Is your wife a whore?

She absolutely is. If she does not have multiple fucks (by multiple men) in a week she is really unhappy. When I tell her she is 'a whore' or 'a slut', she automaticly anwers "the biggest!"
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With me, sometimes I have been the cheating spouse, which seems to be the easiest. Sometimes, I am the hotwife with a husband encouraging me to play, which is not as easy as I would have thought. Some guys are turned on by that. A few times, I have been the whore that guys were hiring. Lastly, I have been the slut, so who cares what my story is. lol
When I say 'whore' I mean in the general sense, like puta. Sometimes she says she likes to feel like a whore, of use only for her slutty body. I like that fantasy too. To imagine she has been paid to spread her legs gets me so hard. I like to imagine how much she could get paid. Although she's past her youth I think she could command a high price. I know she used to work as a masseuse and that paid quite well around the hotels of Manila. But how much she'd get for an all night fucking, not sure. Any ideas?
In PI She would probably 4000pp plus tip, except from Koreans the girls say they don’t tip but that’s a cultural thing, from the sex tourist prowling around Manila. Subic is full of American sailors right now.
For me as a bull i would consider show some respect
Shared wife is no a whore
For me cuckolding is a kind of family friendship where loving husband loves his wife's joy and provide her a friend who gives both of them pleasure they deserve
Again please show some respect
We are all whores behind closed doors
my wife had a slutty streak and she would cheat on me even before we married. Whilst she had less chances after we married she already knew then it turned me on. So she would refer to herself as a little slutty at times.
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My wife acted like a whore. She cheated on me and then I allowed her to fuck her lover with my permission. She cheated on me again with another man but it was a betrayal with greater emotional involvement so I told her to end the relationship and she did we are looking for a man to play cuckold.In the meantime I love calling her a whore and with all the other possible ways.
Pues a mí esposa no la considero puta de las que cobran, mí esposa vendría siendo cómo una puta sociable lo hace por hobby y ambos gozamos cuando comparto a mí esposa ella disfrutando de ser cogida y yo excitandome el verla como se la cogen
Pues a mí esposa no la considero puta de las que cobran, mí esposa vendría siendo cómo una puta sociable lo hace por hobby y ambos gozamos cuando comparto a mí esposa ella disfrutando de ser cogida y yo excitandome el verla como se la cogen
Difference between sluts and whores is that sluts give it away for free for their own personal enjoyment and whores demand payment
Actually one of the commonest female fantasies is whoring. Big difference, though, between those who do it for the kink and those who do it because they have no other choice.
Lynn x
During a period when we were going through financial difficulties my wife worked in a massage parlour so I class her as someone who didn't really have a choice. It was when out ...... was young and it was a job which she could go to when I got home from work and I could do the childminding.
Having said that, it didn't mean that she didn't have fun there. Of course she had some shitty customers but there were also some that she enjoyed to the extent of having genuine orgasms. Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that you can be a slut and a whore at the same time.
Well, we both liked it that over the years, she had been a real whore, hooker, prostitute or whatever you wanna name it! Most of her working colleague were in it for the money but she was in it for the curiosity and then her need for having daily orgasm fun! Coz when those clients that she liked, she let them do her for free or a token sum of a dollar...
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During a period when we were going through financial difficulties my wife worked in a massage parlour so I class her as someone who didn't really have a choice. It was when out ...... was young and it was a job which she could go to when I got home from work and I could do the childminding.
Having said that, it didn't mean that she didn't have fun there. Of course she had some shitty customers but there were also some that she enjoyed to the extent of having genuine orgasms. Anyway the point I'm trying to make is that you can be a slut and a whore at the same time.
You can absolutely be a whore and a slut at the same time and I don’t see that there’s anything wrong with a woman using her body to make money. But I do feel for the woman who feel they have no other option and hate the work, that must be soul destroying.
My ...... worked part time as an ...... through university and full time for a year afterwards. Now in her 40s she’s chosen to go back to part time escorting because it fits around family life and her other work. It is about the money but she also enjoys the work.
For me it was very much about the fantasy. One of those things to try one day that I finally got around to in my 60s. We don’t need the money and I don’t see a penny of it.
Lynn x
KK is all that, and more, to me. Semantically, a slut is an individual who engages in frequent casual sex, often indiscriminate. A whore engages in sex for money or other compensation. A hot bitch describes an attractive, but dominant, demanding female. An adulterer is a married or partnered person who engages in sex with someone other than their bonded partner.

So KK is my personal porn star, my adultress, my cuckoldress, my slut, and my hot bitch wife - consolidated. I love every aspect of it.
Great descriptions
I en periode, hvor vi gennemgik økonomiske vanskeligheder, arbejdede min kone på en massagesalon, så jeg klassificerer hende som en, der ikke rigtig havde et valg. Det var, da datteren var ung, og det var et arbejde, hun kunne gå til, når jeg kom hjem fra arbejde, og jeg kunne passe børnene.
Når det er sagt, betød det ikke, at hun ikke havde det sjovt der. Selvfølgelig havde hun nogle lorte kunder, men der var også nogle, som hun nød til at få ægte orgasmer. Men pointen, jeg prøver at gøre, er, at du kan være en tøs og en hore på samme tid.
Jeg leger luder indimellem. Ikke fordi jeg behøver det, men bare for spændingningens skyld, Synes det er vildt frækt engang imellem. Sker på rastepladser, hvor truckere holder til, eller via nette hvor en fyr søger til hotelbesøg.