Is your wive smooth down there?

Wife used to be both smooth waxed/shaved (mostly) or with some hair.
Never worried if hair poking out of bikini or lingerie on public though as I know some women do.
Now she stays fully hairy (no trim or shave) for third year especially now when her new 2 men (becoming regular) prefer her hairy.

I have to admit since I love eating her ass and pussy, eating hairy one is another level especially when she just had a date.

I am the opposite fully smooth now (permanently lasered).
If you do share her, cuck, mfm....whatever...
She shaved/waxed?
Landing strip?
Does she dip her fingers into the wetness?
Does she shave-trim when she knows she's going to be with another guy?
For us....wife changes it up once in a while, shaved smooth, trimmed close, landing strip, it's all good.
Early on with our mfm fun...was awkward as hell for all 3 of us. She was just whatever she was down there. As we did it more times she thought about him visiting, she always shaved the night prior. She's obviously into rubbing her puss with our mess down there. After we've creamed her, as we're laying there unwinding she like to rub the slick jizz around. It's a good time.
My wife's bulls most often enjoy the special, natural, thick hair. In this case, she leaves the hair on her cunt!
