Interracial lust

That's me in the cage. Honestly it doesn't hurt me one bit. I've heard other guys find it painful but not me. I once wore it for 4 months straight. I tried to be caged 24/7/365. 4 months was all i could take but even then it never got physically painful.
Being cage around all these guys that want to fuck are wives such a turn on.
LadyD использует его член в своих интересах.
А я обречен наблюдать.
Увидев фотографию, она сказала:
«Наблюдение — это просто удел рогоносца. Или мне следует сказать, что это одолжение? В конце концов, это также возбуждает тебя. А это, в свою очередь, безмерно возбуждает меня».

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That's me in the cage. Honestly it doesn't hurt me one bit. I've heard other guys find it painful but not me. I once wore it for 4 months straight. I tried to be caged 24/7/365. 4 months was all i could take but even then it never got physically painful.
Ok, I'm asking out of complete ignorance of cages, and in no way being disrespectful of y'all who enjoy them. When you have to p i s s, do you just p i s s thru the thing and wipe it off and carry on until you can take a shower and clean it better?