is a hotwife allowed to have a crush?

So I know a lot of couples make rules about never doing it with the same bull twice, or setting a limit of no more than three times, etc. It seems like to me this is designed to protect the marriage by limiting emotional attachment. On the other end of the spectrum, it seems some cucks fantasize about the wife leaving, as the most extreme form of humiliation and masochism.

Can a wife have a crush/infatuation with a bull and still love her husband?
So I know a lot of couples make rules about never doing it with the same bull twice, or setting a limit of no more than three times, etc. It seems like to me this is designed to protect the marriage by limiting emotional attachment. On the other end of the spectrum, it seems some cucks fantasize about the wife leaving, as the most extreme form of humiliation and masochism.

Can a wife have a crush/infatuation with a bull and still love her husband?
Good question
I don't think possible to have an "anti-crush policy" ... as having a crush is not something you decide to have or not ...
But I don't think at all that having crushes means not to love husband anymore ... at least for me ...
Of course it is not easy to deal with such situation and ideally would be good to make an agreement on how to proceed, which barriers not to break
I agree that both are related to feeling. Crush is intense but short
I had some serious crushes, it was not easy to deal with but then it disappeared within a reasonable period of time
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Fear. That is what we are talking about. The fear on the part of the guy that the wife will become more emotionally involved and attached to the 3rd than to husband. It’s competition. So guys want to make rules that basically say “ I want you to fuck someone, but you cannot like them - I mean really like them.” ...... Nature cannot be fooled. How am I going to make a rule that says don’t be attracted, don’t form an emotional bond, don’t like his personality, don’t like his company. Most women want that in their bf. He’s not just a piece of meat. My wife is/was in love with her bf. It made everything both easier and hotter. She loved sex with him - and me. It’s human nature .
Fear. That is what we are talking about. The fear on the part of the guy that the wife will become more emotionally involved and attached to the 3rd than to husband. It’s competition. So guys want to make rules that basically say “ I want you to fuck someone, but you cannot like them - I mean really like them.” ...... Nature cannot be fooled. How am I going to make a rule that says don’t be attracted, don’t form an emotional bond, don’t like his personality, don’t like his company. Most women want that in their bf. He’s not just a piece of meat. My wife is/was in love with her bf. It made everything both easier and hotter. She loved sex with him - and me. It’s human nature .
Absolutely correct !!!
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It’s nearly impossible to know whether or not feelings will enter the relationship or not, however I feel that of you’re willing to put your wife in that kind of situation, then you have to also be aware that some sort of feelings might present themselves, whether it be a crush, infatuation or even quite possibly, love. And not necessarily the type of love in which she would leave you, but the natural love that can happen when two people share something so personal and intimate.
Jo only has sex with one guy other than me so I guess she must have some attachment, she talks to him on the phone when I am not around, and texts him the same. I have to ask her if she has heard from him. She tells me. There must be some feelings. I so tell her fairly often that I want her to fuck him a lot, but that is selfishness on my behalf as I seem to only get fucked when John gets fucked and I like to get fucked. so ya I would say they have feelings , but she still loves me more, I know that as we have our regular lives to live also, kids, family ets.
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So I know a lot of couples make rules about never doing it with the same bull twice, or setting a limit of no more than three times, etc. It seems like to me this is designed to protect the marriage by limiting emotional attachment. On the other end of the spectrum, it seems some cucks fantasize about the wife leaving, as the most extreme form of humiliation and masochism.

Can a wife have a crush/infatuation with a bull and still love her husband?
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So I know a lot of couples make rules about never doing it with the same bull twice, or setting a limit of no more than three times, etc. It seems like to me this is designed to protect the marriage by limiting emotional attachment. On the other end of the spectrum, it seems some cucks fantasize about the wife leaving, as the most extreme form of humiliation and masochism.

Can a wife have a crush/infatuation with a bull and still love her husband?
YES I have two bulls who satisfy me like my husband cannot. They stay individually, with us for extended amounts of time. We take one of them on vacation with us, almost like part of our family. I love my bulls I really do. That being said I love my husband like no other. HE's a great provider, wonderful father and treats me like a queen. I would be lost without him. My mate for life.
YES I have two bulls who satisfy me like my husband cannot. They stay individually, with us for extended amounts of time. We take one of them on vacation with us, almost like part of our family. I love my bulls I really do. That being said I love my husband like no other. HE's a great provider, wonderful father and treats me like a queen. I would be lost without him. My mate for life.
You mean that your bull goes on holidays with your husband and children ?
As long as he wasn't a one-time partner, some affection or concern always developed between my wife and her lover. Did her emotions grow to the crush level? I don't know. I do know that some men provoked far greater anticipation and special preparation from her. The inverse, where the other man developed a crush on her, happened all the time. I would see it on his face, as she described a recent encounter with another man or when she asked if he could bring a male friend with him the next time.
It is possible. When my wife started having sex with her current boyfriend, it started as pure lust, but as time passed, they started spending time together, enjoying each other much more, and they had developed feelings. Eventually, my wife confessed to him that we wanted to have kids but could not because of me, and he volunteered to help if we agreed, and now, he is father to both our ...... and our unborn ....... I know my wife loves him, but I also know she loves me as well.
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It is possible. When my wife started having sex with her current boyfriend, it started as pure lust, but as time passed, they started spending time together, enjoying each other much more, and they had developed feelings. Eventually, my wife confessed to him that we wanted to have kids but could not because of me, and he volunteered to help if we agreed, and now, he is father to both our ...... and our unborn ....... I know my wife loves him, but I also know she loves me as well.
Beautiful outcome. Must have been very, very erotic as they tried to conceive. Did you enjoy her pregnancy? Hopefully it all went well.