getting me wet. I think most of the oil is on my ass area. I said rub it all in and they did even the crack of my ass was oiled up. Then I rolled over for them to do my front. Tits and pussy got most of the attention I was so wet but wanted to play with them. So I sat up and said thanks boys can you lock my door when you go. They were shocked I wanted them to go now. They said okay and got off the bed then I started chuckling and said no I figured they were still dressed they wanted to go. Just seconds later they were naked beside me. I said okay now it's my turn to get pleased.

Bob was the first to start eating my pussy and Tim on my tits. Both guys had rock hard cocks. Bob's I remember was bigger I had Tim in my hand jerking him. Bob's kept eating my juices and felt great I climaxed pretty quick. I whispered to Tim to put his cock in my mouth and I started licking his balls first and slid my mouth over his cock.Bob got up and stuck his cock in me.he started slow but started pounding my cunt, again I came then I felt Tim's cum shoot down my throat and he had lots. Tim layed beside me while Bob came in me. I could feel wet when he pulled out. He layed on my other side of me. I don't think either one got totally soft. I was just relax after 2 climaxing and they started kissing me all over. Bob rolled me over and kissed me all over. Tim stayed around my mouth french kissing me he was a real nice kisser. Then Bob rolled me over and pulled me on top of him and he kissed me as his cock was allready in my wet pussy. I started to ride him good and Tim stood beside me with his cock looking straight at my mouth. Opened and he pushed it in me. I lost control a bit sucking 1 young guy and riding another. I took his cock out of my mouth and said get behind me Tim and use the other hole. Tim got behind me and I said slowly but it in my ass. He went slow but I was oiled enough he went straight in. Now I said fuck me boys and both started to pound me. I don't know how many climaxes I has but 1 right after another. Tim came first and he fell against me, Bob lasted a few strokes later. When Tim pulled out of my asshole I could feel his cum oozing out of me. I got off Bob and laid back down between the boys and fell asleep with them.

I woke up around 7:00 and went up to make coffee. What a night 2 young guys fucked me silly and made almost $500 at the club. William was still asleep on the couch, I didn't know he was back from college. Tim and Bob joined me for coffee and William heard us talking and came and joined us. I asked how he felt and he growned not well. I said I thought you were to ...... and these 2 helped me get you here. He thanked them also. Tim drove Bob home and I gave William some toast. William said was he dreaming or did I do a striptease on the stage. I said I did and if you hadn't got to ...... you probably would of joined us 3 in bed. He was shocked for a bit but knew me. He said he would like to now if I wanted . I said no you stink and go home and have a shower. Tell your mom you stayed here last night and he went home.

Well that is another adventure in my life so if you like my stories vote for me lol Karen
Well you guys and girls thanks for the awesome comments you leave. I almost forgot about this story till my husband reminded me of it. I helped my best friend Lynn sometimes as she sells My Cherie lingerie and toys at home parties and I model some of the outfits for her. Friends have told me I have a great figure, not a runway model or anything like that. I keep I good shape and have a great pair of boobs. I probably done 6 or 7 parties with Lynn and she gives me a cut on what she sells. Sometimes I get to keep a discontinued item which hubby likes.

This one night a few years ago Lynn asked me to help with this big couples party which I've never done before. Most of the time just women at these things. Some of the outfits are very revealing. I'm not shy by any means and Lynn knows this. Of course I'll help you might be fun. I told my hubby what I'll be doing Friday night and he had no problem with it. I did my regular thing bathed makeup and hair. I just wore blouse and jeans and heels as I change into lots of items there. Lynn picked me up at 7:00 and drove to the house. It was a beautiful place in the hills and some fancy cars in the driveway. Lynn and I looked at each other knowing these people had money and it might be a good night. We entered the house and the hostess was Barbara and she took us the livingroom. There was 7 couples there. Lynn introduced us and she past out catalogs of the products.

I just sat and had a stiff gin and tonic waiting for Lynn to Finish her thing. She would let me know what to model. Also if we had the item and someone wanted to see it I would put it on. We started out with some cute babydoll styles, they really just showed my cleavage and legs. I would walk around the room and stood in front of each couple. They all had order sheets in front of them with colors available. Then I put on 2 longer gowns 1 in white 1 in red color. The white one you could see my tits through the material and when I modeled it in front of the men I really had their attention. Barbara's husband really didn't take his eyes of me for long. The expensive gowns seemed to be even more revealing, if the light hits right you could see right through them.

Barbara's husband Jack asked to see one of them. Lynn got it out and I went to change into it. I couldn't wear panties as they didn't match the outfit. I came out and the group really liked it. Lynn said it came in 3 colors and she only had the red one. Of course the guys loved seeing my tit and ass through it. Later after a few more drinks I did bra and panties and stockings in different lines. Lynn and I must if been there over 21/2 hrs. My last outfit was modeled and I went to change into street clothes. I was totally naked when the bedroom door opened it was Jack thanking me for the evening. I just grabbed a sheet to cover up. He was blushing and apologized for not knocking, right I'm sure I thought to myself all he wanted was to check me out. I sat and waited for Lynn to wrap things up with the party. One guy brought me a drink and asked what he thought his wife would like. I said the types sell the best and these are bedroom favorites. I couldn't believe he checked 4 of them off and said thanks.

They all thanked us for a great show and we left. In the car Lynn couldn't help herself she gave me a big hug and kiss. She had never sold so much at one of these parties. The next day Lynn came over and gave me $200 bucks as my cut of the profits. Lynn said it might get higher as Barbara has ordered yet. Some of the outfits were $150.00 each. Later in the week Lynn phoned and said she owed me another $100 . That's awesome I told her. She said she'll drop by the next day and wanted to talk to me .

Lynn came over to pay me and said Barbara's husband Jack wondered if I would like to dance at his ......'s batchelor party his friend was putting on. I would be with a professional stripper and he thought I might do it. I asked Lynn what she thought and she said all I have to do it show some tits and ass for some strangers. I show almost as much modeling with her. The party paid $500 plus all the tips I get from the guys. I said how much time do I have to answer, Lynn said a week to let her know. Well my husband came home and I told him of the offer I got. He was shocked at first but asked me if I could dance half naked in front of strangers. I said I've done simular with guys I picked up just not a room full. I said it might be fun and the money is good for our holidays. He said okay do it should he ...... me I said no it would be fine I think. I phoned Lynn and agreed to do it next Saturday night.

Thursday the other stripper Candy phoned me and gave the load down on what to bring and some outfit ideas. I told her I never done this before and am a little nervous. She said if I'm not shy I'll be fine and we could make some good money from these rich people. I was to meet Candy at a bar and we would go together. Well Saturday came and I was really nervous about what going to happen. I got ready and wore a nice cocktail dress. I packed nylons and a pleated skirt that is easy to get out of easily. Couple of bra's and panties. 2 blouses and a black leather zipper front top. I looked hot and my husband gave me a big kiss goodnight and said have fun honey. I met Candy and she told me what to expect while dancing for them. We had to dance 2 sets with 2 songs each. I said I didn't bring music with me, she said she had lots. She said first dance don't show much and the second show some boob and a little ass for them. I said I could do that. The second set Candy would start and said she would be topless after 1st dance and probably naked except for nylons on the second. She said nylons and g-string is for collecting money the more you do the bigger the tips. I told her I hope I can do it, but wasn't sure. Candy said I'll be fine and we had another drink and left.

Jack had rented a nice hall just outside of town for the party. When we arrived there was about 20 guys there all drinking of course. Jack greeted us and told us the best man was Tim and his ...... was Carl. The back of the stage had a small dressing room for us. Candy set up her music and mic. Jack got in stage and introduced us the the guys and said Candy was a professional stripper and I was a wife and model. We went backstage to get ready. I was first to go on and put on my red nylons and heels red bra and g-string and panties over them, my skirt and white blouse. I gulped down a drink and Candy started with a fast song first.

I came out from the room and started to dance around the stage looking at all the men staring at me. I move pretty good in heels and I kept checking out what they look like. Most of them were 18 to 24 I would guess, with a few older like Jack and his other friend that was at the lingerie party that asked me what his wife would like. Just before the sound ended I had a few buttons on my blouse undone. The second song was a slow one and I got into it. I undid all the buttons and slowly removed it and let it fall to the floor. I danced close to the side of the stage to give them a good look at me. I reached around and undid my skirt and let it drop. Just in bra and panties I got on my knees at the edge of the stage letting the guys holding money put in my panties and stockings. The song almost to end I let 1 tit fall out of my bra. I was so close to them drooling ar me and got turned on a bit.

Candy started next and i was watching her every move while having a drink. She was awesome. I had bigger boobs than her but she could really move her ass. I could tell see knew how to turn them on. Her second song her top and shorts were off fast. She wanted to collect the tips fast so near the end of the song removed her bra. Showing her full set to them. We had a 1/2hr break to mingle with them. I was in a black nylon cover up and walked around chatting with a few. Met the groom who will be the guest on the stage Candy told me. There was a cute guy at the end of the stage i think was barely legal and was really shy. I tried to talk to him and he was nervous i guess his name i think was Tim. Well then we were back on stage. While getting dressed Candy asked what i think of the groom, I said he was cute and why. She said his dad wanted him to get special treatment on stage and would give us money for it. I told her I'm not screwing him if that what he wants. No Candy said just play with him a little, we would both tease him at the same time. I said I could do that. So Candy called him up to the stage and the guys cheered him on. I was in my black leather top and another black skirt. All black bra panties and stockings. Candy wore similar clothes. Carl was sitting in the middle of stage on a chair and Candy asked for the lights to be dimmed and started the music. I was a great slow dance. We both danced around him touching his hair and shoulders Candy had her top off so I did the same. I sat on Carl's lap and let him touch my tits I whispered to him to kiss them if he wants so blushing he did. The guys just kept clapping for him. Candy had a big sheet and put it on the floor. Told Carl to lay down and she danced on top of him then layed right on top of him. She was grinding him a bit and I knelt down letting my tits touch his lips.Candy un did his pants and started to play with his hard cock. The guys really couldn't see much because she hide it from them. She licked it a little and put it back in his shorts not to embarrass him. The music stopped and we let him get back to his buddies. We took a short break and then Candy was next to dance. We were both topless and I was watching her. Her skirt dropped fast and she was only in a g-string and nylons. Then she layed on the edge of the stage and removed it exposing her bare pussy she played with herself in front of all them cheering her on. There was money lying on the stage and her. Her second song she jumped off stage to dance around them. They kept putting money in her stockings and she let them grab her ass and some tried to finger her.

Then it was my turn how could i top that. I had to admit I was really getting turned on by this. I started to dance topless and was very suggestive as I moved around the floor lying on my back I also removed my panties. Have have a trimmed Bush and I'm sure my pussy was glistening and wet. The quiet kid at the end was my attention I spread my leggs wide for him and rolled over and stuck my ass out at him. I also got off the stage and collected money from the cheering guys. I started with the shy kid Tim sitting on his lap and he put $10 in my stockings I gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a kiss mark for him. The rest were great also I few were a little rough with their hands but I handled it okay. The both if us got propositions from them but we shrugged it off. We both went back to get dressed and count our tips wow I thought to myself how do the guys find the money to throw around. Candy made $650 I made $540 I asked her is it always like this she said no sometimes parties are cheap and you don't make much. We said goodnight after another drink. Jack thanked me for doing this and said he wanted to see me naked after the lingerie show I did. He gave us each an envelope with our pay, I just put it in my purse and said goodnight.

In the parking lot going to Candys car Tim was standing beside his. I walked over to him to make sure he wasn't ....... He said he only had 1 beer all night so I said good. He thanked me a asked if I need a ride home. Candy said that would be better for her she lives at the other end of the city. I said sure you can if you don't mind. I told him were I was parked when I met Candy. He knew were it was so I got in his suv. All the time he never said much to me but in the car he chatted up a storm. Told me he broke up with his girlfriend last week and really didn't want to go to the party. I asked if he liked my dancing and he said I looked awesome and really liked my perfume. I told him I never did this before tonight and I was 35. He said I did great he was 18. I kept looking at him on our long drive back. I noticed he was looking at my leggs as I opened my jacket when I got in the car. I let my skirt ride up when he was looking forward showing nearly all my leg. I said if he minded stopping at a store I needed some cigarettes as I ran out earlier in the night. He stopped at the first one we came too. I asked if he needed anything and went in. I stood outside the store and had to smoke one so I sat at a table beside the store. Tim joined me and kept talking to me,asking how I felt dancing and modeling lingerie. I said it was fun and I enjoy dancing laughing well maybe not naked for 20 guys all the time. He laughed also and we left and made it to were my car was parked. I don't know why but I felt attracted to this kid all night. I didn't know what he would say but I said I would like to have sex with him. Tim never said nothing so I learned over to kiss him and had a hand on his leg. Tim let his tongue meet mine and I felt his cock getting harder. So you game I asked again and he nodded yes. Let's get in the back seat and we started to kiss and Tim asked if he could get us a motel room. I said no I had to get home soon. His hand was at my pussy as I has no panties on after I got dressed. My coat was open and I unzipped my leather shirt for him to play with my tits. He loved sucking them I had his cock out and pushed his pants down. He was a nice size and I took him in my mouth he had some precum at first and them I strattled him kissing as I eased his cock In me. He felt good and I came pretty fast but I kept riding him my tits were bouncing in his face. He asked if he should pull out I said no come in me I like that. He let out a moan and I felt his hands squeeze my ass. I said pull your pants up so not to get cum on his seats and I rolled off him dripping his cum on his pants. I kissed him and said it was fun he asked for my number and I said I was married but he didn't care. Okay got a pen and I gave it to him.

Well I hope you liked this true story and some if the names are changed but the event was real. And yes Tim did call but that is another story. Please vote for me and read my other adventure. Lol Karen
Very sexy
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Reactions: jigger007
Well you guys and girls thanks for the awesome comments you leave. I almost forgot about this story till my husband reminded me of it. I helped my best friend Lynn sometimes as she sells My Cherie lingerie and toys at home parties and I model some of the outfits for her. Friends have told me I have a great figure, not a runway model or anything like that. I keep I good shape and have a great pair of boobs. I probably done 6 or 7 parties with Lynn and she gives me a cut on what she sells. Sometimes I get to keep a discontinued item which hubby likes.

This one night a few years ago Lynn asked me to help with this big couples party which I've never done before. Most of the time just women at these things. Some of the outfits are very revealing. I'm not shy by any means and Lynn knows this. Of course I'll help you might be fun. I told my hubby what I'll be doing Friday night and he had no problem with it. I did my regular thing bathed makeup and hair. I just wore blouse and jeans and heels as I change into lots of items there. Lynn picked me up at 7:00 and drove to the house. It was a beautiful place in the hills and some fancy cars in the driveway. Lynn and I looked at each other knowing these people had money and it might be a good night. We entered the house and the hostess was Barbara and she took us the livingroom. There was 7 couples there. Lynn introduced us and she past out catalogs of the products.

I just sat and had a stiff gin and tonic waiting for Lynn to Finish her thing. She would let me know what to model. Also if we had the item and someone wanted to see it I would put it on. We started out with some cute babydoll styles, they really just showed my cleavage and legs. I would walk around the room and stood in front of each couple. They all had order sheets in front of them with colors available. Then I put on 2 longer gowns 1 in white 1 in red color. The white one you could see my tits through the material and when I modeled it in front of the men I really had their attention. Barbara's husband really didn't take his eyes of me for long. The expensive gowns seemed to be even more revealing, if the light hits right you could see right through them.

Barbara's husband Jack asked to see one of them. Lynn got it out and I went to change into it. I couldn't wear panties as they didn't match the outfit. I came out and the group really liked it. Lynn said it came in 3 colors and she only had the red one. Of course the guys loved seeing my tit and ass through it. Later after a few more drinks I did bra and panties and stockings in different lines. Lynn and I must if been there over 21/2 hrs. My last outfit was modeled and I went to change into street clothes. I was totally naked when the bedroom door opened it was Jack thanking me for the evening. I just grabbed a sheet to cover up. He was blushing and apologized for not knocking, right I'm sure I thought to myself all he wanted was to check me out. I sat and waited for Lynn to wrap things up with the party. One guy brought me a drink and asked what he thought his wife would like. I said the types sell the best and these are bedroom favorites. I couldn't believe he checked 4 of them off and said thanks.

They all thanked us for a great show and we left. In the car Lynn couldn't help herself she gave me a big hug and kiss. She had never sold so much at one of these parties. The next day Lynn came over and gave me $200 bucks as my cut of the profits. Lynn said it might get higher as Barbara has ordered yet. Some of the outfits were $150.00 each. Later in the week Lynn phoned and said she owed me another $100 . That's awesome I told her. She said she'll drop by the next day and wanted to talk to me .

Lynn came over to pay me and said Barbara's husband Jack wondered if I would like to dance at his ......'s batchelor party his friend was putting on. I would be with a professional stripper and he thought I might do it. I asked Lynn what she thought and she said all I have to do it show some tits and ass for some strangers. I show almost as much modeling with her. The party paid $500 plus all the tips I get from the guys. I said how much time do I have to answer, Lynn said a week to let her know. Well my husband came home and I told him of the offer I got. He was shocked at first but asked me if I could dance half naked in front of strangers. I said I've done simular with guys I picked up just not a room full. I said it might be fun and the money is good for our holidays. He said okay do it should he ...... me I said no it would be fine I think. I phoned Lynn and agreed to do it next Saturday night.

Thursday the other stripper Candy phoned me and gave the load down on what to bring and some outfit ideas. I told her I never done this before and am a little nervous. She said if I'm not shy I'll be fine and we could make some good money from these rich people. I was to meet Candy at a bar and we would go together. Well Saturday came and I was really nervous about what going to happen. I got ready and wore a nice cocktail dress. I packed nylons and a pleated skirt that is easy to get out of easily. Couple of bra's and panties. 2 blouses and a black leather zipper front top. I looked hot and my husband gave me a big kiss goodnight and said have fun honey. I met Candy and she told me what to expect while dancing for them. We had to dance 2 sets with 2 songs each. I said I didn't bring music with me, she said she had lots. She said first dance don't show much and the second show some boob and a little ass for them. I said I could do that. The second set Candy would start and said she would be topless after 1st dance and probably naked except for nylons on the second. She said nylons and g-string is for collecting money the more you do the bigger the tips. I told her I hope I can do it, but wasn't sure. Candy said I'll be fine and we had another drink and left.

Jack had rented a nice hall just outside of town for the party. When we arrived there was about 20 guys there all drinking of course. Jack greeted us and told us the best man was Tim and his ...... was Carl. The back of the stage had a small dressing room for us. Candy set up her music and mic. Jack got in stage and introduced us the the guys and said Candy was a professional stripper and I was a wife and model. We went backstage to get ready. I was first to go on and put on my red nylons and heels red bra and g-string and panties over them, my skirt and white blouse. I gulped down a drink and Candy started with a fast song first.

I came out from the room and started to dance around the stage looking at all the men staring at me. I move pretty good in heels and I kept checking out what they look like. Most of them were 18 to 24 I would guess, with a few older like Jack and his other friend that was at the lingerie party that asked me what his wife would like. Just before the sound ended I had a few buttons on my blouse undone. The second song was a slow one and I got into it. I undid all the buttons and slowly removed it and let it fall to the floor. I danced close to the side of the stage to give them a good look at me. I reached around and undid my skirt and let it drop. Just in bra and panties I got on my knees at the edge of the stage letting the guys holding money put in my panties and stockings. The song almost to end I let 1 tit fall out of my bra. I was so close to them drooling ar me and got turned on a bit.

Candy started next and i was watching her every move while having a drink. She was awesome. I had bigger boobs than her but she could really move her ass. I could tell see knew how to turn them on. Her second song her top and shorts were off fast. She wanted to collect the tips fast so near the end of the song removed her bra. Showing her full set to them. We had a 1/2hr break to mingle with them. I was in a black nylon cover up and walked around chatting with a few. Met the groom who will be the guest on the stage Candy told me. There was a cute guy at the end of the stage i think was barely legal and was really shy. I tried to talk to him and he was nervous i guess his name i think was Tim. Well then we were back on stage. While getting dressed Candy asked what i think of the groom, I said he was cute and why. She said his dad wanted him to get special treatment on stage and would give us money for it. I told her I'm not screwing him if that what he wants. No Candy said just play with him a little, we would both tease him at the same time. I said I could do that. So Candy called him up to the stage and the guys cheered him on. I was in my black leather top and another black skirt. All black bra panties and stockings. Candy wore similar clothes. Carl was sitting in the middle of stage on a chair and Candy asked for the lights to be dimmed and started the music. I was a great slow dance. We both danced around him touching his hair and shoulders Candy had her top off so I did the same. I sat on Carl's lap and let him touch my tits I whispered to him to kiss them if he wants so blushing he did. The guys just kept clapping for him. Candy had a big sheet and put it on the floor. Told Carl to lay down and she danced on top of him then layed right on top of him. She was grinding him a bit and I knelt down letting my tits touch his lips.Candy un did his pants and started to play with his hard cock. The guys really couldn't see much because she hide it from them. She licked it a little and put it back in his shorts not to embarrass him. The music stopped and we let him get back to his buddies. We took a short break and then Candy was next to dance. We were both topless and I was watching her. Her skirt dropped fast and she was only in a g-string and nylons. Then she layed on the edge of the stage and removed it exposing her bare pussy she played with herself in front of all them cheering her on. There was money lying on the stage and her. Her second song she jumped off stage to dance around them. They kept putting money in her stockings and she let them grab her ass and some tried to finger her.

Then it was my turn how could i top that. I had to admit I was really getting turned on by this. I started to dance topless and was very suggestive as I moved around the floor lying on my back I also removed my panties. Have have a trimmed Bush and I'm sure my pussy was glistening and wet. The quiet kid at the end was my attention I spread my leggs wide for him and rolled over and stuck my ass out at him. I also got off the stage and collected money from the cheering guys. I started with the shy kid Tim sitting on his lap and he put $10 in my stockings I gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a kiss mark for him. The rest were great also I few were a little rough with their hands but I handled it okay. The both if us got propositions from them but we shrugged it off. We both went back to get dressed and count our tips wow I thought to myself how do the guys find the money to throw around. Candy made $650 I made $540 I asked her is it always like this she said no sometimes parties are cheap and you don't make much. We said goodnight after another drink. Jack thanked me for doing this and said he wanted to see me naked after the lingerie show I did. He gave us each an envelope with our pay, I just put it in my purse and said goodnight.

In the parking lot going to Candys car Tim was standing beside his. I walked over to him to make sure he wasn't ....... He said he only had 1 beer all night so I said good. He thanked me a asked if I need a ride home. Candy said that would be better for her she lives at the other end of the city. I said sure you can if you don't mind. I told him were I was parked when I met Candy. He knew were it was so I got in his suv. All the time he never said much to me but in the car he chatted up a storm. Told me he broke up with his girlfriend last week and really didn't want to go to the party. I asked if he liked my dancing and he said I looked awesome and really liked my perfume. I told him I never did this before tonight and I was 35. He said I did great he was 18. I kept looking at him on our long drive back. I noticed he was looking at my leggs as I opened my jacket when I got in the car. I let my skirt ride up when he was looking forward showing nearly all my leg. I said if he minded stopping at a store I needed some cigarettes as I ran out earlier in the night. He stopped at the first one we came too. I asked if he needed anything and went in. I stood outside the store and had to smoke one so I sat at a table beside the store. Tim joined me and kept talking to me,asking how I felt dancing and modeling lingerie. I said it was fun and I enjoy dancing laughing well maybe not naked for 20 guys all the time. He laughed also and we left and made it to were my car was parked. I don't know why but I felt attracted to this kid all night. I didn't know what he would say but I said I would like to have sex with him. Tim never said nothing so I learned over to kiss him and had a hand on his leg. Tim let his tongue meet mine and I felt his cock getting harder. So you game I asked again and he nodded yes. Let's get in the back seat and we started to kiss and Tim asked if he could get us a motel room. I said no I had to get home soon. His hand was at my pussy as I has no panties on after I got dressed. My coat was open and I unzipped my leather shirt for him to play with my tits. He loved sucking them I had his cock out and pushed his pants down. He was a nice size and I took him in my mouth he had some precum at first and them I strattled him kissing as I eased his cock In me. He felt good and I came pretty fast but I kept riding him my tits were bouncing in his face. He asked if he should pull out I said no come in me I like that. He let out a moan and I felt his hands squeeze my ass. I said pull your pants up so not to get cum on his seats and I rolled off him dripping his cum on his pants. I kissed him and said it was fun he asked for my number and I said I was married but he didn't care. Okay got a pen and I gave it to him.

Well I hope you liked this true story and some if the names are changed but the event was real. And yes Tim did call but that is another story. Please vote for me and read my other adventure. Lol Karen
You are truly a great woman. Very caring and adventurous. Love it
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Reactions: jigger007
Well you guys and girls thanks for the awesome comments you leave. I almost forgot about this story till my husband reminded me of it. I helped my best friend Lynn sometimes as she sells My Cherie lingerie and toys at home parties and I model some of the outfits for her. Friends have told me I have a great figure, not a runway model or anything like that. I keep I good shape and have a great pair of boobs. I probably done 6 or 7 parties with Lynn and she gives me a cut on what she sells. Sometimes I get to keep a discontinued item which hubby likes.

This one night a few years ago Lynn asked me to help with this big couples party which I've never done before. Most of the time just women at these things. Some of the outfits are very revealing. I'm not shy by any means and Lynn knows this. Of course I'll help you might be fun. I told my hubby what I'll be doing Friday night and he had no problem with it. I did my regular thing bathed makeup and hair. I just wore blouse and jeans and heels as I change into lots of items there. Lynn picked me up at 7:00 and drove to the house. It was a beautiful place in the hills and some fancy cars in the driveway. Lynn and I looked at each other knowing these people had money and it might be a good night. We entered the house and the hostess was Barbara and she took us the livingroom. There was 7 couples there. Lynn introduced us and she past out catalogs of the products.

I just sat and had a stiff gin and tonic waiting for Lynn to Finish her thing. She would let me know what to model. Also if we had the item and someone wanted to see it I would put it on. We started out with some cute babydoll styles, they really just showed my cleavage and legs. I would walk around the room and stood in front of each couple. They all had order sheets in front of them with colors available. Then I put on 2 longer gowns 1 in white 1 in red color. The white one you could see my tits through the material and when I modeled it in front of the men I really had their attention. Barbara's husband really didn't take his eyes of me for long. The expensive gowns seemed to be even more revealing, if the light hits right you could see right through them.

Barbara's husband Jack asked to see one of them. Lynn got it out and I went to change into it. I couldn't wear panties as they didn't match the outfit. I came out and the group really liked it. Lynn said it came in 3 colors and she only had the red one. Of course the guys loved seeing my tit and ass through it. Later after a few more drinks I did bra and panties and stockings in different lines. Lynn and I must if been there over 21/2 hrs. My last outfit was modeled and I went to change into street clothes. I was totally naked when the bedroom door opened it was Jack thanking me for the evening. I just grabbed a sheet to cover up. He was blushing and apologized for not knocking, right I'm sure I thought to myself all he wanted was to check me out. I sat and waited for Lynn to wrap things up with the party. One guy brought me a drink and asked what he thought his wife would like. I said the types sell the best and these are bedroom favorites. I couldn't believe he checked 4 of them off and said thanks.

They all thanked us for a great show and we left. In the car Lynn couldn't help herself she gave me a big hug and kiss. She had never sold so much at one of these parties. The next day Lynn came over and gave me $200 bucks as my cut of the profits. Lynn said it might get higher as Barbara has ordered yet. Some of the outfits were $150.00 each. Later in the week Lynn phoned and said she owed me another $100 . That's awesome I told her. She said she'll drop by the next day and wanted to talk to me .

Lynn came over to pay me and said Barbara's husband Jack wondered if I would like to dance at his ......'s batchelor party his friend was putting on. I would be with a professional stripper and he thought I might do it. I asked Lynn what she thought and she said all I have to do it show some tits and ass for some strangers. I show almost as much modeling with her. The party paid $500 plus all the tips I get from the guys. I said how much time do I have to answer, Lynn said a week to let her know. Well my husband came home and I told him of the offer I got. He was shocked at first but asked me if I could dance half naked in front of strangers. I said I've done simular with guys I picked up just not a room full. I said it might be fun and the money is good for our holidays. He said okay do it should he ...... me I said no it would be fine I think. I phoned Lynn and agreed to do it next Saturday night.

Thursday the other stripper Candy phoned me and gave the load down on what to bring and some outfit ideas. I told her I never done this before and am a little nervous. She said if I'm not shy I'll be fine and we could make some good money from these rich people. I was to meet Candy at a bar and we would go together. Well Saturday came and I was really nervous about what going to happen. I got ready and wore a nice cocktail dress. I packed nylons and a pleated skirt that is easy to get out of easily. Couple of bra's and panties. 2 blouses and a black leather zipper front top. I looked hot and my husband gave me a big kiss goodnight and said have fun honey. I met Candy and she told me what to expect while dancing for them. We had to dance 2 sets with 2 songs each. I said I didn't bring music with me, she said she had lots. She said first dance don't show much and the second show some boob and a little ass for them. I said I could do that. The second set Candy would start and said she would be topless after 1st dance and probably naked except for nylons on the second. She said nylons and g-string is for collecting money the more you do the bigger the tips. I told her I hope I can do it, but wasn't sure. Candy said I'll be fine and we had another drink and left.

Jack had rented a nice hall just outside of town for the party. When we arrived there was about 20 guys there all drinking of course. Jack greeted us and told us the best man was Tim and his ...... was Carl. The back of the stage had a small dressing room for us. Candy set up her music and mic. Jack got in stage and introduced us the the guys and said Candy was a professional stripper and I was a wife and model. We went backstage to get ready. I was first to go on and put on my red nylons and heels red bra and g-string and panties over them, my skirt and white blouse. I gulped down a drink and Candy started with a fast song first.

I came out from the room and started to dance around the stage looking at all the men staring at me. I move pretty good in heels and I kept checking out what they look like. Most of them were 18 to 24 I would guess, with a few older like Jack and his other friend that was at the lingerie party that asked me what his wife would like. Just before the sound ended I had a few buttons on my blouse undone. The second song was a slow one and I got into it. I undid all the buttons and slowly removed it and let it fall to the floor. I danced close to the side of the stage to give them a good look at me. I reached around and undid my skirt and let it drop. Just in bra and panties I got on my knees at the edge of the stage letting the guys holding money put in my panties and stockings. The song almost to end I let 1 tit fall out of my bra. I was so close to them drooling ar me and got turned on a bit.

Candy started next and i was watching her every move while having a drink. She was awesome. I had bigger boobs than her but she could really move her ass. I could tell see knew how to turn them on. Her second song her top and shorts were off fast. She wanted to collect the tips fast so near the end of the song removed her bra. Showing her full set to them. We had a 1/2hr break to mingle with them. I was in a black nylon cover up and walked around chatting with a few. Met the groom who will be the guest on the stage Candy told me. There was a cute guy at the end of the stage i think was barely legal and was really shy. I tried to talk to him and he was nervous i guess his name i think was Tim. Well then we were back on stage. While getting dressed Candy asked what i think of the groom, I said he was cute and why. She said his dad wanted him to get special treatment on stage and would give us money for it. I told her I'm not screwing him if that what he wants. No Candy said just play with him a little, we would both tease him at the same time. I said I could do that. So Candy called him up to the stage and the guys cheered him on. I was in my black leather top and another black skirt. All black bra panties and stockings. Candy wore similar clothes. Carl was sitting in the middle of stage on a chair and Candy asked for the lights to be dimmed and started the music. I was a great slow dance. We both danced around him touching his hair and shoulders Candy had her top off so I did the same. I sat on Carl's lap and let him touch my tits I whispered to him to kiss them if he wants so blushing he did. The guys just kept clapping for him. Candy had a big sheet and put it on the floor. Told Carl to lay down and she danced on top of him then layed right on top of him. She was grinding him a bit and I knelt down letting my tits touch his lips.Candy un did his pants and started to play with his hard cock. The guys really couldn't see much because she hide it from them. She licked it a little and put it back in his shorts not to embarrass him. The music stopped and we let him get back to his buddies. We took a short break and then Candy was next to dance. We were both topless and I was watching her. Her skirt dropped fast and she was only in a g-string and nylons. Then she layed on the edge of the stage and removed it exposing her bare pussy she played with herself in front of all them cheering her on. There was money lying on the stage and her. Her second song she jumped off stage to dance around them. They kept putting money in her stockings and she let them grab her ass and some tried to finger her.

Then it was my turn how could i top that. I had to admit I was really getting turned on by this. I started to dance topless and was very suggestive as I moved around the floor lying on my back I also removed my panties. Have have a trimmed Bush and I'm sure my pussy was glistening and wet. The quiet kid at the end was my attention I spread my leggs wide for him and rolled over and stuck my ass out at him. I also got off the stage and collected money from the cheering guys. I started with the shy kid Tim sitting on his lap and he put $10 in my stockings I gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a kiss mark for him. The rest were great also I few were a little rough with their hands but I handled it okay. The both if us got propositions from them but we shrugged it off. We both went back to get dressed and count our tips wow I thought to myself how do the guys find the money to throw around. Candy made $650 I made $540 I asked her is it always like this she said no sometimes parties are cheap and you don't make much. We said goodnight after another drink. Jack thanked me for doing this and said he wanted to see me naked after the lingerie show I did. He gave us each an envelope with our pay, I just put it in my purse and said goodnight.

In the parking lot going to Candys car Tim was standing beside his. I walked over to him to make sure he wasn't ....... He said he only had 1 beer all night so I said good. He thanked me a asked if I need a ride home. Candy said that would be better for her she lives at the other end of the city. I said sure you can if you don't mind. I told him were I was parked when I met Candy. He knew were it was so I got in his suv. All the time he never said much to me but in the car he chatted up a storm. Told me he broke up with his girlfriend last week and really didn't want to go to the party. I asked if he liked my dancing and he said I looked awesome and really liked my perfume. I told him I never did this before tonight and I was 35. He said I did great he was 18. I kept looking at him on our long drive back. I noticed he was looking at my leggs as I opened my jacket when I got in the car. I let my skirt ride up when he was looking forward showing nearly all my leg. I said if he minded stopping at a store I needed some cigarettes as I ran out earlier in the night. He stopped at the first one we came too. I asked if he needed anything and went in. I stood outside the store and had to smoke one so I sat at a table beside the store. Tim joined me and kept talking to me,asking how I felt dancing and modeling lingerie. I said it was fun and I enjoy dancing laughing well maybe not naked for 20 guys all the time. He laughed also and we left and made it to were my car was parked. I don't know why but I felt attracted to this kid all night. I didn't know what he would say but I said I would like to have sex with him. Tim never said nothing so I learned over to kiss him and had a hand on his leg. Tim let his tongue meet mine and I felt his cock getting harder. So you game I asked again and he nodded yes. Let's get in the back seat and we started to kiss and Tim asked if he could get us a motel room. I said no I had to get home soon. His hand was at my pussy as I has no panties on after I got dressed. My coat was open and I unzipped my leather shirt for him to play with my tits. He loved sucking them I had his cock out and pushed his pants down. He was a nice size and I took him in my mouth he had some precum at first and them I strattled him kissing as I eased his cock In me. He felt good and I came pretty fast but I kept riding him my tits were bouncing in his face. He asked if he should pull out I said no come in me I like that. He let out a moan and I felt his hands squeeze my ass. I said pull your pants up so not to get cum on his seats and I rolled off him dripping his cum on his pants. I kissed him and said it was fun he asked for my number and I said I was married but he didn't care. Okay got a pen and I gave it to him.

Well I hope you liked this true story and some if the names are changed but the event was real. And yes Tim did call but that is another story. Please vote for me and read my other adventure. Lol Karen
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