So, it finally happened for us last summer. We had talked about her finding someone for a while and we finally met a guy online that was close by who happened to have a seasonal cabin in our area. He invited us over and we all talked and got along well. A week or so later he texted my girlfriend and asked if she'd like to come over one night after work. After alot of back and forth with me she finally agreed to do it. We have been together for three years and I always wondered what her sex life was like before I knew her. She apparently had a wild side and slept with a lot of guys but she never gave me many details.
So the night finally came and she went over to his cabin after work. I waited about 20 minutes after she got there and then I drove there myself. Its a very secluded dirt road setting. I parked my truck down the road and walked to the cabin. I sneak over to the back side trying to stay out of sight and all I can her is my girlfriend screaming in pleasure inside. I'm going crazy at this point and i have to hear more. The way the cabin was built, it's all open underneath so I crawled under it and was directly under the bedroom area. I can very clearly hear the bed creaking, the headboard banging against the wall and every thrust as this guy is pounding my girlfriend. I got there about 2 minutes before they finished. I missed most of it. But that was so amazing to experience. I wanted more.
The next week another meeting was planned. This time I got there minutes after she did. I got to listen to them talking, and all the foreplay. I could hear the kissing and her laughing as he touched and tickled her. My mind was going crazy knowing that he was undressing her as I could hear the movement directly above me. I could hear everything. He started eating her out and she was screaming like crazy. This lasted for what seemed like forever before she finally climbed on top of him. I could hear her moan and her heavy breathing as it went in and then it started. The headboard, the creaking bed and both of them moaning in euphoria. He pounded her hard and softly for a good 40 minutes before he finally came inside of her.
It was so hot to listen to her and how she responded to someone else vs how she is with me. I hurried and left and beat her home so I missed anything else that might have happened after that.
She met with him again about a month later but I wasn't able to go listen that time. It was a rainy weekend day and she was gone about 2 hours. I can only imagine what I missed.
The last time she met with him was about 2 months later and by the time I got there all I heard was the last few minutes.
They kind of drifted apart and that was the last time anything happened.
I feel so guilty for listening to them, but at the same time it was an amazing experience and I want more. It was so addictive. To this day she doesn't know I was there listening.